Computex 2010:DC COMIC 英雄键盘级及谜一样的Tablet

METALWARE 杩欏鍏徃鐪熺殑寰堝己锛岄櫎浜?銆?a href="">楂樿揪銆?a href="">Transformers銆?a href="">MARVEL 鑻遍泟浜虹墿澶栵紝杩樻湁 DC COMIC 鏃椾笅鐨勮嫳闆勪汉鐗┿€侱C COMIC 鐨勮嫳闆勭墿涓庡叾瀹冪殑鏈夌偣涓嶄竴鏍凤紝浠栦滑闄や簡鑳藉鎴愪负闅忚韩纭洏鍙婇殢韬鐨勫皝闈㈠锛屾洿鏈変竴绯诲垪鐨勯敭鐩樼粍銆傜粏蹇冪暀鎰忕殑璇濓紝DC COMIC 鑻遍泟浜虹墿閮芥槸鐢ㄤ紶缁熸棫鐗堟极鐢诲浘妗堬紝涓嶆槸鏂扮殑涓€鎵癸紝杩欎釜鍋氭硶涓?MARVEL 鑻遍泟浜虹墿涓€鏍凤紝鍏峰鎬€鏃х殑鍛抽亾銆?br />
浣犱互涓?METALWARE 鍙細鍋氬鍥村晢鍝佸悧锛熶綘閿欎簡锛佸洜涓?METALWARE 鏃㈢劧鏈夊埗浣?10.2瀵稿苟浣跨敤 Intel Atom 澶勭悊鍣ㄧ殑 Talbet PC锛岀湡鐨勫お寮轰簡锛?/div>

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