Hefei plan 20 square kilometers of circular economy demonstration ...

“We will not sacrifice the environment to build the cost of recycling economy demonstration park in Hefei.” Wang Huabo pointing to the sewage treatment plant being built, said.

Wang Huabo yes Hefei Circular Economy Demonstration Garden Party Work Committee, the CMC director. Although the immediate macro-economic situation at home and abroad increasingly tense, but Wang Huabo busy - a recent two years, a number of heavy industrial projects, began to have also entered the park.

For example, December 2, a total investment of 770 million yuan, annual output value of 5.0 billion, annual tax 75 million yuan turned over to the Jin Pipe limited liability company projects settled in Hefei circular economy demonstration park; and October 26 Japan, with a total investment of 2.278 billion yuan in Anhui Province’s SANG Niobium Technology Co., Ltd. 2 million tons / year delayed coking, 2 million tons / year of deep processing of heavy oil projects are the city.

Hefei circular economy demonstration park officially start construction on March 1, 2006. Today, it has become the comprehensive management of key projects in Chaohu, Anhui Province, Anhui “861″ key project.

heavy industrial projects have launched

“the current economic situation and the complexity of the new projects, both a challenge and more opportunities for us. Now the adjustment is a prelude to the next round of growth and preparation.” Anhui Sang niobium Technologies AG Ltd chairman Li Defeng was very excited. He said that after full communication with the park, the company decided to take the initiative in advance of construction.

The company will soon start construction of 2 million tons / year delayed coking and 2 million tons / year of heavy oil deep processing projects, total investment of 2.278 billion yuan, covers an area of 1000 acres, built in two phases: a construction of one million tons / year delayed coking and 1.2 million tons / year project re-reminders cracking, the main products are petrol, diesel, propylene, coke, liquefied petroleum gas, naphtha, etc.; two construction projects 1.8 million tons / year of heavy oil deep processing projects, mainly produces poly - propylene, polystyrene, polypropylene resin. After the completion of the project total, the annual sales income of 15 billion yuan, the annual total profit of 1.2 billion yuan, annual tax 450 million yuan turned over.

After the completion of the project, Anhui Science and Technology Co., Ltd. will become the San niobium Anhui Province’s first private refinery. Li Defeng heart, a detailed accounts: At present, demand for refined oil a year in Anhui Province approximately 850 million metric tons, while the province is only one of Anqing Petrochemical Refinery Company (annual production capacity of 2.5 million tons), more than two-thirds of the provinces transferred oil dependence .

the same time, the project will also have to form a national production base in Hefei home appliances, automobiles, and other leading industry matching. Is expected that by 2012, the city cars, air conditioners, washing machines and refrigerators and other raw materials, demand for propylene is about 32 million tons, while the project is fully put into operation, can produce polypropylene 373.2 thousand tons, will effectively reduce its production costs greatly enhance its industrial competitiveness.

the most recent past, despite the macroeconomic situation is quite complex, but all kinds of circular economy projects have stationed in the park. For example, October 24, the salt announced that it would invest more than 100 billion yuan into the recycling economy demonstration park, constructed in two phases with local characteristics, a large-scale salt chemical and fine chemical industry base; October 8, after more than six months The investigation and evaluation and consultation, Maanshan Iron and Steel (Hefei) signed a contract into the circular economy demonstration park, the investment project stretches more than 8.0 billion in two phases at 1.65 million tons annual production capacity of cold-rolled sheet and the associated supporting the project. And so on.

Wang Huabo said that at present, the park talking about nearly 20 large projects, in addition to the above-mentioned items, the other a long time there are big, Sichuan, Shandong Jingbo, Nanjing Jin-tong, Hong Kong, the United States the whole, good tires, Jiaxing Universal Fabric Industry , hung exchange recycled paper, and so.

with the salt in the most recent head office in Hefei, circular economy billions of circular economy demonstration garden project signing ceremony, Hefei Municipal Party Committee Secretary Sun Jinlong with emotion: “We have a deep understanding is that to do something faster.”

chain Merchants

As of now, Hefei Circular Economy Demonstration Garden was originally the name of “Hefei Chemical Industry Park”, their position is the relocation of urban chemical enterprise, integrated destination.

behind this is: With the city of Hefei in recent years, the size of the expansion and the rapid development of urban construction, more than 40 years of history, Hefei chemical industry has been in contradiction with the urban construction. Take located in Hefei

within the chemical industry - the Quartet’s point of view, once the enterprise to Hefei had caused serious pollution problems. “Every day at low or windy weather, air pressure can often smell the pungent smell everywhere, the family can not open the windows for many years.” Quartet West Anhui Village, a nearby resident told reporters.

To this end, Hefei chemical companies decide to move to a unified park, centralized pollution control. “Hefei Chemical Industry Park,” also came into being. While in 2007, after groping, Hefei Chemical Industry Park, Park was renamed circular economy. Subsequently, once again changed its name to circular economy demonstration park.

Wang Huabo this explanation, in the future, the park will always insist on circular economy industrial chain of investment ideas and strive to build coal chemical industry, salt chemical industry, daily chemical recycling industry chain. Try in each chain, forming inter-firm raw materials, intermediate products and waste each other for inter-operability between the upstream and downstream enterprises to achieve “seamless” and cleaner production, while each industry, form a cycle link between the.

Circular Economy Demonstration Garden is located in Hefei, Hefei Feidong in the southeast, bordering the north shore of Lake Chaohu, peripheral distribution of the two power plant in Hefei, Huainan coal mine, will be far from salt and other important chemical base resources.

Park, 10 km first phase of the planning, control programs 20 square kilometers, including three parks two areas: Green Chemical Park, rubber and plastic materials, park, new building materials Park, Hefei leading industry supporting area and the logistics market area.

It is noteworthy that after the relocation of Hefei-based enterprise dedicated railway projects have been approved. The line length of 9 km, the budget invested 159 million yuan, from the set of points from Huainan Railway Bridge to the chemical industry park, in the middle set up the transfer station, park inside the industrial station and goods yard. After the completion of the railway line will become the first domestic chemical companies dedicated to the relocation of the railway line, greatly reduced the admission of the construction business operating costs.

Moreover, Wang Huabo prepared with his team of industrial water, sewage pipe network more than a dozen projects, the use of these items separately to open lines, Bank of China, Bank of such declaration of 227 million loan to implement the loan 75 million; the establishment of Zhongfu bonding companies, and Huishang Bank establish strategic partnership and signed a framework agreement on the maximum loan guarantee.

Hefei circular economy demonstration garden for the future, Wang Huabo confidence. He told reporters that the park is expected to be achieved by 2010, sales income 137 million yuan, profits of 3.5 billion; in 2015 sales revenue of 20 billion yuan more than 5 billion yuan and taxes.

will exacerbate Chaohu pollution?

As at the shore of Lake Chaohu, mostly stationed in chemical industry, is bound to produce large amounts of water, therefore, Hefei Circular Economy Demonstration Park of environmental protection and pollution control and other issues of social concern.

“we must not Laigao expense of the environment development.” Wang Huabo resolute attitude of the head. Such as from the beginning to build gardens of the park to attract foreign investors on the refrain, “picked up the basket is a vegetable,” and not one-sided emphasis on quantity to the neglect of quality. To this end, circular economy demonstration garden project carried out on all pre-admission system, not the introduction of heavy pollution, high energy consumption, backward technology projects, not the gathering of a small chemical industry.

and polluting paper-making, printing and dyeing, tanning and other projects, emissions of ammonia, nitrogen and phosphorus may be aggravated by high levels of eutrophication in Chaohu projects, as well as investment of 3,000 yuan, “small chemical “, be allowed to enter.

the past two years, the park has rejected all kinds of projects do not meet the requirements of more than 30 pre-trial and refused to intentions investment of nearly 2 billion yuan.

Moreover, for enterprises stationed in the sewage produced, etc. recycling economy demonstration park in Hefei developed a strict process flow: Enterprise Pretreatment - Sewage treatment plant - the water reuse project - artificial wetlands projects, etc. .

reporter in Hefei Circular Economy Demonstration Park to see the park the introduction of annual processing capability 6 million tons of sewage treatment plant is in full swing in construction. The plant water supply from Malaysia Ranhill Group in accordance with the building BOT manner.

park also plans to build artificial wetlands and ecological protection forest. This sewage treatment plant as part of the post in the water used for irrigation, part of the park two power plants for the production of water, the remaining purification through artificial wetlands, and through dianbu - Sancha - Nanfeihe that a 18 km of After the purification of natural river flows to Chaohu Lake, we can greatly reduce the pollution of Chaohu Lake.

reporter learned from the Hefei city government, this park is also planning to build protection of green areas and public green space, including large area of ecological protection forest. The total green area of more than 300 hectares, accounting for 15% of the total land.

This is just a circular economy in the park, with regard to chemical remaining after production of phosphorus gypsum and other wastes intractable phenomenon, the introduction of the park can be phosphogypsum as raw materials in building materials business into the park; for household appliances in Hefei , auto, and other leading industry needs, the introduction of complementary chemical companies into the park.

“can say responsibly, just like (Hefei Municipal) Sun Jinlong, secretary said, we will never let a drop of water flowing into Chaohu Lake.” Huabo Wang said.







“当前的经济形势和新项目的复杂性,既是一个挑战,对我们更多的机会。现在的调整是对增长和准备下一轮的前奏。 “安徽桑铌科技股份公司董事长黎得葑感到非常兴奋。他说,经过与公园充分沟通,公司决定采取提前建设的主动权。

该公司不久将开始200万吨建筑/年延迟焦化和200万吨/重油深加工项目,22.780亿元的总投资,年占地分两期建成一〇 〇 〇英亩,面积: 1 100万吨建筑/年延迟焦化和120万吨/年项目重新提醒开裂,主要产品有汽油,柴油,丙烯,焦炭,液化石油气,石脑油等;两个工程项目一百八点〇 〇 〇万吨/重油深加工项目年,主要生产聚-丙烯,聚苯乙烯,聚丙烯树脂。之后,该项目全部建成,年销售15亿元,每年的12亿元利润,年税金4.5亿元收入上缴。



{zx1}的过去,尽管宏观经济形势,是相当复杂,但循环经济项目在各类园区驻扎。例如,10月24日,盐宣布,它将投入循环经济示范园区100多亿元人民币,在两个地方的特点分阶段兴建大型盐化工和精细化工产业基地; 10月8日,经过超过6个月的调查,评价和咨询,马钢(合肥)签署了一项把循环经济示范园区的合同,投资项目延伸可达1650万吨以上8.0亿冷轧薄板生产能力分两个阶段进行和相关支持项目。等等。








在化学工业-四方的角度来看,一旦企业合肥造成了严重的污染问题。 “在低,多风的天气,每天,空气压力往往可以闻到刺鼻的气味到处,家庭无法打开多年的窗户。”四方皖西村,附近的居民对记者说。

为此,合肥化工公司决定迁移到一个统一的园区,污染集中控制。 “合肥化学工业园”也应运而生。虽然在2007年,经过摸索,合肥化学工业园,公园更名为循环经济。随后,再次更名为循环经济示范园区。










及污染,造纸,印染,制革等项目,氨,氮和磷的排放量可能会加剧,在巢湖富营养化项目的高水平,以及3000元的投资,“小化工” ,被允许进入。








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