
           湖南永州法院枪击案 嫌犯身份查明    



                 3 judges dead in court shooting in Hunan

A man killed himself after shooting three people dead on the spot at a local court Tuesday morning in Central China's Hunan Province.

Chief judge Zhao Hulin, deputy judge Jiang Qidong and a court clerk Huang Lan were shot dead and another three people were injured.

The suspect was identified as Zhu Jun, 46 year old, chief of the security squad at the local China Post.

He reportedly entered the chief judge's office at about 9:50 am located on the fifth floor of the Lingling District People's Court in Yongzhou, Hunan Province and opened fire at the court personnel with a shotgun and a submachine gun. The motives of the crime have not been revealed.

Zhu divorced his wife three years ago and his son has been living with him since.

The case is still under investigation.





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