

关于 美国就业发展xx中心 (United States Employment Development Lending Center) 是美国xx政府授权专门提供中小企业xx的大型投资移民地区中心,是目前美国境内获批的移民区域中心中,{wy}得到2009年2月通过的 “美国经济复苏法案” (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) 明文支持,并从xx财政预算中得到上限30亿美元无条件放贷担保的区域中心。该中心自2010年4月起,开始正式接受海外移民投资,协助符合资格的投资人,取得在美国的合法居留权。



EB-5 项目:EB-5 是美国以就业为基础的第五类移民签证类型,即投资移民类。





特点和优势:美国xx政府通过美国中小企业管理局 (Small Business Administration) 从2010年5月开始,提供给中心每一笔xx85%的无条件担保金,在xx企业无力还贷的{dy}时间,提供上限为总xx额85%的资金偿还投资人。xx中另外15%由xx企业提供固定资产 (譬如商用房地产) 作为{dy}优先抵押,总抵押价值一般相当于这部分xx额的4到6倍,企业无力还贷的情况下,中心可以依法没收并拍卖抵押的固定资产,以找回15%xx损失。

中心运行{dy}阶段xx对象,范围覆盖加利福尼亚州所有58个县,超过1,000种不同行业的中小企业,xx服务网络由美国{zd0}的非盈利中小企业xx中介“中小企业融资公司” (Small Business Finance) 与包括花旗,富国,美国银行在内的,超过100家信誉卓著的美国银行集体组成。

与现存的所有其他EB-5区域中心相比,美国就业开发xx中心在资金操作上,实行全透明方式,投资款项 (50万美金,或100万美元,由xx企业所在地决定) 中任何一分钱,都不得用于支付地区中心或有限合伙营运花费,而是全部作为xx款项,在xx30亿资金和企业固定资产双重担保下,授予经严格审查符合条件的中小企业。





EB-5 签证每年有多少名额?
EB-5 签证每年有 1 万个名额,提供给那些可以为美国劳工创造或保留十个工作机会的合格投资案投资人及其家属。其中,有 5000 个名额是特别保留给投资于经济特区的投资人。

投资人必须具备商业背景或语文能力吗 ?

投资人必须会说英语吗 ?

EB-5移民类别和 L-1 (跨国公司经理调派)或 E-1/2 (协定国贸易人/投资人)类别有何不同 ?
E-1/2 协定国投资人或协定国贸易人的方案,只可获得美国非移民的身份。当合格的贸易投资人的投资停止时,其所被核发的非移民身份,就同时停止。
L-1签证是非移民签证,但不同于 E-1/2 的是,L-1 签证的外国人未来可以申请跨国公司高阶主管的移民签证,但是如果 L-1 申请获准,申请人反而会因为此类别中原本存在之高比率的xx案,导致其日后移民审理的份外严格,而使得其申请案面临更多的困难,因此,您或许应该申请{yj}居民的移民身份。

Lending on the U.S. Employment Development Centre (United States Employment Development Lending Center) is specifically authorized by the U.S. federal government to provide loans to SMEs major regional center for business migrants, is approved in the United States immigration regional center, the only received in February 2009 by "American Economic Recovery Act" (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) expressly support, and get from the federal budget cap 3 billion U.S. dollars in loans guaranteed unconditionally regional center. The center from April 2010 onwards, started accepting immigrants from overseas investment, to help eligible investors to obtain legal residence in the United States.

"U.S. employment development lending center" 2010. '6 8, a landing at Beijing International Hotel, China News Release and Project Description will be!

EB-5 Project: EB-5 is the U.S. employment-based immigrant visas fifth type, the investment immigration category.
The project began in 1991. Immigrant investor must be in the United States to start their own businesses, invest one million U.S. dollars, a direct long-term employment at least 10 people, it can function with the conditions of immigrants the United States of America; the urgent need to increase employment in the U.S. (TEA), the minimum investment amount can be reduced to 50 million. .

Immigrant Investor Regional Center designated by the U.S. Immigration EB-5 projects, often have to create a large number of complex commercial structures. Centre approved, can help investors immigrants more quickly and easily get a green card. Most investors in the form of limited partnership shares owned center project, but not participation in management; project to create indirect employment opportunities were also included in ten places.
Ended in March 2010, according to U.S. immigration statistics, the regional center EB-5 project applications, EB-5 applications have been more than 95% of the total

Features and advantages: the U.S. federal government through the U.S. Small Business Administration (Small Business Administration) from May 2010, provide to the center 85% of each loan guarantees without conditions, unable to repay the loan company the first time for up to 85% of the total loan amount of funds to repay investors. Another 15% of the loans provided by the lending business of fixed assets (such as commercial real estate) as a first priority mortgage, generally the value of the total mortgage loan amount is equivalent to this part of the 4 to 6 times, companies unable to repay the case, according to law center mortgage of fixed assets confiscated and auctioned to recover 15% of the loan losses.
The first phase of borrowing objects run Centre, covering all 58 California counties, more than 1,000 small and medium enterprises in different sectors, lending service network is the largest U.S. non-profit SME lending intermediaries "SME finance company" (Small Business Finance) and include the United States, rich countries, including Bank of America, more than 100 reputable group composed of U.S. banks.
With existing regional centers than all other investments, the U.S. employment development fund borrowing center operations, to implement fully transparent manner, the investment amount (50 million dollars, or 100 million, from the lending business location decisions), the penny regional center shall be used to pay operating costs or limited partnership, but all of the borrowing amount, 3.0 billion in federal funds and fixed assets under the double guarantee, granted by the critical review of eligible SMEs.
Apply for a loan of U.S. small and medium enterprises, must be strictly to the provisions of the U.S. Small Business Administration credit standards and employment in the United States immigration authorities on the improvement of specific requirements, as long as the credit good, business is growing rapidly and, indeed there is a strong need to employ qualified personnel, and sufficient value to commercial real estate and personal assets, so the first priority mortgage business, only to meet the requirements, get the low-interest loans.
Investors began to phase in the center help to form a limited partner in the United States registered their private lending institutions, investors do not participate in the daily lending operations, regional centers and the U.S. Small Business Administration for approval of borrowers and lenders to provide full service recycling, Loan repayment period is 5 years, 5-year maturity loans, paid off, the automatic dissolution of limited partnership, investors can invest in all the principal back and get 80% after removal of the interest cost of return, equivalent to approximately 1.5 % annual interest.
Center with a professional service network throughout the United States to investors families "comprehensive immigration family oriented services", including legal, accounting, children's education, property acquisition, as well as to the intention to explore business opportunities in the U.S. investors to provide efficient, direct business development consulting.


EB-5 visas each year the number of places?
EB-5 visas each year 10,000 places available to those who labor for the United States to create or retain 10 jobs and qualified investment plan investor and their family members. Of these, 5,000 places are reserved for investment in special economic zones of the investors.

Investors must have business background or language skills?
Investors do not need to have any previous business experience. Similarly, investment in education is not required on any conditions.

Investors must be able to speak English?
Do not need. Investors can translate (friends, lawyers, family members) services, read all relevant documents investment program, or contact for more information.

EB-5 immigrant categories and L-1 (managerial deployment of duties) or E-1 / 2 (Agreement States Trade persons / investors) categories different?
Participation in investment immigration program obtained a U.S. permanent resident immigration status.
E-1 / 2 Agreement States to invest or trade agreements the country's program, only available to U.S. non-immigrant status. When the qualified investment in trade and investment were stopped, they were issued non-immigrant status, would also cease.
L-1 visa non-immigrant visa, but different from the E-1 / 2 is, L-1 visa holders can apply for future multinational executives immigrant visa, but if the L-1 application is approved, the applicant but will Because there is in this category had a high rate of false cases, lead to future trials of its duties strictly immigrants, while making its application more difficult to face, so you should probably apply for permanent resident's immigration status.


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