Which brand of electric car is better? « China tour log 中国旅游日志

Xuzhou intend to buy a 2000 or so, I hope to understand several major brands of electric vehicles such as the mainland pigeons, Paige speed Europe camp, etc., such as battery and motor quality, after sale services. Just found a bit online, said all what. So a friend used to answer with personal experience, would be grateful! Gunmen declined, thank you!

market electric vehicles are now hundreds of brands, the same brand of electric cars, not performance, I suggest you buy a Bicycle, I regret to buy the electric cars before, but with the a year and a half, and now can. Now we are a lot of people here to buy gasoline Bicycle, the general price of 2,000 yuan or less, adding to more than 2200 yuan-based, energy band, and a liter of petrol to run more than one hundred kilometers, do not need a driving license.

good brand of electric vehicles or more, when the good is not necessarily suitable for you, not necessarily the highest on your personal useful vehicles to choose according to their normal mileage and road conditions are determined , there is a better brand: Giant mainland pigeons, according to Brunei, Green Resources, dragons, gods Di, such as dozens of Harting, mileage from 20 km to 100 km are, mainly controller and battery capacity and the selected model to determine, if you buy less than the mileage of your request or asking for too much more than your are not suitable for you, the general usually charge a mileage run electricity to to ensure that electricity consumption about 70 percent in a good, if well enough, with the decline in the capacity of the battery, not soon enough, if too large, one-way with a 50% return will have to come out empty, so is 2 are detrimental to the battery charge, does not suit you, so you can say if your electricity needed to charge a mileage, road conditions, vehicles and contents, let me talk about the situation, I can help you choose a suitable for your car .



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