
仪表仪表阀门的过程检测与日常维护----定期排污 仪表阀门定期排污主要有两项工作,其一是排污,其二是定期进行吹洗。这项工作应因地制宜,并不是所有过程仪表仪表阀门都需要定期排污。 1.排污 排污主要是针对差压变送器、压力变送器、浮筒液位计等仪表,由于测量介质含有 粉尘、油垢、微小颗粒等在导压管内沉积(或在取压阀内沉积),直接或间接影响测量。排污周期可由仪表工根据实践自行确定。 定期排污应注意事项如下: ① 排污前,必须和工艺人员联系,取得工艺人员认可才能进行; ② 流量或压力调节系统排污前,应先将自动切换到手动,保证调节阀的开度不变; ③ 对于差压变送器,排污前先将三阀组正负取压阀关死; ④ 排污阀下放置容器,慢慢打开正负导压管排污阀,使物料和污物进入容器,防止物料直接排入地沟,否则,一来污染环境,二来造成浪费; ⑤ 由于仪表阀门质量差,排污仪表阀门开关几次以后会出现关不死的慰问,应急措施是加盲板,保证排污阀处于不泄漏,以免影响测量xx度。 ⑥ 开启三阀组正负取压阀,拧松差压变送器本体上排污(排气)螺丝进行排污,排污完成拧紧螺丝; ⑦ 观察现场指示仪表,直至输出正常,若是调节系统,将手动切换与自动。 2.吹洗 吹洗是利用吹气或冲液使被测介质与仪表部件或测量管线不直接接触,以保护测量仪表并实施测量的一种方法。吹气是通过测量管线向测量对象连续定量地吹入气体。冲液是通过测量管线向测量对象连续定量地冲入液体。对于腐蚀性、粘稠性、结晶性、熔融性、沉淀性介质进行测量,并采用隔离方式难以满足要求时,才采用吹洗。 吹洗应注意事项如下: ① 吹洗气体或液体必须是被测工艺对象所允许的流动介质,通常它应满足下列要求: a. 与被测工艺介质不发生化学反应; b. 清洁,不含固体颗粒; c. 通过节流减压后不发生相变; d. 无腐蚀性; e. 流动性好。 ② 吹洗液体供应源充足可靠,不受工艺操作影响。 ③ 吹洗流体的压力应高于工艺过程在测量点可能达到的{zg}压力,保证吹洗流体按设计要求的流量连续稳定地吹洗。 ④ 采用限流孔板或可调阻力的转子流量计测量和控制吹洗液体或气体的流量。 ⑤ 吹洗流体入口点应尽可能靠近仪表取源部件(或靠近测量点),以便使吹洗流体在测量管线中产生的压力降保持在最小值。 ⑥ 为了尽可能减小测量误差,要求吹洗流体的流量必须恒定。根据吹洗流体的种类、被测介质的特性以及测量要求决定吹洗流量,下列吹洗流体数值供参考: a. 流化床:吹洗流体为空气或其他气体时,一般为0.85 ~ 3.4nm3/h。 b. 低压储槽液位测量:吹洗流体为空气或其他气体时,一般为0.03~0.045nm3/h。 c. 一般流量测量:吹洗流体为气体时,一般为0.03~0.14nm3/h;吹洗流体为液体时,一般为0.014 ~ 0.036m3/h。

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Instrument Valve Instrument the process of inspection and daily maintenance of the sewage on a regular basis ---- Instrument Valves There are two main work of the sewage on a regular basis, one is the sewage, and the second is the periodic blowing. This work should be adapted to local conditions, not all process instrumentation instrumentation valves require regular sewage. 1. Sewage Sewage is mainly directed against differential pressure transmitter, pressure transmitter, float level gauge and other instruments, as measured medium containing dust, grease, and other small particles in the deposition of lead-pressure (or pressure valve to take the deposition), directly or indirectly affect the measurement. Sewage-cycle may be working according to practice their own determination as instruments. Sewage on a regular basis should be noted are: ① sewage, they must contact and process to obtain staff approval process can take place; ② sewage flow or pressure regulating system, should automatically switch to manual first to ensure the control valve opening degree of change; ③ For the differential pressure transmitter, the sewage before the first three positive and negative pressure measuring valve valve shut; ④ sewage valve placed under the vessel, slowly open the positive and negative derivative pressure pipe sewage valve, so that material and dirt into the containers to prevent material directly into the trench, or else one to pollute the environment, two, causing a waste; ⑤ As the poor quality instrument valves, instrument valve switches the sewage will appear after a few die off sympathy, emergency measures are added Blind to ensure that sewage does not leak at the valve, so as not to affect measurement accuracy. ⑥ to take positive and negative pressure valve to open three valves, screw pine differential pressure transmitter body and sewage (exhaust) screws for the sewage, the sewage completed tighten the screws; ⑦ observe the instructions of instruments, until the output of a normal, if the regulating system, and auto-manual switch. 2. Purge Purge is the use of flat or red liquid so that the measured medium and instrument components or measuring pipeline is not in direct contact in order to protect the measuring instruments and implementation of measurement methods. Blow is a pipeline to the measurement of an object by measuring the continuous quantitative blowing gas. Red liquid is measured by pipeline to a continuous quantitative measurement of an object into the liquid. For corrosive, viscous nature, crystallinity, melting nature of precipitation medium were measured, and using isolation method difficult to meet the requirements, before using Purge. Purge should be noted that the following items: ① blowing gas or liquid must be tested process to allow the flow of media objects, usually it should meet the following requirements: a. with the measured process fluid is not a chemical reaction; b. clean, non-solid particles; c. through the throttling does not occur after decompression phase transition; d. non-corrosive; e. liquidity is good. ② blowing liquid sources of supply adequate and reliable process operation is not affected. ③ blowing fluid pressure should be higher than the measurement process may reach the highest point of the pressure to ensure blowing of fluid flow according to design requirements of a continuous and steady blowing. ④ using limiting orifice or adjustable resistance of the rotor flow meter measurement and control of blowing the flow of liquids or gases. ⑤ blowing fluid entry point should be as close as possible to take the source instrument parts (or near the measurement point), so that blowing of fluid produced in the measurement of pipeline pressure drop maintained at the minimum. ⑥ In order to minimize measurement error, require blowing fluid flow must be constant. Purge fluid according to the type of measured characteristics of the medium as well as the decision to Purge flow measurement requirements, the following Purge fluid values for reference: a. fluidized bed: Purge fluid is air or other gases, the generally 0.85 ~ 3.4nm3 / h. b. low pressure storage tank liquid level measurement: Purge fluid is air or other gases, the generally 0.03 ~ 0.045nm3 / h. c. General Flow Measurement: Purge fluid is gas, generally 0.03 ~ 0.14nm3 / h; blowing when the washing fluid into a liquid, generally 0.014 ~ 0.036m3 / h.


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