

国外文章推广 - 是什么?

文章推广(article promotion)是一块非常大的领域, 它也被叫做内容推广(content promotion). 其实国内很多人都在做这种站。{zh0}的站点当然是不间断的,对读者有价值的原创。这种网站一般来说需要付出相当的心血,道理很简单,不是好文章就没什么价值,但如果要全部原创,肚子里没有一点货是不行的。

Article Directory


国外文章推广 - 能干什么?




含有pomellato jewelry 这个关键词的网页数量是15,600,而含有amber necklaces这个关键词的网页数量是1,590,000

前者的月搜索量是1900,后者的月搜索量是9900。相对来说,你如果能做到pomellato jewelry的前几名,每个月带去1900的流量,多做几个这样的关键词你的网站就起来了。但做amber necklace,不用大量的人力物力和明间是很难做起来的。这样,pomellato jewellry就是你的niche, 你做文章推广的时候,就可以用它做为中心来组织内容。






Private label rights is a concept similar to reselling, but the merchant is permitted to modify the product to fit his or her needs. This kind of content is used for the purpose of allowing multiple buyers to invest in the content with free rein to alter and use it by claiming authorship of it. It is typically used in online affiliate marketing systems.

-- Wikipedia.org

PLR(私有标签权)是一种类似于“重新卖”的概念。但允许买它的人按照自已的需求对它进行修改。它允许多个买这篇文章的人对这篇文章进行重新利用。一般用于affiliate marketing系统(将会在以后的文章中详述)。




国外文章推广 - 怎么做?


1. 找到自已网站主题相关的PLR文章,当然,{zd0}{zh0}的莫非




2. 文章改写。





Mass Article Control可以改写文章,还可以提交文章。77刀的价钱还算公道。

Article Rewriter跟Mass Article Control差不多,也是改写+提交文章,80刀,有兴趣可以两个都下下来试试,反正提供了60天的全额退款保证。

我使用的Mass Article Control把我的一个美国站由开始的pr=1,2个月pr做到3。

3. 文章提交

文章提交也有许多工具,但基本上老工具都是采用同一篇文章提交给多个网站,现在我基本采用Mass Article Control改写,提交,然后把改写的部分文章再发到另一些不错的博客网站去。


1. 142 6
2. 577 5 NF!
3. 1,433 5
4. 1,870 6
5. 1,968 6
6. 3,364 5 NF!
7. 3,460 5 NF!
8. 3,704 5
9. 5,536 2
10. 5,635 4 NF!
11. 5,648 3
12. 8,365 6
13. 8,550 5
14. 10,393 4
15. 10,493 5
16. 10,983 3
17. 11,210 0
18. 13,626 5
19. 14,948 3
20. 15,051 5
21. 15,441 4
22. 15,825 3
23. 17,400 3
24. 17,653 4
25. 17,834 3
26. 18,587 3
27. 19,966 3
28. 20,095 3
29. 20,554 1
30. 21,211 4


– Based on the same software as LiveJournal, offers free voice posts, 1GB of photo hosting, and space for up to 2,000 user icons.

– Another site based on the Danga software that runs LiveJournal, offers free and paid accounts, paid benefits are only enhancements.

– Runs on the Danga platform, very much directed towards various “fandoms” (i.e. Harry Potter, various Television shows) and is meant for users 18 and older.

– One of the most well known of the blogging hosts. Offers multiple account types such as ad-supported and paid. The center of a few controversies recently.

– A site dedicated to travel blogs with map integration and more.

– A video blogging website.

– A blog site specifically for your text messages and camera phone images.

– Designed for video blogging and completely free.

– Create and share blogs of your travels.

– Blogging site specifically geared towards women. Offers multiple themes and plugins.

– A new blogging format that is also part challenge. Write one word on the first day, two words on the second day and so on, at the end of the year you’ll have written 66,795 words.

– Another moblogging site for you to share all your mobile communications with friends and family.

– Offers multiple templates, anti-spam, free sub-domain and more.

– Runs on WordPress and offers 50MB of free online space.

– Based out of Ireland, this site uses the WordPress MU platform, large choice of themes.

– WordPress powered blogging for educators.

– Not only can you install WordPress on your own sites, you can use the same software on their site and save yourself all of the technical work.

– Offers free blog hosting with unlimited bandwidth for their free package, more benefits for paid members.

– All blog entries show up on the main ladder as well as inside your own blog.

– A great starting site to get a taste of blogging, very easy to use.

– Allows you to blog, host photos & videos, and podcasts.

– European based blogging site, offers 30-day trial and subscription thereafter, but offers quite a bit of storage.

– Offers free image hosting in addition to free blogs.

– Blogging site with extras such as chat boxes so you can interact with your readers.

– Lets you build a blog site and even open it up for collaboration.

– Free blog hosting with RSS feeds and more.

– Free blog hosting and offers templates, friends only posts, IP-Banning and more.

– Based in Europe, allows you to create all sorts of websites including a blog.

– Mixes blogging and social networking, with photo galleries and more.

– Free blog and wiki for private or public display with 2GB of storage.

– Offers unlimited storage and posts, low cost subscription rates for advanced features.

– A platform for creating blogs with a focus on generating traffic.

– Have something you want to talk about, but want to say it anonymously? This may be the blogging site for you.

– Lets you build your blog with numerous themes, also allows you to add other site features.

– Offers blogs as well as features such as an integrated store.

– Fully integrated blog and forum which allows for seamless discussion between the two.

– A blog platform with a focus on allowing media-rich posts.

– Allows you to create a site and blog, free hosting and change designs on the fly.

– Free blogging with your MSN account, only drawback is readers have to have an account also.

– Part of the SixApart family of blogging sites, very much geared towards the personal journal types of blogs.

– Part social network, part blogging, all free

– Part of your Yahoo account and features easy publishing.

– Free blog hosting with 250MB of free storage.

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