FMC|特许经营管理|1|当今特许经营发展趋势» 新仁类|健康财富人生





?Among the most important trends in franchising today are the internationalization of franchising, the emergence of women and minorities in franchising, and the increased use of technology. All of these have profound and positive effects on franchising and make it an even more dynamic method of doing business today.



International Franchising



1. Franchised businesses continue to grow in all corners of the world. On average 14 percent of a country’s franchisors establish franchises across borders. For instance, from 1985-1995, 48 percent of the units established by U.S. franchisors were international units. In 1995, more than 400 U.S. franchise systems operated internationally. In 2000, approximately 100 additional U.S. franchise systems set up globally. International franchising has been successful because consumers around the world recognize famous brands as symbols of quality, consistency, service, and value.



2. If you are considering the purchase of a franchise, you may want to not limit the scope of your search to franchisors in your home country. Increasingly, franchisors are seeking franchisees internationally, and a foreign-based franchisor may provide you with the franchised opportunity which you are seeking.

2. 如果你正在考虑加盟一个特许经营项目,你可能不想被限制于只在国内寻找特许人。特许人也逐渐地寻求开展国际加盟,这样一家国外的特许人可能为你提供你所寻找的特许经营机会。


3.In many cases, foreign-based franchisors offer individual franchises to operate a single unit. They also often offer development rights to operate multiple units and “master franchise” rights. The latter is, essentially, an opportunity to be the “franchisor” for the foreign-based concept in your country or a portion of your country.

3. 在大多数情况下,国外的特许人提供单店特许经营权来运营一个单店。他们同样经常提供运营多个单店的高级的特许经营权和“区域主特许经营权”。后者实质上,在你国家一定区域里有机会成为“特许人”概念范畴。


4. Of course, international franchising presents different challenges than domestic franchising. For example, if goods will come from overseas, you may need to be aware of various duties, tariffs, and transportation requirements. You also need to consider language and cultural differences. For instance, if you are a franchisee in a different country from the franchisor’s home office, the franchisor’s system may need to be modified for use in your country.

4.? 当然,目前国际特许经营相对于本土特许经营面临着更多的挑战。举个例子,如果货物来自海外,你可能要注意各种责任,比如关税,运输条件。你同样需要考虑语言与文化上的差异。例如,如果你是一个来自一个和特许人总部不同国家的受许人,特许人的特许经营体系可能需要修改以适合你的国家。



Minorities and Women in Franchising



1. Increasing numbers of minorities and women are discovering that franchising can be a good opportunity for everybody. While franchising is not a panacea, it provides a means for mitigating the traditional obstacles that otherwise competent and capable small investors, particularly women and minorities, face: lack of business experience and capital. Franchisors provide managerial training and assistance on an on-going basis and, in some cases, arrange for property leases, provide equipment financing and sale-leaseback programs, and assist franchisees in obtaining financing.

1. 越来越多的少数民族和妇女发现特许经营对每个人来说都是个好机会。尽管特许经营不是{wn}药,它减轻了传统经营模式的某些阻碍,对于那些能干的小投资者来讲,尤其是妇女和少数民族以及那些缺少商业经验和资本的人们,这种创业模式是个很好的手段。特许人提供管理培训和事业起步的基础补助,甚至,安排物业租赁,提供设备融资和售后回租项目,并协助加盟者获得xx。


2. As a result of a strong economy, women are increasingly in leadership positions in franchising whether through establishing new companies, becoming single and multi-unit franchisees, or having high-level positions at corporate headquarters.

2. 强有力的经济事实证明,不管是否通过建立新的公司,妇女正逐渐在特许经营活动中占据领导位置,成为单店或区域特许加盟商,或者在总部担任中高层职位。


3. According to the National Foundation for Women Business Owners, 9.1 million women owned business firms in the U.S. This represented 38 percent of all business, employing over 27.5 million people, and generating over 3.6 trillion in sales.



4. As the population of minorities in the U.S. continues to rise, minority franchising in cities is expected to rise.

4. 随着少数民族人数在美国人口总数中占有比重继续上升,在城市中参与特许经营的少数民族人数预计也会逐渐上升。


5. In addition, some governmental agencies encourage the franchising route for minorities, through programs such as Maryland’s Equity Participation Investment Program.

5. 此外,一些政府部门鼓励特许经营路线,通过对少数民族的项目,例如马里兰的参股投资计划来帮助他们。


6. The Women’s Franchise Committee (WFC) of the IFA which was formed in 1996, serves as a resource for women seeking career growth opportunities in franchising and provides international network opportunities, an annual meeting, and monthly telephone conferences.




Technology and Franchising



There are several trends related to the use of technology in franchising today. 1), many franchisors use the internet to communicate with franchise owners and suppliers through secure extranets in order to share critical information, facilitate discussion among the franchise network, post operations manuals and updates, disseminate news about ad campaigns, engage in supply chain management, and gather sales reports automatically and without the need for more labor-intensive data entry. 2), franchisors use the internet to advertise their network to customers. 3), some franchisors use the internet to engage in business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce, often with the involvement of franchisees. 4), many prospective franchisees glean information and make contact with franchisors using the internet. Some franchisors now report that they get more sales leads from the internet than from any other source. 5), and finally, franchisors make extensive use of technology in offering their services directly to consumers — such as networks of businesses that offer website design and web hosting. The prospects for, and reality of, involving technology in franchising make this a very exciting time to own a franchised business.














  • 2010年01月11日 -- (1)
    仁恺目前就读于 北京航空航天大学北海学院( 经济与管理学院 特许经营管理专业(国际特许经...

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