Where there's oil industry enterprises « Industry info 工业信息

Shenzhen, near the Pearl River Delta, or no information on the oil industry or the oil exploration companies do, please know that the situation pointing people are extremely grateful

I am one from Sichuan in-service oil workers.
from what I know about the circumstances, Guangdong, it seems there is no oil exploration sector, any scale should be minimal. Underground exploration and development of oil resources, as if never never heard of ah.
However, in Guangdong with an oil-industrial enterprises, mainly engaged in oil refining, petrochemical and a class of work.

the distribution of the petroleum industry: the victory of the Northeast Daqing in northern China Zhongyuan Oilfield in Xinjiang Karamay are distributed
Maoming East China Sea, Bohai Sea as a large state-owned petrochemical integrated petrochemical enterprise, founded in 1955. After 40 years of development, the enterprise engaged in man-made from natural crude oil to processing, to the integration of oil refining chemical industry, and now has grown into China’s largest petrochemical bases. In May 1975, renamed as the Guangdong Province Maoming Petroleum Industrial Company, in January 1984 changed its name to China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation Maoming Petroleum Industrial Company. The enterprise since its inception been subjected to the higher authorities of many awards and awards, won the highest honor the National Enterprise Management - “Golden Horse”, National Labor certificate, national energy-saving work of advanced enterprises, the National Excellent Enterprise ideological and political work, the National an advanced unit in the building of spiritual civilization, spiritual civilization construction, Guangdong Province, an advanced unit, the company’s advanced party was the national grass-roots party organizations, the company received the National Model Home of Workers and other unions honor.




石油工业分布:东北的大庆 华北的胜利 中原油田 新疆的克拉玛依油田 渤海 东海都有分布
茂名石化为国有特大型综合性石化企业,成立于 1955 年。经过 40 多年的发展,本企业从搞人造石油到加工xx原油,再到炼油化工一体化,现在已发展成为我国{zd0}的石油化工基地之一。1975 年 5 月,更名为广东省茂名石油工业公司,1984 年 1 月更名为中国石油化工总公司茂名石油工业公司。 本企业自成立以来受到过上级部门许多奖励和嘉奖,曾获全国企业管理{zg}荣誉 –" 金马奖 " ,全国五一劳动奖状,全国节能工作先进企业,全国思想政治工作优秀企业,全国精神文明建设先进单位,广东省精神文明建设先进单位,公司党委获全国先进基层党组织,公司工会获全国模范职工之家等荣誉称号。

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