

2010-07-05 09:20:14 阅读3 评论0 字号:

问题:柴油机启动后,油温在30℃以上,水温在40℃以上,达到基本转速时,气缸有特别响的敲缸声,是不是高压喷油泵出油阀弹簧折损呢? 判断方法:1.始终使柴油机保持在基本转速。2.用拇指、食指和中指指尖轻触高压油管,与其他缸相比较,油流脉冲弱,且分界点不清晰。3.检查这个缸高压泵供油尺条刻线位置,如果与其他缸不一致,可人为使其处于同一位置。此时,仍有较大敲缸声。4.退出供油尺条甩缸后,敲缸声消失,但高压油管仍有轻微振动。5.甩缸后,用27毫米扳手将高压泵与高压油管接头松开半圈或一圈,燃油有规律喷出。根据以上检查分析,可以判断为这个缸出油阀弹簧折损,及时更换,排除故障。

“How to determine the fuel pressure fuel injection valve spring breakage ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国针型阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 等。

Question: diesel engine starts, oil temperature above 30 ℃, the water temperature above 40 ℃ to meet the basic speed, the cylinder with special loud Knocking sound, is not high-pressure fuel injection valve spring breakage it? Judgement: 1. Always keep the basic speed of the engine. 2. With the thumb, index finger and middle finger touch finger pressure pipeline, compared with the other tank, the oil flow pulse weak, and the demarcation point is not clear. 3. Check this article foot cylinder high-pressure pump oil groove location, if inconsistent with the other tanks, it can be artificial in the same position. At this point, there are still large Knocking sound. 4. Article feet thrown out of oil tank Knocking sound disappeared, but there is still a slight vibration of high-pressure tubing. 5. Rejection tank with 27 mm wrench to high-pressure pumps and high pressure pipe fittings loose semi-circle or circle, emitting regular fuel. Based on the above examination and analysis, can determine the oil for the cylinder valve springs folded, timely replacement, troubleshooting.

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