我们怎样才能洗的衣服上的墨水,水彩笔印刷,蜡笔和印度以及圆珠笔和 ...








可用汽油和煤油油渍擦洗。 SupFree1如果没有汽油或煤油,也可以花生油,SupFree3机油被染色处,要解散沥青,很容易被删除。 SupFree1
可以清洁汽油。 SupFree1
首先使用亚硫酸钠溶液(温)处理,然后反复用清水冲洗。 SupFree1也可以使用酒精擦洗。 SupFree1
油腻的衣服被动,SupFree3植物油污染,挤牙膏指向污渍处,轻轻擦几次,再用清水擦洗,石油可以被删除。 SupFree1
污渍刮去后,用温洗涤剂溶液清洗干燥。 SupFree1
在温暖的洗涤剂溶液先擦洗,然后,汽油,煤油SupFree3洗,然后酒精擦拭。 SupFree1
{dy}柠檬酸或2与水洗后流网草酸溶液%。 SupFree1
感染果汁,可能是第撒上盐和水轻轻润湿,然后浸在肥皂水中洗涤。 SupFree1水果污渍可用于轻微除了冷水洗涤,一洗脏了,洗一次,洗了。 SupFree1严重污染,并能稀氨水(1份氨水20份水红色的有机酸和果汁),然后用肥皂清洗。 SupFree1衣服洗羊毛酒石酸溶液可用。 SupFree1丝绸可以柠檬酸或肥皂,SupFree3的乙醇溶液擦洗。 SupFree1果汁醋的污点,他们的手擦几次,然后用水几滴。除了方法SupFree1 1
,浸泡1小时,然后轻轻擦,用水冲洗。 SupFree1
Suimo放在灌木丛衣服,汗水,然后用清水漂净。 SupFree1
先用洗涤剂洗,然后擦洗10%酒精,然后用水清洗。 SupFree1也可以xx0.25%高锰酸钾溶液。 SupFree1涂有{zh1}芥末,红墨水跟踪上述几个小时后,红色的墨迹会消退。除了水浸泡红SupFree1
创伤,首先揉姜汁,然后用清水洗净,黄斑立即褪色。 SupFree1
如果鸡蛋被污染的衣着,这种污渍应干燥,然后抹在蛋黄和甘油混合,然后入水,洗的衣服,那么你就可以。 SupFree1
的氨水和硼砂少量,然后擦洗布,可以摆脱。 SupFree1
灯芯绒服装和塑料类轻轻擦拭时可用浸泡后水,避免干擦,以防止头发桩其他项目退出。 SupFree1
,洗干后喷洒白鞋内(新鞋,可直接喷洒),直到日期不能被吸收,然后晾干。 SupFree1所以不会穿了脚臭。 SupFree1
除了如果是新酒,SupFree3啤酒或其他鸠兹感染的颜色,可以用水冲洗了。如果过去的事情必须放在SupFree1添加氨硼砂溶液,以xx。 SupFree1
衣服洒上咖啡或茶,如果把立即用热水擦洗,可清洗。 SupFree1如果污渍已经枯竭,然后使用一个比较复杂的方法来清洗。用甘油和蛋黄涂拭污渍处SupFree1混合溶液,将略微干燥,然后用清水冲洗即可。 SupFree1首先在污渍甘油涂布,然后撒上一些硼酸粉,然后在开水浸泡,除了染色可水洗。 SupFree1稀氨水,SupFree3硼砂温水和橡皮也可以移除污点。如果毛纺织品SupFree1氨混合没有下降,只有10%的甘油溶液可洗。 SupFree1
5%浓度的钠次氯酸钠清洗,然后用水清洗。 SupFree1
与一般的洗涤方法蜡烛油,是不可磨灭的。 SupFree1可以先表面用刀片轻轻刮去蜡衣服,然后衣服平放在桌上,以便与蜡像方朝上,摆在上面吸附文件12个,但一些重复熨烫铁是。 SupFree1
被污染的衣服可以先放在冷水中浸泡,然后用肥皂擦洗。过去SupFree1事情将要付出2%草酸溶液浸泡几分钟,然后用洗涤剂增加。 SupFree1
用刀子先染色的衣服轻轻刮去沥青,然后用xxxx水发售(药店)将轻微下跌,然后擦到热水冲洗。 SupFree1也可以用松节油反复摩擦,然后浸泡在洗涤热肥皂水可以。 SupFree1
新的长白粉病,用刷子刷,然后再酒精xx。 SupFree1旧霉菌霉菌氨涂层,进行了一会儿,然后用高锰酸钾溶液涂,终于在亚硫酸氢钠溶液浸泡,并用水冲洗。 SupFree1上述进程,以防止霉菌扩散。 SupFree1
长皮模具,不应使用湿布擦拭,{zh0}晒干(或烘干后洗掉模具)。 SupFree1的模具可编写了一些xx,成分是:SupFree2硝基酚(在化工商店购买的可)3份,SupFree3肥皂10,SupFree3水,100份,溶解涂层皮革,干燥可以。 SupFree1
先用清水冲洗,然后用清洁剂和一米,然后用纱布或棉花1.1点,粘吸。残余氨SupFree1洗可用。 SupFree1也可用于牙膏,SupFree3牛奶擦洗,然后清水漂净。 SupFree1
污渍可洗除。 SupFree1如果过去的事,可以用来温暖洗涤剂(肥皂)溶液或淡氨水,SupFree3或硼砂溶液,擦洗,然后清水漂净。 SupFree1
,首先煤油擦一遍,然后擦了一些稀醋酸(乙酸没有效果受到很大的),{zh1}经洗涤,可以去掉。 SupFree1很难去除干油漆的痕迹,SupFree0有一个简单的方法:SupFree2锅,增加2.5公斤水,SupFree3100克基面和少量石灰,放进厨子的衣服20分钟,用肥皂时,写生,会掉下来。除了油漆SupFree1
意外与服装,汽油,SupFree3香蕉水(乙酸乙酯)xx涂料染色染色,会影响布的纹理。 SupFree1{zh0}的办法是使用的优点和在油面漆涂料染色利弊油涂拭酷:SupFree2冷静一点,重复的和棉花球粮它几分钟顺布擦拭,将获得预期的结果。 SupFree1
白鞋后,黄色或灰色的斑点容易点,影响外观。 SupFree1要删除这个污点是{dy}个准备,以钾刷少许高锰酸钾和草酸,高锰酸钾溶液(1份高锰酸钾,水20份,充分溶解发球)在染色上约1小时,逐渐在涂漆变成浅黄色,然后其他的刷草酸溶液(草酸1份,水10)在涂高锰酸钾,一个地方,约3分钟,水钟画将略湿看鞋面的草酸酸洗,以防止局部留下水印,用软布擦干,污渍可以被删除。 SupFree1
新酒和盐水,聚集在一起,然后用肥皂和水,或用5%稀氨水和洗涤剂,相互摩擦,然后用水冲洗干净。 SupFree1丝织物洗涤10%柠檬酸溶液。 SupFree1
已经熟白蟹鳃搓拭取出,然后在冷水中洗涤用肥皂。 SupFree1
擦拭衣服,办公室的锈渍,然后用清水冲洗。 SupFree1
1,SupFree0胡萝卜盐粉碎混合,涂有血迹,衣服上SupFree3奶渍擦,然后清水漂净。 SupFree1
2,SupFree0衣服沾满鲜血,SupFree3痕迹牛奶,姜先擦洗,然后蘸冷水擦洗,可不跟踪。除了吸烟油脂1 SupFree1
衣服一下砸烟囱石油应立即用汽油擦洗,如擦洗污渍离开后,可用于2草酸溶液清洗酸%,然后用水清洗。一旦对石油衣着类下降烟雾SupFree1,以速度,以少数的骨灰,均匀地洒在上面,直到目前的火山灰干燥,清楚地灰,烟从石油了。如服装SupFree1,烟油已干,时间较长,石油SupFree0浸泡的痕迹,可先用清水,然后采取适当的分散的骨灰以上,也就是说,除了干油脂。 SupFree1
{dy}汽油,煤油清洗SupFree3,也可以用来擦酒精或烧酒后,才从污垢洗涤剂浸,然后清水漂净。 SupFree1
(不含水)浸涂层的颜色漂移或轻轻地擦洗污渍解散注销,然后用清水漂净肥皂水清洗。 SupFree1后用肥皂洗手,如果油价已降低,颜色仍然是,应如何处理消失。 SupFree1使用漂白剂或保险粉(用于真丝服装),以xx颜色渍。除了圆珠笔SupFree1
浸泡在污渍用冷水,用苯丙酮或xxxx轻轻擦拭,然后再洗涤,SupFree3用清水洗净。 SupFree1不能使用汽油清洗。 SupFree1还可以添加一块肥皂,牙膏少量,轻轻擦涂多,如果残留标记,然后酒精擦拭。




How can we wash clothes on the ink, water color pen printing, crayons and India as well as ball-point pen and India?

drawing children in to write often get some very careless to wash Yin Zi in the above, it is really annoying!

clever addition to the ink stains on clothing
ink ingredients are different, so a different method of removing the stains.
1. ordinary ink stains scrub with gasoline, and then washing detergent. Or would be contaminated fabric soaked in rubbing in the carbon tetrachloride wash, reuse of water drift net, a net in case they do not wash with water when a 10% ammonia water or 10% sodium bicarbonate solution Kaishi the last water addition to the strong wash.
2. In addition to ink stains, first wash with water, then rub with detergent and a rice, and then use gauze or cotton 1.1 points, sticky suction. Remnant can be ammonia wash. Can also be used toothpaste, milk and other scrub, and then clear water drift net.
3. In addition to India and oil stains, use soap and gasoline mixture (excluding water) dip coated in the color drift or stains on the scrub gently to dissolve has been mitigated, the color is still, should be handled fade. Use bleach or insurance powder (for silk clothes) to eliminate the color stains.
4. In addition to carbon paper, crayons color stains, first detergent solution, scrub warm and then, gasoline, kerosene wash, and then alcohol wipe. In addition to clothing

Qiao red, blue ink stains
1. In addition to red ink stains, first wash with detergent, then scrub with 10% alcohol, and then wash with water. Can also be removed 0.25% potassium permanganate solution. Coated with mustard at the end the red ink track above, after a few hours, the red ink track is also the message.
2. In addition to blue ink stains, the new contaminated clothing may be soaked in cold water first, then scrub with soap. Thing of the past will have to put 2% of oxalic acid solution soak a few minutes, then wash with detergent addition.

clever addition to the ball-point pen on clothing grease stains
will be soaked with cold water, using benzene acetone or 4 carbon gently wipe amination, and then detergent, water wash. These can also be coated lightly rub toothpaste plus a small amount of soap and, if residual marks, and then alcohol smear.
1. will be immersed in warm water stain at (40 ℃) with benzene or benzene scrub dipped cotton group, and then wash with detergent, water (warm water) rinse.
2. soaked with cold water stains Department Kaishi gently with carbon tetrachloride, or acetone, and then washing detergent, warm water rinse.
3. stains deeper, they can wipe the first to use gasoline, and then 95% of the alcohol rubbing brush, if the surviving monuments, need to wash with bleach. At last, add soap and gently rub toothpaste, and then rinsing with clean water. But forbidden to use open blisters.

wash with rice soup seemed a good


how to remove various stains on your clothes

In addition to Bo
available gasoline and kerosene oil stains scrub. SupFree1 if there is no petrol or kerosene, can also be peanut oil, SupFree3 motor oil being stained Department, to be dissolved asphalt, it is easy erased. SupFree1
In addition to ice cream stains
can be cleaned with gasoline. SupFree1
In addition to iodine stain
the first to use sodium sulfite solution (temperature) processing, and then repeatedly rinse with water. SupFree1 can also be used alcohol scrub. SupFree1
In addition to moving, SupFree3 plants
greasy clothes passive, SupFree3 vegetable oil pollution, the squeezing point of toothpaste on the stain Department, gently rub a few times, then scrub with water, oil can be removed. SupFree1
In addition to tomato sauce stains
scrape off the stain dry after washing with warm detergent solution. SupFree1
In addition to carbon paper, SupFree3 crayon color stains
first in warm detergent solution, scrub and then, gasoline, SupFree3 kerosene wash, and then alcohol wipe. SupFree1
addition of potassium permanganate stains
first citric acid or 2% of the oxalic acid solution of washing with water after the drift net. SupFree1
a new addition to fruit juice stains three methods
infected fruit juice, may be the first sprinkle some salt and gently water wetting, and then soaked in soapy water in the wash. SupFree1 fruit stains can be used for minor addition to cold water washing, a wash is dirty, wash time, wash up. SupFree1 seriously polluted, and can dilute ammonia solution (1 part ammonia red 20 parts water) in the organic acids and fruit juices, and then wash with soap. SupFree1 tartaric acid solution of washing woolen clothes are available. SupFree1 silk can be citric acid or soap, SupFree3 to scrub alcohol solution. SupFree1 juice a few drops of vinegar on the stain, rub their hands several times, and then wash with water. In addition to one of the methods SupFree1
first in a perspiration with the aerosol spray on the clothes of some vinegar, wash off for a while with good results. In addition to perspiration SupFree1
Method 2
will be a smashed melon, poured into bags in their drip extrusion, is used to scrub the clothes stained with perspiration, and then re-use of water drift net. In addition to perspiration SupFree1
methods 3
Riga a few drops of ammonia in water, by placing the juice into the stain to rinse the clothes look, and then wash with water. In addition to methods SupFree1
perspiration perspiration 4
put clothes on the 5% of the salt water, soak 1 hour, then gently rub, wash with water. SupFree1
perspiration methods except the ginger, cut into 5
Suimo placed on the scrub clothes, sweat, and then with water drift net. SupFree1
In addition to red ink stains
first wash with detergent, then scrub with 10% alcohol, and then wash with water. SupFree1 can also be cleared of 0.25% potassium permanganate solution. SupFree1 coated with mustard at the end the red ink trace above, after a few hours, the red ink mark will be dissipated. In addition to water-soaked red SupFree1
first washed with warm detergent solution, and then were used to oxalic acid, SupFree3 potassium permanganate treatment, and finally oxalic acid bleaching, with water drift net. SupFree1
In addition to Wong Nai Wong Nai stains on underwear
scarred, first rubbed with ginger juice, and then washed with water, macular immediately fade. SupFree1
In addition to egg stains
If the eggs contaminated clothing, such stains should be dry, then wipe the egg yolk and glycerol mixture and then into the water, wash clothes, then you can. SupFree1
In addition to soy sauce stains in warm detergent solution
add a small amount of ammonia and borax, and then scrub fabric, that can get rid of. SupFree1
than plastic type stains
corduroy clothing and other items on the piles of plastic type available when gently wipe with water after soaking and avoid dry rub to prevent hair pulled out. SupFree1
In addition to shoes smell
through the old shoes, wash dry after spraying to the inside white shoes (new shoes can be directly spraying) until the date can not be absorbed, and then dried. SupFree1 so there will not be wearing a foot odor. SupFree1
In addition to the color if it is newly infected with wine, SupFree3 beer or other Jiuzi, will be able to wash away with water. If the thing of the past must be placed in SupFree1 add the borax solution with ammonia in order to remove. SupFree1
In addition to coffee, SupFree3 tea stains three methods
clothing sprinkled with coffee or tea, if off immediately scrub with hot water can be cleaned. SupFree1 If the stain has dried, then use a more complex approach to washing. SupFree1 with a mixed solution of glycerol and egg yolk coated swab stains Department, to be slightly dry, and then wash with water can be. SupFree1 first coated with glycerol at the stains, then sprinkle some boric acid powder, and then immersed in boiling water, in addition to the stain can be washed. SupFree1 dilute ammonia, SupFree3 borax and warm water eraser can also remove the stains. If the mixing of wool textiles SupFree1 without drops of ammonia, only 10% of the glycerol solution can be washed. SupFree1
In addition to curry oil stains
of 5% concentration of sodium hypochlorite washed, and then wash with water. SupFree1
In addition to gum, chewing gum stains
will be sticky and hard to wash there clothes and put it into the refrigerator cold cell for some time, candied brittle, lightly scraping with a knife, you can clean and peel. In addition to candles SupFree1
clothes stained with grease
candle oil, with a general washing method is indelible. SupFree1 can first surface with a blade and gently scrape off the wax clothes, and then clothes flat on the table, so that with the wax side facing up, put 12 in the above adsorption of paper, with the iron that is repeated a few ironing be. SupFree1
In addition to the new blue ink stains
contaminated clothing can first soak in cold water, then scrub with soap. SupFree1 thing of the past will have to put 2% of oxalic acid solution soak a few minutes, then wash with detergent addition. SupFree1
In addition to asphalt stains
first stained clothes with a knife to gently scrape off the asphalt, and then use carbon tetrachloride-water (pharmacies on sale) will be a slight dip, and then rub into the hot water wash. SupFree1 can also be repeated with turpentine rubbed, and then immersed in hot soapy water in the washing can be. SupFree1
In addition to bright
sweater to wear a long sweater, and some parts will be raw illuminated. This can be used SupFree1 vinegar, SupFree3 evenly divided mixture of water spraying about, until they wash, can be restored to their original. In addition to mold stains SupFree1
way a
the rainy season, wash the clothes difficult to dry, often Yigu unpleasant musty. SupFree1 clothes on the Ruoqiang a small amount of vinegar and milk plus water wash again, will be able to remove musty. SupFree1 If the collection of clothing or bed linens with yellow places, smear some milk, put the sun for several hours, and then the usual method of washing it again. In addition to mold stains SupFree1
method 2
If the woolen cloth fabrics have a mold mark, must first be hung in a cool well-ventilated place to dry, and then dip a small amount of cotton in the mold mark at the petrol can be repeatedly wipe. In addition to mold stains SupFree1
method 3
new long Mildew, first with a brush, and then cleared of alcohol. SupFree1 old Mildew mold coated with ammonia, place a moment, then coated with potassium permanganate solution, and finally soaked in sodium bisulfite solution, and wash with water. SupFree1 the above process, to prevent the proliferation of Mildew. SupFree1
In addition to mold stains on the method of four
long leather mold, should not use a damp cloth wipe, preferably dried (or drying) after the mold washed off. SupFree1 to mold can be prepared a number of syrup, components are: SupFree2 nitrophenol (available in the chemical store bought) 3 copies, SupFree3 soap 10, SupFree3 water, 100 copies, dissolved coated leather, the drying can be . SupFree1
In addition to ink stains
first washing with water, then rub with detergent and a rice, and then use gauze or cotton 1.1 points, sticky suction. SupFree1 remnants of ammonia wash available. SupFree1 can also be used toothpaste, SupFree3 milk scrub, and then clear water drift net. SupFree1
In addition to urine stains
just contaminated urine stains can be washed except. SupFree1 if the thing of the past, can be used warm detergent (soap) solution or short ammonia, SupFree3 or borax solution, scrub, and then clear water drift net. SupFree1
In addition to bubble candied
scrub with gasoline or alcohol can be removed. In addition to paint blot SupFree1
by wet paint, first rubbed with kerosene again, and then rubbed some of dilute acetic acid (no acetic acid effect has to be badly), and finally by washing, can be removed. SupFree1 difficult to remove the dried paint traces, SupFree0 there is a simple way: SupFree2 pot and add 2.5 kg of water, SupFree3100 g base surface and a little lime, put the clothes inside the cook 20 minutes, wash out with soap, paint it will fall off. In addition to paint SupFree1
blot of two
accidentally stained with paint stains on clothing, gasoline, SupFree3 banana water (ethyl acetate) removed, will affect the texture of cloth. SupFree1 The best way is to use oil-coated swab cool: SupFree2 at the pros and cons of top coat paint stains at the oil cool a little, repeat it a few minutes with a grain of cotton ball-shun cloth wipe, will receive the desired results. SupFree1
In addition to grass stains
with salt water (one liter plus 100 grams of salt) soak, you can get rid of. In addition to shoes SupFree1
damp stain
white shoes after the yellow spots or gray-prone spots, affecting appearance. SupFree1 To remove this stain can be the first to prepare a little potassium permanganate and oxalic acid with a brush to potassium permanganate solution (1 part potassium permanganate, water 20 copies, fully dissolve Serve) painted in the upper stain on about 1 hour, gradually became light yellow, and then the other to brush the oxalic acid solution (oxalic acid 1 part, water 10) painted in the coated potassium permanganate, a place, about 3 minutes, bell with of water will be slightly wet look vamps, the oxalic acid washed to prevent the partial leave watermarks, dry with a soft cloth, stain can be removed. SupFree1
In addition to persimmon stains
new stains, with wine and brine rub together, and then wash with soap and water, or with 5% dilute ammonia and detergent, rub together, and then a clean water rinse. SupFree1 silk fabrics were washed with 10% citric acid solution. SupFree1
In addition to tung oil stains
available gasoline, SupFree3 kerosene or detergent scrubbing, can also be used jerry-scru…

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