Chinese Reading – 厨房潮流化(1) – Learn Chinese Class | Learn Chinese

Kitchen Trends


Arguably the most important room in the house, the kitchen is a focal point for family life. It is here that meals are prepared, and in most cases, eaten. Most household chores also take place in the kitchen. Western kitchens usually consist of a dining area separated from the space used to prepare meals by a counter. In Ireland, everyday family meals are mostly eaten here and close friends and neighbours are invited to the kitchen table for tea and snacks. The dining room is generally reserved for more special occasions or Sunday lunch.

厨房可以说是家居中最重要的一个空间,在整个家庭生活处于焦点位置。人们在这里做饭,也总是在这里吃饭。而大部分家庭杂务也大都源于厨房。西方 的厨房通常用一个台子将吃饭区和做饭区隔开。在爱尔兰,人们日常大都是在厨房里吃饭,还会邀请好友和邻居到其厨房来品茶吃点心。一般只有在特殊场合或星期 天中午才会在饭厅吃饭。

Similarly, kitchens in ancient Greece were also centres of the household. Their kitchens opened out onto a courtyard. The courtyard was where the family ate and recreated. However, in ancient Rome the average citizen lived in an apartment and didn’t have a kitchen. The take-away business was very lucrative in ancient Rome! Rich Romans did have kitchens, often very large ones too. Much in the same way that the modern kitchen has different cooking appliances for the preparation of different foods, the Roman kitchen had several separate fires for the same purpose. In fact, the Latin word for kitchen is “culina”. This has evolved into the word “culinary” ①pertaining to anything related to food or the kitchen.

在古代希腊,厨房同样也是家庭的中心。厨房与庭院相通。而庭院便是人们吃饭、休息的场所。然而,在古代罗马,普通老百姓只能住在没有厨房的房屋 里。外卖生意在古代罗马出奇地好!但罗马有钱人的确拥有厨房,而且通常还是大厨房。在现代厨房中,会有不同的烹饪工具用来准备不同的饭菜,而罗马时期的厨 房也有许多单独的灶具来处理这个问题,可谓有异曲同工之妙。事实上,拉丁语表示厨房的词汇是“culina”。而它已经演变成“culinary”这个 词,意思是与食物和厨房相关。

In Ireland, the traditional farmhouse kitchen was a relatively large room. The centre of attraction was the large turf fire. The fireplace would have chairs circled around it where visitors could revive themselves with a cup of tea after a long journey. The traditional kitchen would also have a large pine table and a dresser displaying the chinaware. Although a spacious room, this type of kitchen would be cluttered with a wide array of copper, brass and iron implements.

在爱尔兰,传统的农家厨房是一个相当大的房间。最引人注目的地方就是拥有一个大泥炭炉。在火炉旁放着一圈凳子,客人可以边喝茶边休息,以缓解长 途旅行的劳累之苦。传统的厨房还有一个松木大桌和一个摆放瓷碗的柜子。虽然厨房空间很大,但总是乱七八糟地堆满了各种铜制、黄铜制和铁制厨具。

By the sixties the kitchen had changed dramatically. Space and convenience became important goals in kitchen design. Modern timesaving appliances and furniture were neatly packed in. Wooden and stone slab floors ⑤gave way to user-friendly tile and linoleum. This type of kitchen was also divided into two parts by a counter. One side was used for preparing food and would usually consist of a cooker, sink, refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine. The other side was used for dining and would have a table and a set of chairs.

到了60年代,厨房的概念发生了巨大变化。空间和便利性成为厨房设计的重要目标。省时便利的现代厨具和家具被井井有条地塞进厨房。便于使用的瓷 砖和油毯代替了木质和石质地面。这类厨房仍被一个台子分为两个部分。一侧用于做饭,通常放有炊具、水池、冰箱、洗碗机和洗衣机。而另外一侧用于吃饭,摆放 着一张饭桌和一套座椅。

Today the traditional style is coming back into fashion. Tired of the sterile look of chrome and tile many people are choosing the warmth of wood again. An increasingly urbanized population are allured by the rustic styles of the past. To be fair, very few people have actually resorted to a genuine traditional kitchen. Only real diehard hippies would use antique implements and appliances to tend to their daily chores. Today’s kitchen is a mixture of old and new styles. It has the warmth and rich texture of the older one but with all the timesaving appliances and convenience of the 21st century.

如今,复古风格又卷土重来,成为时尚。人们厌倦了毫无生气的铬金属材料和瓷砖,再一次选择了有温暖感的木质材料。越来越多的都市人迷恋上过去的 乡村风格。客观来讲,极少有人真正喜欢那类纯粹的传统厨房。只有那些真正的死硬派嬉皮士才会用那些古老的厨房器具来处理家庭的日常杂务。现代厨房是集传统 和现代风格于一身的。它既拥有传统风格的温暖与华丽又拥有21世纪出现的全部省时便捷器具和便利性特征。


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