2009 C-R3中国创意代理商综合评估报告(下) - China's Freshest ...

    An outstanding year as performance leader in the R3 AgencyScope Study, voted AdAge’s China Agency of the Year and a host of creative accolades gave BBH the momentum to compete within China’s big league this year. More work from LG and Unilever, some important brands from Coca-Cola, including Minute Maid and Vitamin Water, and finally more Perfetti business at the start of 2010 has given them the platform for growth. There were no massive changes in management - with Arto Hampartsoumian, Christine Ng and Johnny Tan proving a strong team. Creative this year was a standout - particularly against BBH’s famous “no scams” approach - with Effie wins for Perfetti and Minute Maid and Golds at Spikes for WWF and AME’s for Johnnie Walker. Perhaps their best year since moving to China.

作为胜三广告代理商形象研究中{zj0}表现者,百比赫迎来了成绩斐然的一年。在这一年中,无论是获得《广告时代》评选出的2009年度{zj0}代理商,还是大量的广告创意奖项都使其在中国广告代理商中表现出众。此外,其相继获得多项重大委任更加证实了这一点。与L G和联合利华的良好合作使其获得更多业务,可口可乐的主要品牌,包括美汁源和维他命水也相继被其收入囊中,在2010新年伊始,又从不凡帝范梅勒糖果获得更多业务。而在管理构架方面,以Arto Hampartsoumian、吴淑芳和陈奕俊为核心的管理团队稳定、强势。百比赫2009年的创意表现尤 其突出,特别是在其xx的“拒绝飞机稿”纲领的指导下——不凡帝范梅勒糖果和美汁源的作品 获得中国艾菲{zj0}传播奖和金奖,世界自然基金会作品在亚洲广告界中摘得桂冠,尊尼获加在 AME广告与营销效果奖中攫取金奖。或许可以说这是自他们来到中国以来最美好的一年。

    Allied had a good 2009, growing current business and remaining active in attracting new clients to the agency. Formed nine years ago through Ogilvy’s investment in Shanghai Advertising, Allied has grown to be one of the country’s most successful local agencies. With the leadership of highly respected Helmut Yu and Yang Ge, this year saw Gold Awards at the top shows for shanghai Jahwa’s Maxam and other clients including Nanshan Dairy, Tetra Pak and others. The agency also invested in social media and digital , leading local clients into this domain.


    Dentsu continued to be one of the leading agencies in Beijing, with expansion and investment plans in other cities and a positive creative performance. Early this year, they announced a 40% investment in Suntrend, a powerful Guangzhou based promotions agency with offices in 58 cities. The agency continued its long relationship with Lenovo, picking up the Viral Marketing Grand Prix at the 4A’s Golden Seal Awards, along with a Gold at the China International Ad Festival. Also at this Festival, it collected other wins for Comix, Honda, Nissan and Canon. The agency continues to be one of the few in China delivering a true ‘full service” offering with creative, media, digital and now expanded promotions capabilities.


    This was a steady year for McCann , with some positive results in the awards shows. Yu Chun Kit stepped in as ECD in Shanghai, and Spencer Wong was promoted to Chief Creative Officer for McCann Greater China, from his Hong Kong base. The agency picked up a lot of projects through the year - including new work from China Mobile, Pfizer, GSK, Lotto, OnStar and Sandoz - with the Healthcare division having a particularly strong year. The work for Shanghai GM also helped give McCann some success at the China Effie’s , Golden Seal and International Ad Festival. A new global appointment, Nick Brien, as CEO replacing John Dooner - should see more focus and drive on China.

相对稳定的一年,在创意奖项方面取得了不错的成绩。俞俊杰加入上海办公室出任执行创意总监,黄光锐晋升为大中华区首席创意官,在香港办公室工作。麦肯在去年获得的新客户包括中国移动、 辉瑞制药、葛兰素史克、乐途、安吉星和山度士——其健康传播单元表现尤为突出。麦肯为上海通 用创作的作品在中国艾菲奖、4A金印奖和中国国际广告节中获得3银2铜。麦肯世界集团的全球人 事委任——接替John Dooner出任全球首席执行官的Nick Brien,应该向中国投入更多xx。

    It was another strong year for WE Marketing - who in just five short years have built a powerful China network and ongoing business success , led from the front by pocket dynamo Viveca Chan. This year, David To joined as Senior Creative Director in Beijing and the agency picked up awards at the China International Ad Festival for Naveco, Dah Media Group and Hu Yu Shan. On the new business front , a lot more opportunities came in , including Bausch & Lomb, MG, New Balance, Foton Auto, Samsung and Wang Lao Ji. They continued great work for Mercedes B Class, along with Roewe and Swire. They continue to be an important player in the China market.

威汉2009年表现强势——只短短5年时间,陈一枬带领的威汉集团建立起强大的中国本土网络,并在业绩方面取得傲人成绩。杜敬伟加入出任高级创意总监,以加强北京办公室的创意实力。威汉在中国国际广告节中取得不错的成绩,南京依维柯,大贺传媒集团和湖语山等作品都有奖项纳入 囊中。在新业务上,大量新机会涌入,包括博士伦、名爵、新百伦、福田汽车、三星和王老吉等业 务。对于长期合作伙伴梅赛德斯B级轿车、荣威和太古集团,威汉持续提供优质服务。在中国广告市场 上,他们一直是不可或缺的参与者之一。

    It was a year of growth for the agency - with some big name talent coming on board, and continued strong work for main clients Unilever and Johnson & Johnson. Kitty Lun managed to lure Norman Tan back to work as Chief Creative Officer, replacing Ng Tian It, who moved back to Lowe Singapore. Baiping Shen also came in from Leo Burnett as Head of Planning in an important move to strengthen local insights. Both Unilever and JNJ also helped the agency to success at the China Effie’s and China International Ad Festival. And there were also some good new wins this year - with Bimbo, Founder, Xiamen C&D and Lin Gang coming on board. Lowe continues to do good work for challenging clients - so this is a sound foundation for future growth.

2009是其成长显著的一年——具体表现在两个方面,其一是行业重要人物加盟,以及持续为主 要客户联合利华和强生提供的突破性创意工作。在陈伦洁莹的主持下,陈耀福加入睿狮担任 首席创意官,接替回到新加坡睿狮工作的黄田一。沈柏屏从李奥贝纳移师出任首席策划长,以加 强本土策划优势。联合利华和强生助其在中国艾菲奖和中国国际广告节中斩获奖项。此外好消息 还来自新业务的获得:宾宝、方正、厦门建发集团和上海临港。睿狮对其客户挑战性工作的xx 表现,为其今后发展赢得良好声誉。

    This was one of Y&R China’s better years for new business , with all of their offices performing well , collecting new projects from CPIC, Grey Goose, Starbucks, Zhigao, Virgin Atlantic and IBIS amongst others. Daryl Junio joined as Client Service Director in Shanghai, fresh from Saatchi & Saatchi Guangzhou. Korey Yu came in as GM of Y&R Approach and Wang Fang joined the creative ranks in Shanghai to take the lead on Colgate. The agency continued their strong work for long time client Danone with big new campaigns for MiZone and QingYang.

新业务上,扬罗必凯迎来了不俗的一年,中国地区的各个办公室皆取得优异成绩。新客户包括 太平洋保险、灰雁伏特加、星巴克、志高、维珍航空和宜必思等。 管理架构方面,陶云涛出任上 海客户服务总监,之前其服务于盛世长城广州办公室。余泽森出任扬罗必凯线下营销单元博勤的 总经理。王放工作在上海办公室,主要负责高露洁业务。扬罗必凯继续服务于长期客户达能, 为其饮用水品牌轻漾和脉动出色完成全新广告战役。

    Although a reasonable year for new business, DraftFCB did it tough overall, scaling back in Beijing, a market notoriously tough for multinational agencies, and refocusing on Shanghai and Hong Kong. Greater China CEO, Gary Tse led new business from the front , with wins for Bank of China, Dah Sing, MingAn , Osram and Uni-President helping boost the overall base. And they continued to create new work for Haier, with talent in Shanghai and Qingdao collaborating well. The global agency still needs to help its Chinese cousins with success on more global business.

虽然新业务数量较为理想,但是博达大桥整年的表现不尽如人意。对跨国公司难以应对的北京市 场缩减编制,重新将业务重心集中到上海和香港。大中华区执行总裁谢伟权全面领导新业务拓 展,赢得中国银行、大新银行、民安保险、欧司朗和统一企业等新业务,增加了公司总客户量。 此外,继续为海尔提供创意工作,在上海和青岛之间通力协作。全球总部仍然需要伸出援助之 手,获得更多全球业务来帮助其中国兄弟。

    Grey had a good year on the new business front, albeit small wins from which they need to grow, and continued to focus on enhancing their China operations with fresh talent and capabilities. Danny Mok, CEO of Shanghai and Hong Kong, led from the front with wins including Allianz, Hilton, Haier Digital, Tencent and Wrigley. Ivan Yuen was brought in as Managing Director of Beijing office, and the agency also performed well with awards at Clio for Panadol, along with AdFest and Spikes. With the 2008 investment in StarEcho, Grey has the sound foundations from which to grow - with Grey, G2 and G2Starecho offering fully integrated services.

2009年葛瑞新业务表现出色,一些业务量不大的新客户也对公司成长起到重要作用。葛瑞同时继 续集中加强中国团队的实力。在香港及上海的首席执行官莫熙慈的领导下,赢得的新业务包括安 联保险、希尔顿、海尔互动、腾讯和箭牌。阮国维加盟葛瑞执掌北京办公室。葛瑞在创意方面取 得一定成绩,在克里奥广告奖、亚太广告节和亚洲广告节中皆有斩获。随着2008年收购星际回 声,葛瑞已经逐步成长为可以提供全案服务的代理公司,旗下子公司包括葛瑞广告、互动单元精 诚信忠和营销服务公司吉途仕达。

    It was a big year for Nitro globally and in China, as they merged with global digital leader Sapient in the middle of the year. While the ink is still drying, its already clear this will mean enhanced interactive capabilities for the Shanghai operation, already performing well on Mars, Volvo, Unilever and other aligned clients. New planning talent came this year in the form of Claudio Barreto from Brazil - and CEO Jennifer Tan and GM Shannon Dix helped keep the agency on a strong path creatively and professionally. This coming year should see major enhancements and referrals through the new global partnership - the least of which is the change of name to SapientNitro.

无论是全球还是中国,对于麒灵都是重大转变的一年,主要变动在于年中与全球互动{lx}沙宾特 咨询公司的结合。虽然合同书上的墨迹还没有xx干透,但其上海公司互动力量的全面加强却是 毫无疑问的,对于玛氏、沃尔沃、联合利华和其他客户的出色表现可以xx说明这一点。来自巴 西的策划精英Claudio Barreto的加入,以及首席执行官陈秀珍和总裁狄夏侬的通力协作,使该公 司无论在创意方面还是专业性,都可谓xxxx。通过全球合作关系,在未来的一年里,我们对 合并后的公司表现拭目以待——至少公司的英文名称已经正式更名为SapientNitro。

    A relatively slow year by historical standards for the agency - but with some important moves. The agency made the investment in starting M&C Saatchi-i, a full service digital offering, grabbing He Chang, formerly Chief Designer at Baidu, to take the lead. The agency started from Day One with three aligned clients - UniPresident, Baidu and Mercedes Benz, and has since grown over time. 2009 also saw the win of Cerebos and Cerebos Innershine, the Singapore based company’s new brand for the China market. And early in 2010, the agency came back to the Yakult business, having worked with the brand from 2006-2008.

与往年相比,尚思2009年的发展相对缓慢——但仍有一些重大举措。启动全新互动单元M&C Saatchi-i,以加强互动营销服务优势,并聘请前百度首席设计师赫畅出任董事总经理。目前已经成功获得统一集团、百度和梅赛德斯-奔驰的正式委托,为其提供全面的数字营销解决方案。2009年新业务包括新加坡品牌食益补及其专为中国市场推出的产品白兰氏馥莓饮。2010年初,尚思重新夺回养乐多业务,其曾在2006-2008年为其提供服务。

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