Dell Streak 车架配件,实地应用才能看清楚

Dell Streak 鐨勮溅鏋堕厤浠舵棩鍓嶅湪鑻卞浗涓婂競锛岃嫳鍥界殑涓撲笟缃戝弸闄や簡鎷嶆憚涓€鑸殑寮€绠卞奖鐗囧锛岃繕鎷嶆憚浜嗕竴娈靛疄鍦板簲鐢ㄥ奖鐗囷紝鎶?Dell Streak 鐨勮溅鏋舵斁鍦ㄨ溅鍐呬娇鐢紝娴嬭瘯鍏舵煍闊х▼搴︼紝浠庡奖鐗囩湅鏉ワ紝Dell Streak 杞︽灦鐫€瀹炰笉閿欙紝鏃㈠潥鍥哄張绋冲畾锛岃€屼笖鍦ㄦ晥鍖虹殑淇″彿鎺ュ彈涔熶笉閿欏晩锛?br />
鍏跺疄杞︽灦濂戒笉濂界敤鏄叾娆★紝Dell Streak 杩欓儴浜斿鐨?Android MID 宸茬粡鍦ㄨ嫳鍥藉強缇庡浗鍙戝敭涓€娈垫椂闂达紝鎴戜滑浠€涔堟椂鍊欐湁鏈轰細瑙佸埌鍛紵Dell锛岃浜涗粈涔堝惂锛?center>

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