 wavin' flag   旗帜飘扬   when I get older   当我逐渐成长   I will be stronger   我会变得坚强   they'll call me freedom   人们唤我以自由之名   just like a wavin flag   有如旗帜迎风飘扬   when I get older   当我逐渐成长   I will be stronger   我会变得坚强   they'll call me freedom   人们唤我以自由之名   just like a wavin flag   有如旗帜迎风飘扬   and then it goes back (3x)   让一切重头开始   ahhho ahhho ahhho   born to a throne   我们生来自豪   stronger than rome   高贵不输罗马   but violent prone   可暴力俯拾皆是   poor people zone   穷人四处流离   but its my home   这是我的家乡   all I have known   这是我所知的一切   where I got grown   这是我成长的地方   streets we would roam   这是我徜徉的大街   out of the darkness   穿过层层黑暗   I came the farthest   我来到遥远的彼方   among the hardest survive   在困苦中挣扎   learn form these streets   在街头艰难求生   it can be bleak   前方遍布阴霾   accept no defeat   可我决不言败   surrender retreat   也不向挫折乞降   (so we struggling)   我们仍在奋斗   fighting to eat   为生计而奔波   (and we wondering)   我们仍在企盼   when we will be free   何时才能真正自由   so we patiently wait   让我们耐心等待   for that faithful day   等待那{yt}的到来   its not far away   那{yt}已不再遥远   but for now we say   现在让我们一起唱:   when I get older   当我逐渐成长   I will be stronger   我会变得坚强   they'll call me freedom   人们唤我以自由之名   just like a wavin flag   有如旗帜迎风飘扬   and then it goes back (3x)   让一切重头开始   ahhho ahhho ahhho   so many wars   战乱如此频繁   settling scores   纷争持续不断   bring us promises   他们带来承诺   leaving us poor   却只留给我们贫穷   I heard them say   我听他们说道:   love is the way   “爱才是解决之道,   love is the answer   爱就是答案。”   thats what they say   他们就只是这样说说   but look how they treat us   可他们又如何对待我们   make us believers   他们让我们盲从   we fight there battles   让我们彼此争斗   then they deceive us   他们欺骗我们   try to control us   想籍此奴役我们   they couldn't hold us   可他们休想将我们束缚   cause we just move forward   因为我们勇往直前   like buffalo soldiers   有如水牛战士军团   (but we strugglin)   我们继续奋斗   fighting to eat   为生计而奔波   (and we wondering)   我们继续企盼   when we will be free   何时才能真正自由   so we patiently wait   让我们耐心等待   for that faithful day   等待那{yt}的到来   its not far away   那{yt}已不再遥远   but for now we say   现在让我们一起唱:   when I get older   当我逐渐成长   I will be stronger   我会变得坚强   they'll call me freedom   人们唤我以自由之名   just like a wavin flag   有如旗帜迎风飘扬   and then it goes back (3x)   让一切重头开始   when I get older   当我逐渐成长   I will be stronger   我会变得坚强   they'll call me freedom   人们唤我以自由之名   just like a wavin flag   有如旗帜迎风飘扬   and then it goes back (3x)   让一切重头开始   a oh a oh a oh   and everybody will be singing it   人们将一起欢唱   and you and i will be singing it   你我将一起欢唱   and we all will be singing it   我们大家一起欢唱   wo wah wo ah wo ah   when I will be stronger   我会变得坚强   they'll call me freedom   人们唤我以自由之名   just like a wavin flag   有如旗帜迎风飘扬   and then it goes back (3x)   让一切重头开始   a oh a oh a oh

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