
波纹管阀门用波纹管作为阀杆密封元件的阀门。它常用于对阀杆密封要求严格的场合,如用于高真空的场合和核工业中。采用波纹管代替普通阀门上的填料函或与填料函并用,可使阀杆部位无泄漏,以防止放射性物质或贵重物质外漏,或保持高真空。波纹管随阀杆的升降而伸缩,其{zg}工作压力取决于波纹管的耐压强度和疲劳强度。 金属波纹管阀门设计时应注意以下问题: a) 波纹管与阀杆的间隙, 一般取1~2 mm。 b) 波纹管不能承受扭矩, 设计时应保证波纹管只拉伸和压缩。 c) 金属波纹管阀门在启闭状态时 波纹管分别处于压缩和拉伸状态。 d) 波纹管应有承受压力所必须的最小迭层厚度, 并要求进行试验。 e) 注意波纹管材料的相容性, 实践证明inconel 合金是波纹管耐高温高压的较好材料。 f) 波纹管的焊接质量应有工艺评定和焊接记录。 g) 作为节流用的波纹管阀应考虑流速对波纹管的影响。 h) 波纹管具有一定的刚度, 应考虑波纹管拉伸或压缩时引起的操作力矩的增加 波纹管截止阀 型号:JW41H 口径:DN15~DN350 压力:PN16~PN40 材质:碳钢、不锈钢 驱动:手动 应用:石油、化工、制药、化肥、电力等行业

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Bellows valve bellows valve as the valve stem seals. It is commonly used on the valve stem seal demanding applications, such as the occasion for high vacuum and the nuclear industry. Instead of using bellows valves on ordinary stuffing or stuffing and use, can not leak stem position to prevent leakage of radioactive material or valuable material, or to maintain a high vacuum. Bellows with the valve stem down the stretch, the maximum working pressure depends on the compressive strength and fatigue strength of bellows. Bellows valve design should pay attention to the following questions: a) corrugated pipe with the valve stem clearance, normally take 1 ~ 2 mm. b) corrugated pipe can not withstand torque, the design should ensure that only the tension and compression bellows. c) bellows valve bellows in the opening and closing state of compression and tension in the state, respectively. d) bellows pressure should be the minimum necessary thickness Diego, and asked to test. e) Note bellows material compatibility, proven high temperature inconel alloy bellows pressure is a better material. f) the welding quality of bellows and welding procedure qualification record should be. g) as a throttle valve with bellows bellows should consider the impact of velocity on. h) has a certain stiffness of corrugated pipe, corrugated pipe should be considered when stretched or compressed due to the increase in operating torque Bellows globe valve Model: JW41H Diameter: DN15 ~ DN350 Pressure: PN16 ~ PN40 Material: carbon steel, stainless steel Drive: Manual Applications: petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, fertilizer, power and other industries

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