沪江博客- BORN TO TRY - 【NPR】多主题听力训练 141 万亿美元矿藏引发 ...



Afghan Mineral Deposits Could Unearth Corruption


MONTAGNE: Well, here's a last thought that might well strike any American hearing this or any member of the EU involved in the war and the reconstruction in Afghanistan, and that would be years of fighting and ____1(1)____ billions of dollars ____1(2)____ aid into Afghanistan, and now China and possibly India are looking to ____2____ the rewards of Afghanistan's mineral resources.

Mr. FEIGENBAUM: I think for Afghanistan to stand on its own two feet economically, it's going to require a private economy that includes foreign investments - develop the potential that it has. It wouldn't shock me that China, India and many other countries - Japan is another one - would be interested in trying to be part of that process of development.

You know, if the United States has been operating under the illusion that as Afghanistan developed, that it wouldn't invite multinational companies from a wide variety of sources into the country, that was a mistake. I mean, I think the challenge in Afghanistan that American firms have, for instance, ____3____ firms from countries like China is that American companies, generally speaking, are not willing to ____4(1)____ the same kind of ____4(2)____.

And finally, that many of the competitors to American companies don't come from countries that have a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Unfortunately, other countries and companies from other countries have been able to ____5____.

MONTAGNE: Evan Feigenbaum is the head of the Asia Practice at the Eurasia Group, which ____6____ political risk.

(Soundbite of music)

MONTAGNE: You're listening to MORNING EDITION, from NPR News.

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