

Sensing disease prevention is everyone's responsibility to help all of humanity. - Purification of human ydm (km)






 1. 饭前便后、外出后要用肥皂或洗手液等给儿童洗手,不要让儿童喝生水、吃生冷食物,避免接触患病儿童;

  2. 看护人接触儿童前、替幼童更换尿布、处理粪便后均要洗手,并妥善处理污物;

  3. 婴幼儿使用的奶瓶、奶嘴使用前后应充分清洗;

  4. 本病流行期间不宜带儿童到人群聚集、空气流通差的公共场所,注意保持家庭环境卫生,居室要经常通风,勤晒衣被;

  5. 儿童出现相关症状要及时到医疗机构就诊。居家xx的儿童,不要接触其他儿童,父母要及时对患儿的衣物进行晾晒或xx,对患儿粪便及时进行xx处理;轻症患儿不必住院,宜居家xx、休息,以减少交叉感染。


  1. 本病流行季节,教室和宿舍等场所要保持良好通风;

  2. 每日对玩具、个人卫生用具、餐具等物品进行清洗xx;

  3. 进行清扫或xx工作(尤其清扫厕所)时,工作人员应穿戴手套。清洗工作结束后应立即洗手;

  4. 每日对门把手、楼梯扶手、桌面等物体表面进行擦拭xx;

  5. 教育指导儿童养成正确洗手的习惯;

  6. 每日进行晨检,发现可疑患儿时,要对患儿采取及时送诊、居家休息的措施;对患儿所用的物品要立即进行xx处理;

  7. 患儿增多时,要及时向卫生和教育部门报告。根据疫情控制需要当教育和卫生部门可决定采取托幼机构或小学放假措施。


Communication channels
1. People close contact. The virus through contaminated towels, towels, handkerchiefs and other items. Ill contact the public health apparatus.

2. Patients with throat secretions (droplet) transmission.

3. Drinking or eating sick contaminated water and food.

4. Eat a virus fly bite climb food.

1. Before meals and after meals or hand wash with soap after the other to the children wash their hands, not to allow children to drink unboiled water and eating cold food, avoid contact with sick children;

2. Caregivers with children before, change diapers for young children, have to wash their hands after handling feces and properly handle the dirt;

3. Infants and young children's baby bottles, pacifiers should be fully cleaned before and after use;

4. This epidemic should not bring children to the crowd during the gathering in public places with poor air circulation to keep the household sanitation, room should always ventilation, clothing drying ground;

5. When children are related to time to the health service. Home treatment of children, avoid contact with other children, parents, children's clothing should be promptly carried out on drying or sterilization, and disinfection of faeces from children in a timely manner; mild in children without hospitalization, appropriate home treatment, rest, in order to reduce cross-infection.

(B) of the nurseries and primary schools and other collective measures for prevention and control units

1. The epidemic season, places such as classrooms and dormitories to maintain good ventilation;

2. Daily on toys, personal hygiene appliances, utensils for cleaning and disinfection;

3. For cleaning or disinfection (especially cleaning toilets), staff should wear gloves. Wash hands immediately after;

4. Daily on the door handle, staircase handrail, desktop, and to wipe a surface disinfection;

5. Educational guidance on proper hand-washing habits of children;

6. Daily morning check, suspicious children, it is necessary to take timely delivery of the children attending, home resting place; on items used by children should be immediately disinfected;

7. When there are more children, must promptly report to the health and education sectors. According to epidemic control needs as education and health departments may decide to leave measures in nursery or primary school.

Source: http://baike.baidu.com/view/284469.htm?fr=ala0_1_1

搜狐 2010-6-24 10:53
答:手足口病是一种常见多发传染病,以婴幼儿发病为主,多种肠道病毒都能引起,EV71病毒是其中的一种。一般全年均有发生,5—7月为高发期。 ...答:预防手足口病的关键是注意家庭及周围环境卫生,讲究个人卫生。饭前便后、外出后要用肥皂或洗手液洗手;不喝生水,不吃生冷的食物;居室要经常通风;要勤晒衣被。...

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