The history of vinegar, type, details? « Industry info 工业信息

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first appeared where, when?
There are several sub-law and their own characteristics -

vinegar, the ancient Chinese character for “Health” and also as “acyl.” “Zhou” yes “man palm of acyl acyl objects” of the records, can confirm that the Western Zhou Dynasty of China have been vinegar. Jinyang (now Taiyuan) is my birthplace of vinegar, one known to history as the 8th century BC, has been Jinyang vinegar Square, urban and rural areas throughout the Spring and Autumn Period. To the Northern Wei had “Qi Min Yao Shu” joint account of the Great Health, Health and other 22 kinds of kaoliang cereals God vinegar method. Since the Tang and Song dynasties, due to micro-organisms and Koji technological advances and the development of the Ming Dynasty have been Daqu, ballad, and red yeast divided, Shanxi vinegar to the association for high-quality vinegar with Okuma Okuma, the song set Daqu, songs, red yeast and many other kinds of populations of beneficial microorganisms in the body, the ferment of the vinegar should devaluation China’s most famous old familiar “Yi-Yuan-qing”, known to history as the first Ming Zhu, Sun Ji-hwan has been closed Taiyuan House for would rather be king, “Yi-Yuan Qing” If the name is specified vinegar Ning-oriented post-secondary palace for the vinegar, white vinegar as a result of changed some of smoked grains, its flavor greatly increased, later known as the Nanjing-based government vinegar. Junji first year of the Qing (1644), stem-yang (now XU) China time-honored, “the United States and the House,” has also changed the old Sorghum Daqu vinegar vinegar, highlighted the “summer sun and winter ice fishing” in the new vinegar aging process, the formation of The unique taste of the vinegar font, and will be branded as “old vinegar,” thereby became famous and was later known as “Shanxi Vinegar”, because of its long history and unique flavor, was listed as China’s “four most famous vinegar” the first place. The late well-known microbiologist Mr. Fang Xinfang, as early as the thirties of this century on the right, “the United States and home ownership” Shanxi mature vinegar process were summarized and affirmed that “Qingyuan vinegar the fermentation temperature as high as 40 ℃ or above, its butyric acid bacteria, lactic acid bacteria will work, the smell of vinegar in Shanxi chic living proof of the role of acetic acid bacteria other than bacteria. “of the late well-known microbiologist Mr. Chen Taosheng is clearly pointed out in a variety of works: XU,” the United States and home ownership “has so far experienced the vicissitudes of more than 300 years of wind and rain from the Shanxi Vinegar Group and carry forward this valuable national heritage.


the history and origins of the history of vinegar for human consumption is very long, it was thought to be approximately 10000 years. Written records relating to the history of vinegar, at least there are more than three thousand years, and it is the same as table salt are among the most ancient spices. Thus, as tea culture, wine culture, like vinegar, is also a culture.

our country for thousands of years ago, grain vinegar can keep abreast of technology. Duke AD 1058 book, “Zhou,” a book, there is the brewing records in Spring and Autumn Period vinegar has been the emergence of specialized workshops. “Qi Min Yao Shu for Health Law,” “Health, this vinegar is also.” Vinegar in ancient China called for the Health, anhydride, bitter, or acyl, “Qi Min Yao Shu” in the process of a detailed record of vinegar. Historian Hao Hou Taiyuan verified through the right, after that in 479 BC, the city of Jinyang established when there is a manufacturer of vinegar. Shanxi people from outside, said “Old West, son,” which “West children” is the ancient word vinegar euphony to ancient Shanxi vinegar as a synonym for the word can also be reflected in the history of brewed vinegar of time and the number of people early. So that is the birthplace of Shanxi vinegar, vinegar brewing is at least a 2480 years of history.

Spring and Autumn Period of the Chou dynasty, Jinyang vinegar around the workshop has been around the country, Among them, the stem-yang (now XU) of vinegar is the best. Junji first year of the Qing (1644), stalk Yang’s “beauty and Habitat” Square vinegar then vinegar technological features combine to create their own unique production processes. Because the entire production process takes long and output full-bodied, such as aged wine vinegar, so that people of “America and the Home,” produced by the vinegar named Vinegar, “America and the Home” also to develop into mighty big firms. Until this century, 30 years, the Chinese ancestor of microorganisms old man riding a donkey, FENG Xin-fang, XU field trips to the post-write books that are old and vinegar as China’s best vinegar.

in Taiyuan area still retains Jiaqing Twenty-two years in July as expected-made steam iron caldron. Legend “Yi-Yuan-qing,” time-honored opened in the Ming Dynasty, is exclusively for the emperor of the first Ming Sun Ning, Wang, Zhu Ji-hwan palace of brewing, grinding surface, the vinegar workshops. “Yi-Yuan-qing,” brewed vinegar ingredients stress, and making fine, sweet taste of cotton, incense acid, Jiu-Cun does not degenerate. Ning Wang addition to the present House of edible things, also it as a treasure, constantly worship Queen’s palace, to the Republic, the “Yi-Yuan Qing,” remains a high-brow types of vinegar gift friends and relatives of the high quality goods, known as “the official ceremony of vinegar”, commonly known as “rather of House “vinegar, until the eve of the liberation of its products continue to be the upper figures, celebrities of all ages, such as Yan Xishan’s” eight senior cadres, “Jin Ju famous Ding Guo-xian, Ding Qiaoyun your family eat all year round,” Yi-Yuan-qing “in vinegar.
vinegar has a long history of Shanxi, Shanxi jealous love is well known. “Shang Shu” recorded such a story: Yin Gao Zu Wuding to hire a person named Fu Yue out to be his prime minister, speech, saying: “If making wine sweet wine, Er-Wei Qu tiller; if to make soup, but salt-mei . “plum are talking about here is the Plum son, was as vinegar to use. Yan Wuding These words mean is: how much of your talent unsurpassed do - if it were to make liqueurs, you’re the key that song and tiller; if it were to make soup, you are then essential to salt and vinegar. Can be seen as early as 12 BC, centuries ago, Shanxi has not only had the habit of jealous, but also to commend the person’s superb vinegar as a character and be a symbol of excellence.

Ci Yuan written: “The vinegar in this for ‘Health’ is an acidic condiments.” vinegar, “a bitter, weeks, said acyl, Han, said that vinegar” ( “do things the original test”). Zhou Dynasty of “acyl” and the officials, acyl who, vinegar also. “Acyl” and is the official management of a class of vinegar. The Spring and Autumn when the vinegar is still relatively expensive spices, only the general production of the Han Dynasty. Sima Qian’s “Records of the Historian Huo biography,” Cui Yes “Simin on order” also have records of the vinegar. Therefore, the historian Professor Hao Shuhou concluded: at least 497 BC, years ago, that is, “Jinyang city,” who prior to the establishment there of vinegar.

Shanxi vinegar brewing due to well, so it is not only a wide variety and exquisite quality, has become indispensable to people’s lives in Shanxi seasoning. Grades divided it from the old vinegar, vinegar, vinegar, S & P, double vinegar, special vinegar, Montrose vinegar, taste vinegar; from production process divided into vinegar, yellow vinegar, return to vinegar, seal-cylinder vinegar, pour vinegar; from the divided into the main raw material used in sorghum vinegar, corn vinegar, little vinegar, persimmon vinegar, fruit vinegar, sweet potato vinegar; from the categories used by music, as well as Okuma vinegar, fast song vinegar, naturally fermented vinegar. Truly dazzling array of different characteristics. Why

vinegar from Shanxi occupies an important position in life? Jinzhong (including Taiyuan) in the vicinity of the residents used to eating pasta, seasoned with vinegar, fresh fairly tapped when inserting, Youziyouwei, promote appetite and help digestion. According to literature and clinical experience, vinegar in medicine have a higher value, the ancient medical books such records: “acetic acid temperature, appetizers Liver, gluten warm bone, sober digestion, the next gas evil spirits, Xie Waterfront scales Jie Zhu poison gas of aging and Wei Hou Xiang those good. “Qianlong four years, the capital imperial doctor the country to doctors, for the treatment of leukemia manufactured Gong Fei Yu’s” Ding-Kun Dan “, used by more than 20 Herbs material, which does not and medicine is expected to be available only after the use of aged vinegar cooked. In addition, people in their daily lives, but also practice out of the many wonderful uses vinegar.

Shanxi vinegar industry has a long history and because of profound cultural connotation, has become the unique characteristics of Shanxi industrial tourism projects. Shanxi mature vinegar Group after the facilities transformation, completely changed the industry over the past vinegar and eat can not see the production environment, founded the “vinegar treatment and Garden”, has received at home and abroad come to visit, recreation and sports for nearly 10 million tourists want to
Can you satisfied with my answer.

the history of vinegar from Shanxi

jealous love of good vinegar, known as “old acyl children,” said. Ancient tube called acyl vinegar to vinegar of people called “acyl” and the vinegar of the acyl called “old XI.” Therefore, the jealous not called jealous, but is called “eating XI.” Because of the vinegar from Shanxi technology, special contribution, combined with vinegar, such as Shanxi addicted to life, but also a coincidence that the “acyl” and Shanxi, “West” characters are homonyms, so outsiders would respectfully called Shanxi man-made “Shanxi old acyl” the. Shanxi and the vinegar has a deep affection, Shanxi vinegar to do the history of about 4000 years. XU is the authentic birthplace of Shanxi mature vinegar is also the birthplace of Chinese vinegar, the vinegar has history dating back 4000 years. According to legend, its capital About Yao, Yao (Yao City, Village, this Qingxu County), the picking Seocho “pods” to brew bitter. Bitters are talking about here is that the earliest human acidic condiment - vinegar has. Han and Tang Dynasties, and Jinyang in the vicinity of the state’s burgeoning system of acyl workshop, from private to his official system of food acyl amide in human life, a great hobby uniform. Ming and Qing Dynasty, Shanxi vinegar skills becoming more sophisticated, and with the migration and Shanxi the Jin to the footprint, the system will be in Shanxi Vinegar acyl technologies and practices into the Great Wall and the river north and south, is that the world-famous Shanxi major media.

leisurely years, many vicissitudes, Shanxi Vinegar Through wind and rain for thousands of years, its taste thicker, their names were much more vigorous. Today, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, the fourth Cuchang the tradition vinegar techniques, and the combination of modern science and technology, carry forward, light in Shanxi vinegar industry has become a leader in Shanxi vinegar line and high-quality series of vinegar production base in the national market share a certain percentage by the consumers attention and favor.


类别: 餐饮食品













山西人善酿醋爱吃醋,素有“老醯儿”之称。古时管醋叫醯,把酿醋的人叫“醯人”,把酿醋的醯叫“老醯”。因此,吃醋不叫吃醋,而叫“吃醯”。由于山西人对酿醋技术的特殊贡献,再加上山西人嗜醋如命,又巧合了“醯”和山西的“西”字同音,所以外省人就尊称山西人为“山西老醯”了。山西人和醋有着深厚的感情,山西做醋的历史大约有 4000 年之久。清徐是山西老陈醋的xx发源地,也是中华食醋的发祥地,其酿醋历史距今已有四千多年了。相传,帝尧定都尧(今清徐县尧城村)后,采摘瑞草“ 荚”以酿苦酒。这里所说的苦酒就是人类最早的酸性调味品――醋了。汉唐时期,并州晋阳一带的制醯作坊日益兴盛,从民间到官府,制醯食醯在了人匀生活的一大嗜好。明清时代,山西酿醋技艺日臻精湛,并随来晋人迁徙和晋商的足迹,将山西的制醯技术和食醋习俗带到了长城内外、大江南北,是谓山西名扬四海的重要媒体。


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