Food Vacuum Bag Can Prevent Food Crushing and Deformation
      Many foods must be packed in vacuum bags filled with air. For example, crunchy and fragile food, caking food, deformable and oily food, food with sharp edges or high hardness will puncture vacuum food bags, etc. After vacuum air-filled packaging, the air pressure inside the packaging bag is stronger than that outside the packaging bag, which can effectively prevent food from crushing and deformation without affecting the appearance of the packaging bag and printing decoration. Inflatable food vacuum bags are then filled with nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen or a mixture of 2 - 3 gases. Nitrogen is an inert gas, which fills the bag and keeps the positive pressure inside, so as to prevent the air outside the bag from entering the bag and play a protective role for food. Carbon oxide can dissolve in various kinds of fat or water, form weak acid carbonate, and inhibit the activity of microorganisms such as fungi, decay-septic bacteria. Oxygen can inhibit the growth and reproduction of anaerobic bacteria, maintain the fresh and color of fruits and vegetables, and high concentration of oxygen can keep fresh meat bright red.
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