打黄体酮针,对宝宝有影响吗« BABY宝宝百科

有过两次胚胎停止发育的痛苦经历,无出血,都是自己做的人流。之后检查发现封闭抗体是阴性,做了一个疗程的免疫xx,现刚刚怀孕,停经33天。昨天去医院验了HCG 和孕酮,现在的指标医生说都属于正常。医生说考虑到前两次的经历,建议做保胎。所以给我配了10天量保胎灵药,10天量的黄体酮针,每天注射20MG/1枝。10天后叫我去做B超。这期间,继续免疫xx。身边的人都和我说,黄体酮针对BB不好啊 ,导致畸形什么的,还有网上也有很多不好的说法。内心很忐忑的啊 想,问问各位姐妹,专家们的意见。这样的日子不好过啊。




two embryos had to stop the bitter experience of development, no bleeding, the flow of people are their own. Detected after blocking antibodies is negative, so a course of immunotherapy, it is just pregnancy, menopause 33 days. Yesterday, go to the hospital post-mortem of the HCG and progesterone, the doctor said indicators are normal. The doctor said to take into account the experience of the previous two, it is recommended to do Baotai. So give me 10 days with a volume of Baotai panacea, for 10 days the amount of progesterone injections, daily injection 20MG / 1 sticks. 10 days later asked me to do it B-. During this period, continue to immunotherapy. And the people around me that progesterone is not good for the BB, what led to deformities, there are many online bad argument. Font sincerely want to, ah, ask you, sisters, the views of experts. So ah life uncomfortable.

Do not be too worried about progesterone injection on the baby no harm, otherwise the doctor will give you not opened! Furthermore, you have the two previous unpleasant experiences, and we must strive to keep the baby ah!放宽心, listening to the doctor! 10 days so there is no problem with color, and you can feel at ease raising a baby! Good luck!

Baotai progesterone is, but it seems that the old methods, and our city’s hospitals now not to fight the needle, I am pregnant, when asked to go to the hospital, the West generally do not Baotai hospitals, food and Chinese medicine Chinese medicine hospital .

Do not worry too much about, I also have two of the tires to stop the pain experience, this third pregnancy progesterone useful Baotai I finally gave birth to a healthy son.放宽心bar, listening to the doctor, and I wish you good luck. My baby’s home page: http://gxj750716.bb.iyaya.com/

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