Good if you can read Mandarin
  1. This article is all about YY a.k.a. Yonex. From the legendary Cab 20 till the latest Nanospeed series.

    so, enjoy.

    P/s. : Appreciated if someone who can give a hand to translate this article into english version.


  2. I have just read it, just reinforces my idea of switching to other brands......

    Sorry that I just don't have time to translate it. But generally it just describes the rise and fall of the Yonex badminton line, plus the change of business direct of the company in recent years. It sums up that there is nothing new from Yonex anymore compared to the old days when they introduced the Cab, Boron and Aerotus series. I guess it is due to the lack of competition in recent years. And just look at how many other badminton racket manufacturers are rising, they are bold in using new technologies, whereas Yonex always use the same old principle, new wine, old bottle.

    Among the words, you can also find that most Yonex rackets are produced elsewhere other than Japan due to the 'Sunrise' connection.

    Just hope that someone can translate it into English, very meaningful.

  3. Louis, i think u dont know much about Chinese at all. there's many Chinese language, the most famous is mandarin and Cantonese. But in writing Chinese has two version also, simplified and tradition. Theres no mandarin word, in fact mandarin use tradition Chinese word. When i look at the page, it is simplify Chinese.

  4. Louis, i think u dont know much about Chinese at all. there's many Chinese language, the most famous is mandarin and Cantonese. But in writing Chinese has two version also, simplified and tradition. Theres no mandarin word, in fact mandarin use tradition Chinese word. When i look at the page, it is simplify Chinese.
    well, you get me wrong and when you said i don't know much in Chinese/mandarin, that is really INSULT me. title=Mad I can read both traditional and simplify chinese words.

    I'm just not good in english especially grammers so I just need someone to do the translation work.

    I post something for sharing but not received such humiliation. If you think you can do the translation work, please contribute your kind effort.

  5. Well, hope that is not going to become the war of words here.

    Just to clarify things in plain English.

    Mandarin and Cantonese are dialects. Mandarin is the official language in PRC and Taiwan. Cantonese is spoken in Hong Kong and the 'Canton' area, (now ).

    Simplified and Traditional Chinese refer to the written characters. Simplified Chinese characters are used in PRC where as in Taiwan (and Hong Kong), they still use the Traditional characters as the official form of writing. There is a tendency of converting back to Traditional Chinese in China as people found that some of the simplified characters are 'too simplified' to distinguish between words and meanings.

  6. The Chinese version here :

    故事该怎么开始? 从80、90年代国际赛场满眼都是的Carbonex8开始?还是从生产时间长达24年的Carbonex 20开始?我想,CAB8以及CAB系列变化的故事,还是留给比我更了解的人,如50mmf2去讲述,CA B20的故事,也不在这里讲了,至少我现在还没了解全貌。今天的主题,就从1989年开始,介绍到2006 年3月。这一切,前者缘于Boron2的出世,后者归于终极的纪念——汤尤杯版的MusclePower9 0。这十八年,是YONEX公司和羽毛球拍制造业巨变的十八年,一切技术工艺的变化、一切设计观念的更新、 一切企业组织的改造、一切商品市场的操作都在这十八年中展现无遗。

    1989年是特殊的一年,这一年是YONEX公司生死存亡的一年。在70年代之前,甚止80年代初, YONEX公司都在羽毛球拍制造这一行业中居于老大的地位,此时的YONEX公司是傲慢的,赞助中国国家队 都可以要到最后决赛才提供。但从80年代开始,渡过了YONEX公司商战中最为胆战心惊的几年,70、80 年代兴趣的碳纤维工业,被林光男率先用在了羽毛球拍的制造上面,碳纤维材料的运用,象蒸汽机之于工业时代一 样引起了业内的巨变,PROKENNEX这个名字和Carbonpro787的型号,象达摩克利斯之剑一样 悬在YONEX公司头顶,无疑,这一次,傲慢的YONEX

    但精明的日本人是不会甘心的。1984年,YONEX推出了Carbonex20,CAB20无论从尺寸, 拍框形状、用材、手柄风格、甚止涂装都与787相仿,设计目的就是直接用来挖Carbonpro787的墙 角,YONEX公司还采用了银弹政策,从中国国家队的赞助拍下手,强行要求787全部换成20。除了直接交 战外,YONEX公司在科研投入上加大了力度,日本人创造思想不足,但仿造思想是一流。碳纤维技术没抢到先 ,就在硼纤维的运用上加大了研究,在ACM Boron (石棉基硼编织纤维)的运用之上,直接推出了Bo ron3、Boron7、Boron200三款战略试验型号,B3是CAB20的材料改进试验版,B7怀疑 是拍头加强试验版,B200是破风拍体的试验版。但是这一次,市场激战正酣,没有足够的时间试用,于是直接 将Boron3涂装成Boron2,于1989年投放市场,版本包括CN、SPY、MA等版。在赵爷手中, B2清脆的金属音,迷倒了芸芸众生。接下来发生的事,大家都清楚了,Boron纤维脆,B2球拍易损不能拉 高于22磅,业余市场反映不佳也主要因于此。于是YONEX公司停产了B2,也造就了这一传奇 的收藏之拍

    除了ACM Boron的运用外,80年代末、90年代初,差点被PROKENNEX干掉的YONEX公司,铆足了劲在 技术上大量投入,主要是两大方面的技术研究:一是Isometric方头技术,二是Aerotus的破风技 术。ISO技术,和Boron系列一样,在日本市场推出了Super Isometric7,9,10,11四款型号验证,其中7是普通长度,9是加长型,10是超细杆,11的 资料不详。日本YONEX公司的验证性质的球拍型号主要在日本市场推出,虽然没有明说,但是在日本市场,却 是一直有“保固”政策的:正常损坏的球拍,可以免费更换。而且日本市场好多型号都是正式定型的国际版所没有 的。这一系列验证的结果,SuperIso10 定型为IsoSlim10在国际市场推出,并成为Peter Gade的成名利器。第二项技术是破风技术,主要是把787哪里跟过来的BOX盒式拍截面加高变窄,做成梭 形以达到破风的效果。这个系列从Widebody30开始,然后定型成Aerotus 65这一型号,同时双向衍生,AR60,AR70,AR77,AR80,AR90,AR100,AR110 ,AR系列成为90年代YONEX公司主推的系列,并且在AR77以上和Boron技术结合,其中,AR1 00没有用Boron,但是第一次在拍头的碳纤维材料中加入了超细的金属钛粉以加强拍头,也是一款试验拍, 主要在日本国内市场销售,但在1997年

    在90年代的衍生设计中,ISO和AR技术结合起来的运用,也结了个大果子,就是Isomet ric TOUR 800。ISO和AR的结合,试验型号有三款:Isometric PRO 500,600,800。其中,500是细杆,600是头加重,800是大拍面,最后定型为Isometr ic POWER 500,Isometric PRO 800最后定型为大名鼎鼎的Isometric TOUR 800。ISO800有人称之为拍皇:最能适应每个人不同打法的球拍,不论你的发力方式对与否,不论你的打 法是进攻型还是防守型还是全面平衡型,ISO 800都能很好的帮助你去完成每一项的工作,大家之所以多谈CAB20,而少谈ISO800只因此拍的拍顶 惹得祸,这是ISO800的致命弱点,拍顶的脆弱使得ISO800一下子跌倒地狱中去了,遗憾的完美。比之 CAB20发展了整整三代老标、两代新标,ISO800真让人心碎。即使CAB20,YONEX公司也做过 许多改版,有技术
    上的原因,也有市场上的需要。比如,CAB20PRO,是试验在CAB20上运用高碳材料,也只在日本销售 ,最后成为CAB20TOUR,商业运作的,包括SPECIAL,POWER,LONG,TI,MS,SU PER等。

    在1989年到1997年之间,我们看到的YONEX公司,是一个醉心于研究产品、研究制造、研究设计的球 拍设计大师。不幸的是,这一切在1997年YONEX公司东京股市上市时,成为过眼云烟。发生了什么?九年 的技术积累、在市场上对KENNEX和其他品牌的成功打压,让YONEX公司的股东们认为,大把大把抢钱的 时代开始了!于我们看到,YONEX重新设计了标志,加大了与SP公司的合作(SP可以理解为:Sunri se Provided?),SP不再是经销,而是介入到生产环节中,SP变成了Sunrise Production,因无论采用材料如何,羽拍的制作只能是一个劳动密集的产品,如果要追求利润,也只能 继续向劳动力廉价的东南亚集中。由中国提供炭纤维的PAN基,TORAY/台丽将他做成炭纱,YONEX采购,就地供应给相应的厂家,做成胚,或上漆,或不上漆,运回日本安装、检测 、钻孔、上漆~呵呵~YY也按照JIS的最低要求来MADE IN JAPAN了。技术研究上的乏力,也导致1997—1999两年YONEX

    1999年到2000年,在YONEX公司内部是商业力量与技术力量交织在一起的阶段。技术派无力再有大的 创新突破,把前期的AERO、ISO、钛金属和新材料运用做到了一起,又加了一个MP技术的小改进,推出了 Titanium 10,Ti10是YONEX技术派的压轴大作,包括 Ti10,和Ti10R,2U,3U四个版本,基本上男女老幼单打双打进攻防守统吃了,其后推出的MP技术 和MP系列,SwingPower技术及系列,不如说是商业噱头的概念更多一些,一直到2004年出现金属 杆和金属装甲运用于一体的ArmorTec 700前,技术力量才又一次露了头。但B2的悲剧在Ti10身上又重演了,B2是由于外部竞争,匆忙上市, 而Ti10是由于公司内部商业力量的强大。首次运用Toray超高系数碳纤维制作的Ti10,非常好打,两 年之内成为日本市场人气最高的产品,但问题是,这种材料在正常使用下容易断裂,保固政策免费更换,成本非常 高,于是在2002年,JP版Ti10全部停产。至于国际版的Ti10,本身就是SP组织生产的,材料选择 上也有所调整,后期也应市场需要也推出了3U缩水版本,包括2006年生产的新Ti10,嗯,让我讲什么好 呢?据传2008年要推出Ti10的纪念版,我想,这是纪念什么呢?按我的理解,是纪念YON EX造拍技术

    新世纪,技术的发展成为商业力量的辅角,只有金属技术的运用,仍在MP7X8X、9X、100和AT700 、800DF、800OF上面延续着技术派的理想,但更多的改进,都是一些以前技术概念的翻唱。其中,金属 中杆是一项很重大的技术运用。碳纤维本身的特点,在使用时不断弯折,会产生热量(各位可以在打球时摸一下球 杆),环氧树脂在高温和紫外线的作用下,时间长了会变软,导致球拍中杆的弹性越来越软,正常使用,这个过程 持续8~10年就会使球拍中杆软到难以接受的程度。金属杆的出现,改变了这一过程。MP100的金属杆,不 太成功,杆太硬了,MP7X又太软了,MP9X的出世标志着对金属技术彻底掌握,而AT700的成功,是金 属杆加上了金属网,避免了ISO800的恶运。这两个型号属于新一代的技术球拍。至于NS系列,所谓纳米, 是在碳纤维中加入纳米级的粉末,无非是翻炒AR100的冷饭,如果老版AR100现在投产,我想YONEX 公司肯定会起这个名字:“NanoTi”(纳米钛)。NS9000,靠的还是金属,橡胶金属,有多少人感觉 出差异?NS8000、9000的Solid Feeling Core,无非是把拍头的碳纤维压紧一点,Slim技术,也是陈年往事了,真正的纳米管做的球拍,再等几年 吧,AscSaber,不知道用了多少纳米碗?YONEX公司对自己的球拍,哪些是技术拍,哪些是商业拍, 心里清楚得很,技术已死。在2006年上半年,日本举办汤尤杯推出两个纪念版本,一个是AT700,一个是 MP90,可以看作是技术拍的封山纪念吧。AT700汤尤杯纪念版,有人收藏,有人见过,但我没找到任何资 料,也许只是一个神话,MP90纪念版,我收了一个,作为纪念YY十八年技术之死。2005年的ATLE版 、2007年的MP TOUR版和MP LIMITED版,在我看来,只是SP公司自娱的东西而已。

  7. page1
    How should the story start? From how in the 80's and 90s international stadiums where full of Cab8s? Or should it start with the production time lasting 24 years of the Cab20? I think, Cab8 and the Cab series, should be left with someone who knows more than me, like [member name]. The story of the Cab20, will also not be discussed, at least until I fully understand it. Today's topic, starts from 1989 and will be introduced to March of 2006. All of this, the prior originating from the birth of Boron2, the latter stemming to the ultimate memorbilia -- the Template Cup version Muscle Power 90. The 18 years have brought great change to Yonex and the badminton racket producing industry; all the technological advances, all the new designs, the corporations' structural change, change in marketing skills, all have been clearly shown in these 18 years

    1989 was a special year, this was the year that Yonex was facing do-or-die situations. Before the 70s, even into the early 80sYonex was the head of the badminton industry, in these times, Yonex was arrogant. Even when sponsoring China's country team, they'll wait til the finals before supplying [rackets]. But from the beginning of the 80s,Yonex faced many horrifying years. In the 70's, 80's, interest in the carbon fiber industry [started];[carbon fiber] was first used by Lin Guang Nan on the production of badminton rackets. The usage of carbon fiber was like the steam machinese in the Industrial Revolution, leading to a huge change in the badminton industry. The name PROKENNEX and the Carbonpro787, hung like a damascus blade on Yonex's head, no questions that this time, the arrogant Yonex is out of date, and not just by a little bit.

    But the prudent Japanese will not swallow it easily. In 1984, Yonex brough out the Cab20, the Cab20, regardless of size, racket shape, material, grip style, even paintjob, looks exactly like the 787, the intention for this design is to steal the Carbonpro787, Yonex also used money tactics, starting from the sponsoring of the Chinese team, forcing them to change all their 787 into Cab20. Aside from this direct battle, Yonex also put a lot of push behind their engineering and research, Japanese peoples' creativity are insufficient, but their plagurism skills are top notch*. Didn't obtain the carbon fiber technology first, then they'll put lots of research on the usage of boron fibers, with the use of ACM Boron, directly pushed out the Boron 3, Boron7, Boron200, three types of prototypes. B3 is the prototype of Cab20, B7 is, suspected to be, the prototype of headheavy rackets, B200 is the aerodynamic prototype. But this time, the battle for the market was fierce, without sufficient enough time to test out, so [they] directly repainted the Boron3 into Boron2, in 1989 threw it into the market, versions include CN, SPY, MA, etc. In the hands of Zhao [?], the crisp metallic sound of the B2, entranced many. Then after this, everyone is clear, Boron is fragile, easily broken, cannot be pulled above 22lbs, and because of this, [it] did not do well in the amatuer market. Thus Yonex stopped producing the B2, and created a legendary collectors' racket.

    * it seems like the original writer harbors a very distinct contempt towards the Japanese, commonly seen in Mainland China. I just translated as is, writer's original intent does not reflect upon mine.

  8. I learned that a lot of people who have read this article claim that it is half true and half false. I am not a fan of Yonex nor do I hate them as well. I own quite a few YY rackets and found them to be very good indeed (old ones). I consider myself being neutral in this issue.

    As if some of you have seen the other post of the X-ray photos of the a Yonex racket and another lower brand racket, the differences of the quality of the molding and carbonfibre are astonishing. It would be nice to see these X-ray analysis of other brands, say, Carlton, Victor, Babolat etc etc.

  9. part 2
    Aside from the use of ACM Boron, near the end of the 80s and beginning of the 90s, Yonex almost being taken out by Prokennex, used all it's resources on technology, in this there are 2 main directions: one is the Isometric square headed technology, one is the Aerotus aerodynamic technology. Iso technology, like the Boron series, in Japan pushed out the Super Isometric 7, 9, 10, 11, four prototypes. In it, the 7 is normal length, 9 is extra long, 10 is thin shaft, and 11 is unknown. Yonex mainly produced the prototypes to be sold in the Japanese market, although not said, but in the Japanese market, there has always been a "warranty" plan: if broken in a normal fashion, [rackets] can be exchanged free of charge. And in the Japanese market, there are versions [of rackets] that even the international market doesn't have. The result of this series of prototypes, the SuperISO 10 is established as the IsoSlim10 in the international market, and became the weapon of choice for Peter Gade. The second technology is aerodynamics, the main goals was to take the box frame of he 787 and make it slim, into an olive shape to reach the results of being aerodynamic.. This series started with the Widebody30, and then was formed into the Aerotus 65, and then begat: AR60, AR70, AR77, AR80, AR90, AR100, AR110, the AR series became the foremost produced series of Yonex in the 90s, also in the AR77 and above [rackets] have been infused with the Boron technology, [but] in it, the AR100 does not have Boron, but [it] is the first time in carbon fiber racket heads to add in ultra small titanium powder to strengthen the racket head, and is also a prototype, mainly sold in the Japanese market, but after 1997, almost stopped adding Ti powder.

    In the production design of the 90s, the combination of the ISO and AR technology also came to bear fruit, that is the Isometric TOUR 800. The fusion of ISO and AR technology, prototypes: Isometric PRO 500, 600, 800. In it, the 500 is thin shaft, 600 is headheavy, 800 is wide racket face. The final setting is the Isometric POWER 500, Isometric PRO 800, [then] finally set as the famous Isometric TOUR 800. Some call the ISO800 the king of the rackets: best in adapting to different playing styles of different players, regardless of your technique, regardless whether your style is attacking or defending or balanced, the ISO 800 can help you do each job perfectly, the reason why people talk more about the CAB20 and not as much with the ISO800 is because of the top of the racket. This is the Achille's foot of the ISO800, the frailty of the racket head caused it to drop to rock bottom, pitiful perfection. Compared to the CAB20 expanded three entire old generations, two new generatoins, the ISO800 really breaks peoples' hearts. Even the CAB20, Yonex has done a lot of readjusting, some on the technological level, some because of market needs. Such as, the CAB20PRO, is a prototype of the CAB20 using high carbon materials, and is only sold in Japan, finally became the Cab20TOUR. Specially made for the market, includes SPECIAL, POWER, LONG, TI, MS, SUPER, etc.

    From 1989 up til 1997, the Yonex we see, is master that is infatuated with product research, production research, engineering of rackets. Unfortunately, this all became smoke when in 1997 Yonex went on market in the Tokyo Stock Exchange. What happened? 9 years of gathered experience, a monopoly against KENNEX and other brands, made the board members of Yonex think that it is time to reap in piles and piles of money! What we saw, Yonex redesigned their logo, increased collaborations with SP (Sunrise Provided?), SP no longer only a distributor, but is stepping into the production branch, SP became Sunrise Production, because regardless materials used, the production of badminton rackets can only be a labor intensive production, if looking for profit, [then] can only continue [staying] in Southeast Asia where labor is cheap. From China's contribution of carbon fiber from Pan[?], Toray[?] turns it into carbon dust, Yonex [then] buys, and distributes it to local factories, make into mold, paint or not paint, ship back to Japan to assemble, test, drill holes, paint, haha, Yonex meanwhile can still follow the JIS minimum requirements [of products bearing] MADE IN JAPAN. The lack of new technology, also caused that in the two years of 1997-1999 Yonex did not produce a new model.

    *translator's note: whoever wrote this needs to learn how to properly use commas, colons, periods, and semicolons. Grammar is bad, syntactical errors everywhere, while still readable, it makes it realllllllllly hard to translate. This coming from a Chinese Major at UC Davis
    Last edited by NoName1225; 01-21-2008 at 09:15 PM. Reason: easier to read

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    bluejeff Regular Member
    well, in some later sections, this article is based on that JP/SP thing again. He believes there is a site makes JP rackets and there is another lower quality site makes SP rackets.

    It's the same talk over and over in China and in many other places again.

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