紫云拧紧社会治安“安全阀” - fengqifamen - fengqifamen - 和讯博客
紫云拧紧社会治安“安全阀” [转贴 2010-05-19 16:55:29]   

原文:Ziyun tighten public security "safety valve"
To continuously improve the level of peace-building, creating a harmonious and stable social environment, Ziyun County to "Ping An Ziyun" building as a carrier, focus on improving people's sense of security. Great efforts to strengthen and improve the county's mobile population, service management, through-labor assistance and education to establish a new control mechanism, to strengthen legal education and a minor order of regulation surrounding the campus, a special group of helpers to strengthen management, enhance focus on the Internet Media management, strengthen the management of social organizations, to enhance public safety and supervision, prevent and reduce the occurrence of major accidents. Establish and improve the county, township 2 assessment judged that the working mechanism of social order, firmly in control of public security, maintain social stability initiative. Carry out the "anti-crime", homicide case against the "Holistic" criminal and other special operations, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal economy and duties of criminal activities and maintain good market economic order. Carried out to the fringe areas, "urban village" focusing on key areas of public security investigation and remediation special action on the "black bars" and other outstanding issues focused fashion. Vigorously carry out grass-roots peace building activities, to further deepen the "Green Town", "peace villages", "peace community" "safety unit" and "safe school" and other grass-roots peace building activities, and continuously improve the peace-building coverage. Social Security Protection System, set up special police patrol team to consolidate and strengthen the full-time security patrol, community comprehensive management expertise dried, community policing patrols, security, public security, protect the village, protecting plants against nursing school and other social forces. Was equipped with patrol vehicles and police equipment to develop and implement technology defense systems, "Skynet project", 逐步 small cities and towns across all video Jiankong system Dan Weihe Zhong Dian vital part, the community's important public spaces and new residential areas, efforts to improve the people on the satisfaction of social order and security.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

Ziyun tighten public security "safety valve" ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海丰企阀门有限公司还生产 及保温钛放料阀,V型调节钛球阀,刀型钛闸阀,旋启式钛止回阀,F9T43X电动盲板阀,欢迎您的选购。)


 为不断提高平安建设水平,创造和谐稳定的社会环境,紫云自治县以“平安紫云”建设为载体,着力提高人民群众的安全感。   该县大力加强和改进对流动人口的服务管理,建立刑释解教人员帮教管控新机制,加强未成年人法制教育及校园周边秩序整治,加强对特殊人群的帮教管理,加强以互联网为重点的媒体管理,加强对社会组织管理服务,加强公共安全监管等,预防和减少重大事故的发生。   建立健全县、乡二级社会治安评估研判工作机制,牢牢掌握控制社会治安、维护社会稳定主动权。深入开展“打黑除恶”、命案侦破、打击“两抢一盗”犯罪等专项行动,依法严厉打击各种经济违法犯罪及职务犯罪活动,维护良好市场经济秩序。开展以城乡结合部、“城中村”为重点的社会治安重点地区排查整治专项行动,对“黑网吧”等突出问题进行重点整治。大力开展基层平安创建活动,进一步深化“平安乡镇”、“平安村寨”、“平安社区”“平安单位”、“平安校园”等基层平安创建活动,不断提高平安建设覆盖面。加强社会治安防控体系建设,组建巡逻xx队伍,巩固和壮大专职治安巡防、社区综治专干、社区治安巡逻、保安、治保、护村、护厂、护校等社会防范力量。增配巡逻车辆和xx装备,制定并实施技防系统“天网工程”,逐步实现城镇视频监控系统覆盖所有重点要害单位和部位、社区重要公共场所和新建的住宅小区,着力提高人民群众对社会治安的满意率和安全感。

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