Removed 70000 for the buyer to pay the property deed tax money ...

“through the Real Estate Agents I have bought a set of second-hand housing in the signing of a contract for the sale before the intermediary salesman suddenly shouldered Xu I went to real estate trading center deed tax to pay 70,000 yuan. Who knows, he has gone after拿了钱, cell phones are always turned off at the beginning, I is not doing well and immediately reported to the police. “In recent days, readers Cheng Morning call the hotline, reflecting the face of the fraud to buy a house.

side Real Estate Agents, said the salesman in violation of the relevant operational procedures, the current company is actively cooperate with the police investigation, but as a result of Mr. Zheng cash salesman can not provide the certificate, the clerk away how much money is still uncertain.

salesman “deed tax to pay” for good

5 early, Mr. Zheng in the Xuhui district is located in Liuzhou see Real Estate Agents Caojing Road a residential buyers and sellers through several rounds of consultations, the final price set at 1.29 million. The evening of June 6, salesman Xu Cheng phoned him the next day to the company and the seller to sign a contract for the sale, in accordance with the contractual agreement, signed when the first payment to be paid 350,000 yuan.

6 on on the morning of 7 in, accompanied by Xu, Cheng went to the bank opened an amount of 35 million personal promissory notes, prepared for the first payment. Mr. Zheng is on preparing to leave the bank to an intermediary company, Xu suddenly looked reluctant: “it is almost noon, if signed after the end of trading center for real estate ownership, then there certainly has been the staff lunch break, and only again for the afternoon, which may be submitted to the time delay. “Hearing Mr. Zheng was very anxious, Xu was recommended two separate actions: Cheng alone company and the seller to sign, while trading center to help him to pay 70,000 yuan for the deed tax and transfer procedures. See Cheng skeptical expression, Xu produce seller’s real estate cards into his hands: “You put 100 heart Well, the middle card in your hands, I can play any tricks? “When I see Xu vowed to ensure” after completing the formalities as soon as the transfer back to the company, “Mr. Zheng check from the bank of 7 million yuan in cash, into the hands of each other.

a quarter of an hour later, Mr Cheng went to an intermediary company, such a long time but also the seller, was not disturbed by passing a trace. He hastened to call Contact Xu, but the other phone is always turned off. Mr Cheng is aware of their上了当immediately reported to the police.

Real Estate Agents with the police search

reporter linked to an intermediary company, the other side, said: “in accordance with the relevant operational procedures, only the buyers and sellers to sign good deal contract only after the trading center to handle the transfer procedures and transfer of ownership must be present when buyers and sellers. Xu This is obviously not in conformity with norms. “The company told reporters that the company funds to hedge against the risk of a number of measures, posted notices on the wall, as well as agreements signed with clients in both state funds must be into the company’s financial accounts, shall not handle any funds salesman.

In addition, Mr Cheng made available to the payment agreement on a list of payment processes, in advance carefully to see if Mr. Zheng, the salesman will not let an opportunity, causing heavy economic losses. As the payment of money to Mr. Zheng Xu did not ask for a receipt, it was swept away 70,000 yuan in cash is only one side of the story of Mr. Zheng, such as the specific amount, only to find the truth in order to Xu.

The person in charge revealed that Xu origin Anhui, after the incident while the company actively cooperate with police investigations, while trying Xu contact friends and relatives in Shanghai, hoping to obtain some clues.

[lawyers point of view]

the blame

Yesterday, reporter Shanghai Alliance Law Firm Wang Zhan lawyers, in his view, in this dispute, the buyer, Mr Cheng and intermediary companies at fault, so the two sides should bear certain responsibilities. First of all, the property deed tax should be after the signing of a contract for the sale by the buyer, I pay, pending the signing of a contract for the sale and there is no written commissioned intermediary companies pay deed tax circumstances, brushing the large amounts of cash to the clerk is obviously wrong.

As for the amount of cash away, the buyer should provide the appropriate evidence, such as bank teller records, such as eyewitness testimony. Secondly, the salesman Xu is an intermediary company’s full-time employees, he used his position to facilitate the client’s money away and fled, which fully exposed the intermediary company’s personnel hiring and management system has serious flaws, and therefore there are certain mistakes.

Wang Zhan reminded, in the payment of money as far as possible, by bank transfer manner, to avoid contact with an intermediary sales of large amounts of cash, such as the need for the deposit clerk handed over money, we must ask issued I signed, the company sealed a receipt in order to avoid future disputes.


“通过房产中介我已经买了一套二手房签署了一项销售合同之前,中介业务员突然肩负徐我去房地产交易中心契税支付七点零万元。谁知道,他已经在拿了钱,手机总是关机开始,我是不是做得很好,并立即向警方报案。 “最近几天来,读者程上午致电热线,反映了面对欺诈购买一所房子。




6日上午7中的陪同下,徐,程去银行开设了一个金额为35万台个人本票,编写的{dy}笔付款。郑筱萸是在准备离开银行的中介公司,徐突然不愿意看: “这是近中午,如果结束后签署贸易中心房地产的所有权,那么就肯定已经被工作人员午休时间,并只有再次下午,可能提交的时间延迟。 “听力郑先生非常着急,徐是两个单独的行动建议:成单独的公司和卖方签订,而交易中心,以帮助他支付七点○万元对契税和转让程序。见程持怀疑态度的表达,徐生产卖方的房地产卡到他的手: “你把100心井,中东卡在手,我可以扮演任何花招? ”当我看到徐发誓要确保“的手续完成后,尽快转让回到公司, “先生,郑检查从银行的7万元现金,落入对方。



记者联系的中介公司,对方说: “按照有关业务程序,只有买家和卖家签订好交易合同只有在交易中心办理转让手续和所有权的转让必须在场时,买家和卖家。徐这显然是不符合规范。 “该公司对记者说,该公司向对冲基金的风险,一些的措施,张贴告示上墙,并与客户签订的协议在这两个国家的资金,必须到该公司的财务账户,不得处理任何资金推销员。








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