水中分娩何时下水最合适——摘自国外文献7,感谢翻译张晓明_水中分娩安太 ...

4When to Enter the Bath


One issue that is repeated in the literature and voiced in the concern of mothers and their midwives is: When should the mother enter the bath?


Many hospitals use the five-centimeter rule, only allowing mothers to enter the bath when they are in active labor and dilated to more than five centimeters.


Some physiological data supports this rule, but each and every situation must be evaluated and then judged.


Some mothers find a bath in early labor useful for its calming effect and to determine if labor has actually started.


The water sometimes slows or stops labor if used too early.


On the other hand, if contractions are strong and regular with either a small amount of dilation or none at all, a bath might be in order to help the mother relax enough to facilitate the dilation.


It has been suggested that the bath be used in a “trial of water” for at least one hour, allowing the mother to judge its effectiveness.


Women report that often the contractions seem to space out or become less effective if they enter the bath too soon, thus requiring them to leave the bath.


Then again, midwives report that some women can go from

one centimeter to complete dilation within the first hour or two of immersion.


Deep immersion seems to be a key factor.


If the pool or bath is not deep enough, at least providing water up to breast level and completely covering the belly, then the benefits of the bath may be less noticeable.


The warm water will still provide comfort and the mother will benefit from being upright, in control and drug free, but full immersion promotes more physiological responses, the most notable being a redistribution of blood volume, which stimulates the release of oxytocin and vasopressin.


Vasopressin can also work to increase the levels of oxytocin.


The immediate pain reduction felt upon entering the bath is quite noticeable.


It is what I refer to as “the ahh effect.”


The smile, the sound and the inner peace that mothers display are unmistakable.


This response can happen at any point in the labor, but most notably when contractions are long and strong and close together.


Some midwives who assume there is little or no progress in dilation because the mother is not displaying any outward signs of discomfort are often surprised to find rapid dilation in the first hour of immersion. 一些助产士会猜想在扩张上很少或者没有进展,因为孕妇没表现出不舒服的外在征象,他们会惊讶的发现入水后的{dy}个4小时内有很快的扩张。

Having experienced a waterbirth myself, I can verify the incredible difference in perception of pain from the room to the water.

When I am with a woman in labor I generally assess her pain on a scale of one to ten before she enters the bath.


Most report at least a six or greater.


Then after no less than half an hour, I will make another assessment. 然后,至少半小时后,我会再作评估。

The second subjective answer of course varies from person to person,

but the typical response is two to four.


The mother is experiencing more than the sum of her physiological responses to warm   water immersion.


Most women feel inherently safe in the water.


The water creates a wonderful barrier to the outside world.


It becomes the woman’s nest, her cave, her own “womb with a view.”


If the pool is large enough to include her partner or husband, it then becomes an intimate place for the two of them to labor together and experience the love dance of birth.


If the midwife or physician wants to do a vaginal examination while the mother is in the water, it is much easier for the mother to refuse. 当妈妈在水中的时候,如果助产士或医生想做xx检查,妈妈可以更容易的拒绝。

Her mobility allows her to move quickly to the other side of the



Vaginal exams can be easily done in the water, but to maintain universal precautions, long shoulder-length gloves need to

be worn.


The control that women gain by being able to move freely in the water often helps them assess their own progress either by feeling the baby’s movements more intensively or actually being able to examine themselves internally.


Women report that the water intensifies the connection with the baby at the same time that it reduces the pain.

They can feel the baby move, descend and push through the birth canal.


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