如何烹饪羊杂碎« City life wiki 城市百科









1。阳都电影将刮去,洗净,放入70℃的热水锅氽期待血腥的羊肉味道闻,刮黑膜释放碱性浸泡1小时,并与库克碱性水,然后用锅,并用水冲洗干净,然后1小时(水流量),直至取消基地的味道。切成5 × 3厘米的片。每个顺籍渗透水户长(两端连续)形成小麦花形。
2。笋切3 × 1利米的文章,葱白切相应的部分,盐,醋,糖,胡椒粉,味精,淀粉,入站调湿腌由。


How sheep offal cooking

how sheep offal cooking

can also be baked

braised lamb chop suey, unique flavor.
production methods are: sheep’s offal, head hoof meat, after careful washing, the cooking pot into the water after the fish out, cut wire. Under the original soup into cut wire chop suey, plus onions, ginger, minced garlic, red spicy oil, monosodium glutamate, parsley, Serve braised lamb offal.

Yang Yao string
raw materials: Yang Yao, sheep fat, cumin powder, pepper powder, chili powder, salt:
System Method: Remove skin waist smell of urine, after Yang Yao Tong sheep fat were cut into thin slices, and then iron will be fine fiber and fat Yang Yao string clusters, and then on the charcoal fire, while grilled side Sazi natural powder, pepper powder, chilli powder and salt, cooked string after Kaozhiyangyao Serve.
features: color, Hongliang, meat Ruannen, hemp ignorant of spicy incense.

Yang Yao porridge: Yang Yao 100 grams, cut the white fascia strip, clean slice, rice 200 grams, with porridge, plus amount of edible oil, salt and seasonings. There kidney aphrodisiac for kidney back pain, nocturnal emission, impotence. Healthy eating and physical effects are kidney.

Wolfberry Yang Yao porridge: Wash 500 grams of fresh medlar leaves, chopped, Yang Yao a pair of ripped white fascia and cut slices, rice, 250 grams, with porridge, plus amount of oil, salt, onion, ginger seasoning food. Strong waist and knee with the role of kidney for kidney lower back pain, soft-aged waist and knee pain, heel pain embolism.

steamed meat-Rong Yang Shen: Yang Yao a pair of ripped white fascia incision, Cistanche 15-30 grams of washed slices, with the larger bowl with water, with lard, salt, seasoning, pot and steam for home cooked food use, there are kidney effects impotence Yijing. Applicable to kidney deficiency impotence, night more urine, lumbar acid Tuiruan, the elderly kidney lower back pain, deafness constipation embolism.

Eucommia burst Yang Yao: Eucommia 15-20 grams, 6 grams of Schisandra smashed, plus adequate water, boiling for one hour, to take concoction slag, heating condensed into a thick liquid; Yang Yao 500 grams, cut white fascia strip, wash and cut into small pieces waist, first qian sauce wrapped in uniform and put it into hot oil with hot inside the fry tender, adding concoction, soy sauce, spring onion, ginger and other spices can be eaten. There kidney, strong waist effect. Applicable to kidney deficiency, the infirm, long-term low back pain embolism.

sensation in Yang Du
Main Accessory: Yang Du 1,000 grams, 50 grams of cooked winter bamboo shoots.
deployment of materials: light blue four, salt, vinegar, sugar, minced garlic, dry starch, wet corn starch, pepper, monosodium glutamate, edible base a little oil, peanut oil 100 grams (about consumption of 25 grams).
[system of France]
1. Yangdu film will scrape off, wash and put it into 70 ℃ hot water pot boil for a short look to bloody and the smell of mutton flavor, scrape the black film released alkaline soak 1 hour, and then with Alkaline Water Cook with the pot, and then into the clean water rinse 1 hour (water to flow) until the base flavor removed. Cut into 5 × 3 cm pieces. The length of each Shun Ji penetration Mito (both ends continuous) form a wheat flower-shaped.
2. bamboo shoots cut 3 × 1 Limi article, very light blue cut the corresponding segment, salt, vinegar, sugar, pepper, MSG, starch, tune into the wet marinade stand-by.
3. cooker stir on the set, the next burning Jiucheng hot peanut oil, it will be absorbed MacPherson Yang Du roll of dry starch and bamboo shoots with the pot explosion a few minutes, drain the oil. Stir back into pot, add minced garlic, scallion, spicy pot Yang Du, together with Britain turned a few Serve.
[Features] crisp but not hard, sweet and sour taste.
[making key] Note that the furnace, stir fried urgent.

Sheep: You can worry about addiction governing gas, Chuxie righting.
sheep stomach: Can Buxu Yipi, cure blood enough.
sheep lungs: You can Zhifei fistula coughing, Bufei gas.
sheep offal, sheep’s head to eat meat, it may lead to Haggis, the taste is not bad,
can play pot can also be grilled, but also soup06-01-09

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