地铁2号线惊现“钢管女郎” 当众热舞看傻乘客(视频):-Sexy Workouts ...
地铁2号线惊现“钢管女郎” 当众热舞看傻乘客(视频):


    都市圈圈网报道:前天下午3点多,地铁二号线列车往油坊桥方向驶出,刚过学则路站,车厢里一名红衣女子 突然从座位上站起,接下来的举动让其他乘客目瞪口呆:她两手猛地抓住车厢中央的立柱,将之当成钢管,自顾无人地秀了一大段钢管舞。对此,尴尬的反而是周边 的乘客,他们纷纷议论:“这人不会有毛病吧?”但女子旁若无人地一直跳到钟灵街站,拿起包,甩了甩头,转身下车,坐在了站内的消防栓上。



    事情已经过去了{yt},但朱小姐还是无法平静,她称自己有眼福,目睹了整个过程。前天下午,朱小姐跟同事在地铁二号线的学则路站上车后,注意 到坐在斜对面的一位漂亮女子。只见她长发飘飘,穿着粉红色短袖衫、白色七分裤、黑色高跟鞋。不光脸蛋漂亮,身材也很棒。“人家怎么修炼的啊,小腹平平,屁 股翘翘,瘦瘦高高的,要啥有啥。”

    没想到正在她跟同事小声议论的时候,红衣女子突然站了起来,拿起红色小包,“人家不会听见咱们说话,要下车了吧?这下尴尬了。”朱小姐有点 不好意思,但令她意外的是,女子并不是要下车,而是打开包,拿出手机放进裤子口袋,把耳塞塞进了耳朵,然后就手握中间的立柱做起了高难度舞蹈动作。

    “天哪,这是在跳钢管舞吗?”看见美女跳起辣舞,大家的目光都被她吸引过去。“好多人开始嬉笑,议论纷纷,胆大的拿出手机拍照。”朱小姐看 那女的没有制止,也拿手机拍了几张,“一开始坐在她旁边的男士还不好意思看,后来看别的人看得眼睛直勾勾的,他们也开始看了。”



    听说有人跳钢管舞,其他车厢的乘客也跑过来观看。她所在车厢的一些男士开始站起来拍照,但女子并没有停下来。只见她时而单腿或双腿勾住钢管 立柱,时而松开双手,不时转换动作。让众人惊叹的是,女子单脚勾管爬到立柱上部,双腿夹紧立柱,背贴着立柱,一个倒立,一只脚勾住立柱,另一只脚往一旁挺 直开叉,然后整个身体顺着钢管慢慢滑下。

    “哇,高难度啊!太专业了!”有男士一边叫好一边带头鼓起掌来,其他乘客也跟着拍手。“好!跳得好,再来一个!”朱女士称,“男的都挺大方 的,盯着看。女孩子就不一样了,没那么大胆。毕竟平时很少接触过这个舞蹈,感觉挺暧昧的。”

    正在大家看得目不转睛时,这女子突然一边跳,一边小声嘟囔“哥们你帅,你帅你真帅……”听到这里,大家实在忍受不住,“扑哧”一下都笑出 声,朱小姐甚至一下没忍住,笑趴在地上。“那个女的太神了,不光我一个人,好多人都笑倒了,哪见过这场面啊。”



    任由别人或嬉笑,或议论。该女子只是专注地跳舞,一直跳了十来分钟。快到钟灵街时,只见她两手抓住立柱,转了几圈后轻轻落地。然后回到座位 上拿起小包,撩了撩头发,等着下地铁。到站后,女子飘然而去。朱小姐看见她坐在站内的消防栓上,继续听歌。

    朱小姐称,她是{dy}次坐二号线,没想到赶上了这事。“太惊奇了,有点好笑,大家的鼓掌可能更多的不是鼓励而是嘲笑。”有一名男乘客看完后, 来了一句,“这人脑子不正常吧,如果不是脑子有问题,也离有问题不远了。哪个正常人会这样啊?”

    “这有什么呢?说不定人家就喜欢钢管舞,刚好看到地铁立柱很适合练习呢!”一位女乘客认为,这名女子说不定是钢管舞教练,“跳钢管舞的身材 实在太性感了!”

    但也有市民认为,该女子是有意而为之。“现在人想出名想疯了,肯定又是一个想出名的。”市民李先生认为,如此大胆地在地铁上搞行为艺术,可 能是作秀。(快报见习记者 孙利侠)

红衣女子地铁内跳舞 车上乘客目瞪口呆(视频):

Updated: 2010-03-16 10:09
Sexy Workouts: getting fit with bumps and grinds

NEW YORK - Vaudeville may be dead, but burlesque is alive and well at the gym.

Young women are strip-teasing, pole dancing and stretching sultrily in group fitness classes that seem to boost their sexual self-confidence as much as their cardio.

"These people are schoolteachers, secretaries, college kids," said Donna Cyrus of the Crunch chain of health clubs, who has been programing sexy workouts since she was inspired by Demi Moore's performance in the 1996 movie "Striptease."

"It's a great workout. My generation did a lot of aerobics," said Cyrus, who is in her 40s. "By the time the 20-somethings started going to the gym they were looking for different ways to get fit. They're looking to express their sexuality."

So Crunch obliges with classes like "Strip Bar," "Belly Moves" and "Sexy Stretch" that Cyrus says provide fierce workouts and build self-esteem as efficiently as they burn calories.

"Pole dancing is about upper body strength," Cyrus said. "They have to hold their body weight. Then they practice over and over to make the activity safe before going on to the next movement."

Then the lower body is used to climb the pole.

"After that it is doing inversions. This happens in an advanced class which Crunch, which never met a double entendre it didn't like, labels "Turning Tricks," she said.

There is also the male factor.

"Our studios are glass-enclosed so on any given night men are outside looking in. It's a very good meet-and-greet that's certainly helped our membership," she explained.

Jessica Matthews, spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise, says sexy classes can be great motivators.

"I'm a fan of these outside-of-the-box classes if they get people excited," Matthews said.

"Pole dancing, strip aerobics tend to have great aerobic benefits, and belly dancing has a big focus on posture and core," she said.

"People like having a sexy repertoire," she said, even as she cautioned those channeling their inner Gypsy Rose Lee to stick to sneakers or go barefoot.

"I would not encourage any class to wear six-inch heels"

If not heels, Robin Antin, choreographer of the Pussycat Dolls, hopes those viewing her Workout DVD will at least grab a feather boa or a scarf while gyrating to the Dolls' hits, such as "Don't Cha" (wish your girlfriend was hot like me).

"I wanted to teach it like a simplified version of a dance class," said Antin, founder of the girl group, which started out as a lounge act "Everybody has this fantasy of being a dancer."

Antin, whose upcoming book is called "Finding Your Inner Doll," said despite the lingerie-like costumes and spike heels, her DVD is mainstream.

"It's great for moms and daughters," she said. "It's at Walmart."

You can take the workout out of show biz but you can't take show biz out of the workout. Crunch stages show days so their pole dancers can strut, or slither, their stuff.

"In San Francisco, in Los Angeles, in Miami, in New York," Cyrus said. "They'll all dress up and put on shoes, leg warmers, full makeup. They'll invite their friends and relatives. The place is packed. "

The sexy workout crowd is obsessed, she added.

"If there's no poll available, they'll stand there and wait their turn."

Hang time with a nightclub pole dancer 

Chocolate club is a staple nightspot among Beijing's Russian expatriates, as well as those who enjoy being around scantily clad Slavic dancers and singers. Julia Petrova, a 23-year-old pole dancer and recent arrival in Beijing, tells METRO the secrets backstage.

METRO: How does one train to become a pole dancer?

A: Dancing, not just pole dancing, is an important part of my life. I took my first choreography class when I was 9 years old. I practiced with the Ensemble of Modern Dance and later entered the Altai State Academy of Culture and Fine Arts. Before coming to Beijing three months ago I worked as a dancer in Russia for five years.

METRO: What is the best part of your job?

A: I love dancing so much that it's like a hobby that pays me. To be the happiest person in the world you should have a job that you like and a hobby that you love. I have both.

METRO: What is your secret to making hanging upside down look easy and graceful?

A: It's not that hard to look effortlessly beautiful. I try to sleep and eat on time. Burning hundreds of calories by hitting the floor is also a way to stay in shape. My other secret is to be in a good mood and smile all the time. The more you smile the more beautiful you look. Remember that!

METRO: Is it hard to overcome shyness when it comes to soliciting tips from customers?

A: I do feel shy sometimes, or more like nervous, but I know that it is a part of my job. I don't think we're asking for money. People are just rewarding our beauty and effort. A waiter would take tips and not feel shy about it. Why should we? It's a part of our work and there is nothing shameful in it.

METRO: How do you handle the inevitable drunken and inappropriate customer?

A: The problem is that some people think it's OK to make unreasonable requests to a dancer in a nightclub. In situations like that I usually go away or try to politely tell the guest that my job is only to dance. I try my best to avoid conflicts with the guests.

METRO: What are your plans for the future?

A: I am going to be a dancer until I completely get sick of it. In the future, I would love to start my own dance school and teach younger dancers. Chocolate also has a new project. They are going to open a school to teach all kinds of dance, like jazz, modern dance, Latin, ballet and others.

METRO: What is the craziest thing that has happened to you since living in Beijing?

A: The funniest thing happened to me a couple of months ago. We were creating a new show and my boss suggested that I hang from the ceiling. Someone backstage would pull chains attached to me to make me "fly" up. The screen would show a sky scene so it would look like I'm like an angel. I'm afraid of heights but I obviously had to hide it and smile all the time. The hilarious thing is that they forgot to put me down. When the show was about to finish the Chinese workers thought leaving me up there was a part of the show. I stayed up there for more than an hour. I still have some bruises from that time, but it was fun after all.

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