This post is a reprint of that originally appeared at .

Part I Types of Coffee 鍜栧暋鐨勭绫?/strong>

Take a look at the different types of coffees that you can order in a Coffee House. Have you ever wondered what they actually were? Below is a list of the different types of coffees you can order at most Coffee Houses.


The word “espresso” is 鈶燿erived from the Italian word for express since espresso is made for and served immediately to the customer. The espresso should drip out of the filter like warm honey, have a deep reddish-brown color, and a cream that 鈶akes up 10-30% of the beverage. Espresso brewing is defined by four “M’s”: the Macinazione is the correct grinding of a coffee blend, Miscela is the coffee blend, Macchina is the espresso machine, and Mano is the skilled hand of the barista. When each factor of the four M’s is precisely controlled, the espresso beverage that is produced is the ultimate coffee experience.

Of the many ways to prepare coffee, the espresso method is perhaps the epitome of true coffee creation. This system, which is a small wonder of chemistry and physics, allows the coffee to reach its maximum intensity of taste and consistency. With espresso, the ground coffee releases not only the soluble substances that provide flavor, but also the insoluble ones that increase its body and aroma.

When we taste espresso coffee, we are at once struck by its concentrated flavor and aromas, which distinguish it from coffee made by other methods. Aroma and body are the two dimensions which add to the flavor of espresso coffee.



鈥淓spresso鈥濊繖涓瘝鍑鸿嚜鎰忓ぇ鍒╄鈥滃揩閫熲€濓紝鍥犱负鎰忓ぇ鍒╂祿鍜栧暋鐨勫埗浣滃強閫佸埌娑堣垂鑰呮墜閲岀殑閫熷害閮界浉褰撳揩銆傛剰澶у埄娴撳挅鍟″氨鍍忔殩铚滀技鍦颁粠杩囨护鍣?閲岀紦缂撴淮钀斤紝娣辩孩妫曡壊鐨勶紝濂舵补鍚噺杈惧埌10%鑷?0%銆傛剰澶у埄娴撳挅鍟$殑閰块€犲彲浠ョ敤4涓狹鏉ュ畾涔夛細Macinazione浠h〃涓€绉嶆纭殑娣峰悎鍜栧暋鐨勭爺纾ㄦ柟 娉? Miscela鏄挅鍟℃贩鍚堢墿; Macchina鏄埗浣滄剰澶у埄娴撳挅鍟$殑鏈哄櫒; Mano浠h〃鐓挅鍟$殑甯堝倕鐨勭啛缁冩妧鏈墜娉曘€傚彧鏈夎繖鍥涗釜M涓殑姣忎竴涓绱犻兘琚簿纭湴鎺屾彙锛岀叜鍑虹殑鎰忓ぇ鍒╂祿鍜栧暋鎵嶆槸鏈€妫掔殑銆?/p>


鍠濇剰澶у埄娴撳挅鍟℃椂锛屽彧闇€灏濅竴灏忓彛鎴戜滑灏变細杩呴€熻鍏舵祿閮佺殑鍙e懗鍜岄姘旀墍鎶樻湇锛岃繖姝f槸鎰忓ぇ鍒╂祿鍜栧暋涓庡叾浠栧挅鍟$殑涓嶅悓涔嬪銆傞鍛冲拰娴撳害鏄 閲忔剰澶у埄娴撳挅鍟℃槸鍚﹀ソ鍠濈殑涓や釜灏哄害銆?/p>
