瑞士的钟表世纪中国的{dy}家店在澳门开设{dj0}珠宝品牌« oursolo.net


据介绍,世纪授权世纪认识到产品的销售钟表,珠宝店和在世界上多达250多个,该品牌的主要地区,其中欧洲和亚洲的销售。澳门的开放是亚洲的第三世纪店,首次开设东京银座的第二家店在2000年,2005年开在科威特的地区Salmya。 “中国经济的快速发展带来了前所未有的具有无限潜力的xx品行业的市场机会。”说,在开放的商店,世纪相关负责人。



Switzerland’s top jewelry brands of watches and clocks Century China’s first store opened in Macao

Switzerland’s top jewelry watches Century China’s first brand store in The Venetian Macao hotel officially opened. As Switzerland has a tradition of adhering to an independent family watches enterprises, will be the world’s first watch and watch the perfect combination of the Sapphire watches still are many people who love fashion top the list.

According to introduction, Century authorized the sale of Century Products recognized the watches and clocks, and jewelry shop in the world up to more than 250, of which the European and Asian sales for the brand’s main regions. The opening in Macau is Asia’s third-Century store, first opened in 2000 in Tokyo’s Ginza second store opened in 2005 in the Kuwait region Salmya. “China’s rapid economic development is bringing unprecedented luxury industry market opportunities, with unlimited potential.” On the opening of stores, Century relevant responsible person said.

Founded in 1966, the Century brand, to a bold new approach to design and create a variety of the good old, perfect jewelry watches known. Its founder Hans Ulrich Klingenberg, through the development of more wear-resistant sapphire crystal surface watchcase and Sapphire, the world’s first sapphire watch today is still one hot list. Since the brand inception, Century created by the clock, are used such as sapphire, diamonds, platinum, gold, tubeimoside stone,xx漆, stainless steel and leather and other materials for the production of superior quality. In addition to the special design with the use of manually or automatically on the chain-chain movement, each watch a Century are high precision quartz movement manufacturers in Switzerland, with up to 100 meters waterproof to a depth of functionality and the world’s three-year commitment to maintenance. With the time of the production of professional capacity and highly positive mosaic jewelry, Century produced top clocks work, and have more than hundred years history watch factory compared favorably.

In addition, the combination of jewelry and watches, Century also attaches great importance to tie in with the fashion trends, so that clocks become apparent the importance of personal taste饰品, continues to introduce new cutting-edge out of the tide. Currently, Century brand mainly by the Master Imperial, Precious Elegance, Contemporary Timepiece, Esquire Collection series of four watches, as well as the Temptation Collection jewelry exclusive series, namely to provide a number of men and women mounted wrist watches and jewelry products, with customers unique personality, tailor-made for them in selecting a suitable style series, in order to meet the different needs of customers. (07-12-5)

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