汽车玻璃市场已经开始了新一轮结构调整« oursolo.net






迅速发展,近年来,迫切需要扩大生产能力。此前该集团曾打算建立一个新工厂,但最终选择了现有企业的收购。 “企业创建一个新的工厂,投入,在行业产能过剩,资源浪费和重复投资的疑犯,以及建设周期长。通过良好的商业收购,然后很快能够实现经济的规模。举例来说,现在的员工,客户及其他渠道,我们立即可以使用它们。“友好的李英健说。






规模在玻璃业的影响是非常大的作用。甚至可以说,大规模的企业未来效益较好,而较小的将逐渐被淘汰。 “汽车玻璃业务的销售100,000 1,000,000,差距非常大,甚至企业的决定是赚不到钱。现在谁是谁在那里的汽车玻璃行业的规模优势,没有企业的规模优势生存的的困难。“友好的李英健说。正是因为





有专家指出:“国内玻璃生产企业进行整合,重组,可以说是找到了一条快速提升企业实力的捷径。但要想充分发挥整合的作用,取得规模优势,关键还要看重组后如何分配资源。 “

Automotive Glass market has started a new round of restructuring

Lutheran南玻acquisition, in the glass industry is a major event. Automotive glass industry for many years been a “dumbbell-shaped”, product grades, has the scale is only a small Lutheran Fuyao glass and a few, small-scale enterprises are not too many. Grade is not high and a certain scale enterprises account for a considerable number of these enterprises in a dilemma, very embarrassing. Lutheran南玻acquisition of the act, indicating auto glass industry to start a new round of restructuring.

Recently, Xinyi Glass Group announced that the 234.64 million yuan in cash to the Group acquired Shenzhen南玻China Automotive Glass南玻wholly-owned company. Xinyi Glass Group This is the first acquisition, but also automotive glass industry in recent years, large-scale acquisition of rare events. Completion of the acquisition, Shenzhen南玻Automotive Glass Company will become a Lutheran, a wholly owned subsidiary of glass.

acquisition can quickly expand their scale of production

Shenzhen南玻Automotive Glass Co., Ltd. (formerly Shenzhen Xun boeng Automotive Glass Co., Ltd.) is the founder of China Group Investment南玻a wholly-owned subsidiary. According to informed sources, the automotive glass business groups in the proportion of南玻little transfer is completed,南玻Automotive Glass Group will exit the market.

reporter has learned that the auto glass company南玻production and sales of automotive laminated safety glass and steel, China is now laminated auto glass, one of the three major exporters last year, exports accounted for 70 sales of the entire enterprise % or more. The company’s annual production of automotive laminated glass 1300000. Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer Friendly Lee told reporters that the acquisition is the eyes on the company’s automotive glass南玻these strengths, “the two sides can realize each other, access to comprehensive benefits.” Xinyi Glass Group

developed rapidly in recent years, an urgent need to expand production capacity. Previously the group had intended to build a new factory, but ultimately chose the acquisition of existing enterprises. “Enterprise to create a new plant, input, and overcapacity in the industry, the waste of resources and repeatability have to invest a suspect, and the long construction period. Through the acquisition of a good business, then quickly be able to realize economies of scale. For example, it now employees and customers and other channels, we can use them immediately. “Friendly said Lee.

Lutheran glass李贤义Chairman of the Group said: “The purchase agreement reached by the Group will help the rapid expansion of production scale, while reducing a competitor. The acquisition will help the Group to speed up the automotive glass business growth, expansion of enterprise share in export markets. “

Xinyi Glass November 1 officially took over the Shenzhen南玻Automotive Glass Company, and promised the company’s main commercial unchanged, the original business model and external provisions remain in force. Lutheran and南玻Automotive Glass will share some platform to realize economies of scale.

further strengthen the industry pattern

“Now, the auto glass industry has formed a pattern: Fuyao and Xinyi Glass is the largest of the two enterprises, in front of the lead, also has some good businesses, but not as good as the performance of these two excellent, but also difficult to catch-up. from the current development trend, this pattern is to further strengthen and consolidate. “China Building Glass and Industrial Glass Association, said the Secretary-General Zhang Bai-heng.

At present, in terms of scale, Fuyao and Hsinyi glass than industry ranked 3, 4, to a large enterprise 3 ~ 4 times. China’s auto glass industry leader in two, is the other opponent more farther off. Fuyao Glass OEM market in the absolute superiority, and the Lutheran aftermarket glass, repair market leading position and continued to force OEM market. After the acquisition南玻Hsinyi glass repair market in the sale to further expand the leading position.

scale effect in the glass industry is very big role. One could even say that large-scale enterprises better in future benefits, while the smaller will gradually be eliminated. “Automotive Glass business sales 1,000,000 with 100,000, the difference is very large, even the decision of the enterprises are not making money. Now who is there who has the size advantage in the automotive glass industry, there is no size advantage of business survival are difficulties. “Friendly said Lee. It is precisely because

fail in terms of scale, profitability is limited,南玻Automotive Glass Company was transferred to Lutheran Glass Group.

industry consolidation is inevitable

“business combination, reorganization and merger, be able to expand the industrial concentration, which is automotive glass industry is bound to the direction of development.” Zhang Bai-heng said.

since July 1 this year, the glass and its products in China will be the export tax rebate rate down to 5 percent, which affects the export of automobile glass. At the same time, automotive glass raw material prices rising, businesses labor costs continue to increase. Adversely affected by many factors, an enormous pressure on automotive glass business, the scale effect seems particularly important. Zhang Bai-heng points out that although the glass industry mergers and acquisitions are very common, but the auto glass industry merger and reorganization little. China’s auto glass industry to realize the dream of bigger and stronger, we must scale, industry restructuring and consolidation is inevitable.

有专家指出:“国内玻璃生产企业进行整合、重组,可以说是找到了一条快速提升企业实力的捷径。但要想充分发挥整合的作用,取得规模优势,关键还要看after the reorganization of how the allocation of resources. “(07-12-11)

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