[2010.01.28] Towards a socialised state 走向社会化国度- 专题 ...
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Towards a socialised state

The joy of unlimited communication

Jan 28th 2010
From The Economist print edition

Illustration by Ian Whadcock

WHAT will the future of social networking look like? Imagine this: your digital video recorder automatically copies a television show that several of your friends were talking about on a social network before the show went on air. Or this: you get into your car, switch on its navigation system and ask it to guide you to a friend’s house. As you pull out of the driveway, the network to which you both belong automatically alerts her that you are on your way. And this: as you are buying a pair of running shoes that you think one of your friends might be interested in, you can send a picture to their network page with a couple of clicks on a keypad next to the checkout counter.

未来的社交网络将是怎样的呢?想象一下:您的几个朋友在某个电视节目播出之前正在社交网络上对之加以评论,(一旦开播)您的数字录像机就会自动将它复制下来。或者:您坐进自己的汽车,打开车载导航系统,让系统引导您到一个朋友的家。在您从私宅短道出来, 刚刚转进马路的时候,你们两位共属的网络就自动将您正在路上这个消息通知她。还有这个:您在买一双跑鞋时,想到自己的朋友中可能有人会对这双跑鞋感兴趣。在收银台旁边的小键盘上按两三个键,您就可以向他们的网页发送一张照片。

Networking types like to talk about the idea that there is a pervasive social element in all of the things people interact with. Listen to them long enough and you come away with the impression that your teapot will soon be twittering about what you had for breakfast. Some of the ideas outlined above may sound farfetched, but a service such as Facebook Connect, which already lets people export their social graph of online relationships to other web-enabled gizmos, suggests they are not completely outlandish. Everything from cars to cookers could ultimately have social connectivity embedded in it.

爱交际的人喜欢谈论这样的观点:在人们打交道的所有东西中都渗透着社会要素。听他们说多了,您离开时会觉得自己的茶壶很快就会叽叽喳喳谈论您早餐吃的东西。上文所述的一些想法可能听来不大可信,但“脸谱互联”(Facebook Connect)等服务已经让人们能将自己的网上关系社交图输出到其它有网络功能的小玩意。这些服务表明这些想法不是怪到没边的。从汽车到厨具的一切东西最终都会有社交联系功能嵌入其中。

But when it comes to helping social networks achieve ubiquity, none of these things will be remotely as important as the mobile phone. Using a web-enabled phone to post status updates and send messages is still a niche activity in many countries, but it will rapidly become a mainstream one as mobile-broadband services overtake fixed-line ones in a few years’ time. One estimate by eMarketer suggests that just over 600m people will use their phones to tap into social networks by 2013, a more-than-fourfold increase on last year’s 140m.




This shift has big implications. For a start, mobile phones in emerging markets—or devices such as cheap netbooks linked to the internet via mobile networks—will open up a brand new audience whose use of social sites has so far been hampered by a frustrating lack of fast, PC-based internet connections. Companies such as Sembuse in Kenya, which bills itself as east Africa’s first mobile social network, and South Africa’s Mxit are already gearing up to connect millions more people to one another through their mobile phones, providing a big fillip to the amount of information-sharing going on around the world.

这种变化有很大意义。首先,新兴市场的移动电话——或通过移动网络连接互联网的廉价上网本等设备——将赢得全新的爱好者。这些爱好者由于缺乏速度快捷的基于个人电脑的互联网连接途径,所以他们对社交网络的使用过去一直受到妨碍, 令人沮丧。一些公司——像宣称自己是非洲{sg}移动社交网络的肯尼亚Sembuse公司和南非的Mxit公司——已经准备好将数百万人通过他们的移动电话相互联系起来,极大地刺激全世界的信息共享。

The rise of mobile-phone-based networking will have an impact on rich-world markets too. Thanks to fast and relatively cheap mobile broadband services, phones have already become the device of choice for accessing some sites in Asia. Shigeya Kawagishi, an executive at Mixi, one of Japan’s largest social networks with 18m members, says the vast majority of its traffic now comes from phone-toting customers who check in to get updates four or five times a day (see chart 7). Facebook, which has some 65m mobile users, says they are almost half as active again on the site as other folk.

基于移动电话的网络兴起,也会影响富裕地区市场。在亚洲,归功于快速、相对廉价的移动宽带服务,电话已经成为访问一些网站的{sx}设备。Mixi是日本{zd0}的社交网络之一,拥有1800万会员。其高管川岸茂也(Shigeya Kawagishi)称该网站的绝大多数流量现在来自电话用户,他们每天登录四、五次来获取更新(见图7)。拥有约6500万移动用户的脸谱网(Facebook)称他们在网站上的活跃程度几乎是其他群体的一倍半。

On location


This trend towards mobile usage is fuelling speculation that the next big thing will be geo-networking apps, which use virtual data to broker real-world encounters. These apps encourage the serendipity that Twitter’s Mr Stone talks about by allowing people to use their mobiles to signal where they are to friends who may be nearby. Several start-ups such as Foursquare and Gowalla are building businesses around this idea and
Twitter plans to do so too. Asking people to add their whereabouts to their tweets, the firm hopes, will enable it to use these data to direct advertising and other services at people as they move from place to place.


To some, the idea of a technology that can arrange chance meetings with their friends will seem like a dream come true. To others, the thought of being tracked from place to place is a nightmarish prospect that has a Big Brother feel about it. To people who run social networks, location-based networking is a logical extension of their efforts to humanise technology and harness it to the cause of greater global openness.


The networks’ founders seem to have an almost Utopian belief in the benefits that their creations will deliver. Facebook’s Mr Zuckerberg, for example, describes the greater openness he believes his firm and others like it are bringing to human interactions as “probably the greatest transformative force in our generation, absent a major war.” Mr Stone, for his part, reckons Twitter “is something important that has the potential to change the world, though we have a long way to go.”


Much the same sort of thing was said about the internet when it first emerged. But it was also met with a great deal of scepticism by those who thought the web could never be used to make money, and from bosses who assumed that workers would use it simply to watch pornography and play online poker. The sceptics were astonished when it went on to produce corporate powerhouses such as Amazon and Google, and provided businesses with remarkable new tools for boosting productivity and generating fresh ideas.


The parallels with social networks are striking. That should come as no surprise, because those networks too are creatures of the internet and the ultimate expression of what its founding father, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, wanted it to be. In his book “Weaving the Web” Sir Tim explained that the internet was always meant to be more of a social creation than a technical one. The ultimate goal, he wrote, was to come up with something that, first and foremost, would make it easier for people to collaborate with one another.

社交网络惊人相似。相似本应在意料之中,因为这些网络也是互联网的产物,而且是互联网之父蒂姆•伯纳斯•李(Tim Berners-Lee)先生心目中理想的互联网的最终表现。在他的《编织万维网》一书中,蒂姆先生解释说,互联网一直都不仅仅是一种技术性创造,更是一种社会性创造。他写道,最终的目标是发明出某种事物,它的首要用途就是让人们更易于彼此协作。

This special report has argued that social networks have already done much to achieve that goal. They have created trusted online venues where people can meet up using their real identities. They have provided firms with new ways to reach their customers and those who influence them. They have reduced friction in the labour market by allowing employers and prospective employees to connect more easily than ever before. And they have speeded up the flow of information within companies.


All of these are impressive achievements. But arguably the most important contribution that the sites have made is to offer a free and immensely powerful set of communication and collaboration tools to everyone on Earth who has access to a broadband internet connection. This democratisation of technology is driving the socialisation of the web and fundamentally changing the way that people interact with one another, as well as with businesses and governments.


It has also made it easy for anyone to form a globe-spanning discussion group of their own with just a few clicks of a mouse. Not so long ago that would have been the preserve of an elite group of companies and institutions which had the necessary financial and technical clout to perform such feats. Now, thanks to the technology created by Facebook and its peers, millions of these conversations can take place simultaneously with the greatest of ease. The world is better off for it.

WHAT will the future of social networking look like? Imagine this: your digital video recorder automatically copies a television show that several of your friends were talking about on a social network before the show went on air. Or this: you get into your car, switch on its navigation system and ask it to guide you to a friend’s house. As you pull out of the driveway, the network to which you both belong automatically alerts her that you are on your way. And this: as you are buying a pair of running shoes that you think one of your friends might be interested in, you can send a picture to their network page with a couple of clicks on a keypad next to the checkout counter. 原译: 未来的社交网络将是怎样的呢?想象一下:您的几个朋友正在社交网络上谈论一个电视节目,而在这个节目播出之前,您的数字录像机就自动将它复制下来。或者:您坐进自己的汽车,打开车载导航系统,让系统引导您到一个朋友的家。随着您离开私人车道,你们两位共属的网络就自动将您正在路上这个消息通知她。还有这个:您在买一双跑鞋时,想到自己的朋友中可能有人会对这双跑鞋感兴趣。在收银台旁边的小键盘上按两三个键,您就可以向他们的网页发送一张照片。
评论:your digital video recorder automatically copies a television show that several of your friends were talking about on a social network before the show went on air.
这里的before the show went on air 修饰several of your friends were talking about on a social network 而不是your digital video recorder automatically copies a television show。 重译:您的几个朋友在某个电视节目播出之前正在社交网络上对之加以评论,(一旦开播)你的数字录像机就会自动将它复制下来。
As you pull out of the driveway, 这里的driveway译成私人车道没有错, 但是不如译成由私宅通马路的短车道。 Pull out of the driveway, 指的是刚从这条私宅短道出来, 刚刚转进马路的时候。
This shift has big implications. For a start, mobile phones in emerging markets—or devices such as cheap netbooks linked to the internet via mobile networks—will open up a brand new audience whose use of social sites has so far been hampered by a frustrating lack of fast, PC-based internet connections. 原译:这种变化有很大意义。首先,新兴市场的移动电话——或通过移动网络连接互联网的廉价上网本等设备——将赢得全新的爱好者。基于个人电脑的互联网连接的速度慢,令人沮丧,过去一直妨碍这些爱好者使用社交网站。
评论:has so far been hampered by a frustrating lack of fast, PC-based internet connections译成:基于个人电脑的互联网连接的速度慢,令人沮丧,过去一直妨碍这些爱好者使用社交网站。------我觉的这是误译。 这里不是在说“基于个人电脑的互联网连接的速度慢,令人沮丧”, 这里说的是:正是因为缺乏速度快捷的个人电脑互联网, 所以使用社交网站的爱好者受到障碍, 令人沮丧。 现实中, xx存在速度快捷的个人电脑互联网, 但是有的地方阙如。
The rise of mobile-phone-based networking will have an impact on rich-world markets too. Thanks to fast and relatively cheap mobile broadband services, phones have already become the device of choice for accessing some sites in Asia.. 原译:基于移动电话的网络兴起,也会影响富裕地区市场。在亚洲,归功于快速、相对廉价的移动宽带服务,电话已经成为访问一些网站的可选设备。
评论: the device of choice 不是“可选设备”而是“{sx}设备”。有时, choice 还可做形容词用, 因此有{zgj}, choicest. 我甚至见到the choicest choice. 从这个意义上说, the device of choice = the device of the choicest choice.
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