
#48 The Many Hats of Christ Michael, Coming Out Of The Creator Son Box
By Christ Michael, Candace
Nov 18, 2005 - 5:01:00 PM


一、CM,Christ Michael Aton,是造物主之子(Creator Son),是我们所在的地方宇宙Nebadon的创造者,源头赋予了他全权,他是货真价实的Father,不是什么“外星人”。{dy}次耶稣(约书亚)降临时,耶稣是CM与Esu(Sananda)的双重化身,耶稣在十字架上被处死后,CM就离开了,之后复活的是Esu。现在,CM二次来临,就是所谓的“基督再临”,CM现在的化身是由科学家研制的一个身体,那些据CM的化身而给他划分种族的人.......是吧。CM曾经长期隐藏自己的身份,他即是“凤凰号”的Hatonn,之前银河xx的阿斯塔提过这个凤凰号(阿斯塔:在你们的太阳系里,有一些飞碟母船。最xx的是Hatonn的,他为人所知的另外的名字是Aton 或Christ Michael。可能你知道他的飞船的名字:“凤凰号”(Phenix)),那些说CM是负面外星人的,那银河xx.........是吧。CM以Hatonn之名,撰写了《凤凰期刊》,基于社会上医学,科学,政治等领域的各种谬论,希望给予正确的教导。

二、Esu,Esu Sananda Immanuel Kumara,本来来自于天琴座,他的民族依靠自己的力量从混乱中解放出来。他曾经参与过镇压路西法叛变。Esu在历史上曾经是以色列的第二任国王,大卫王。他曾与CM一起化身为耶稣,并由他以耶稣之名复活并游历到印度等地。Esu目前暂时担任地球的行星王子(Planetary Prince),等人类成熟了就由人类自行选举新的行星王子。据他讲,将来他会成为“global president”(这是我引用的原词,质疑的人请看这里 )

三、路西法叛变,请参看CM讲述的“床头故事”,那是对真实历史的概括。CM是仁慈的,是路西法不肯悔改而自己选择了毁灭,CM毁掉自己的创造,就是毁掉自己的一部分,那是令他xx痛心的,他深爱着一切孩子。要知道,“停滞期”的目的之一,是要保护人类,再给人类一个机会觉醒。(这句话不是我杜撰臆测的,有原文)   】

The Many Hats of Christ Michael, Coming Out of the Creator Son Box


By Candace Frieze, and Christ Michael
#48 November 18, 2005

Back during the First Coming, I did indeed experience the sorrow of the peoples of this planet, very first hand, experientially. When I left that incarnation, on the Cross, I not only took my required rapid ascension journey, as described in Urantia to sit at the Right Hand of the Father, I stayed in the Central Universe for a time to review what I had observed in person. In my good conscience I could not let this planet go, nor could I put its care into the hands of another, and delegate the work.
追溯到我的{dy}次降临,我确实感受到此星球上人们的悲痛,{dy}手的经验。当我在十字架上离开那个化身,我不仅如The Urantia Book中所描述的直接升天,坐在父之右手,也在中心宇宙待了一段日子,回顾我亲身观察到的一切。公正地(凭良心)讲,我不能放弃这个星球,也不能将其委派给其他人。

I knew I would return to make right of the wrongs, personally. So we thought, considered, stewed as you do, about the problems and what must be done. We have the ability to draw up scenarios a bit faster and we drew up many. Then we chose from what seemed like the best to choose from. We created in thought, but it was necessary to return and do the work within the realm, in "3D," in life.

So I am here again, in life, in a body. We were also going to handle the end of the galactic wars, so I did choose to wear the hat of a commander of a star fleet, of a portion of the mighty Ashtar command. I desired to have this experience also. Creator Sons don't tend to command star fleets. And it was a perfect way to handle the situation of my return.

It provided a method of returning but not identifying myself as who I am, thus the Hatonn space commander image. We do have to use stealth, in this work. Had I come as Christ Michael, I would have been a far greater threat, and they would have harmed all of you, in a serious way, those who have come to participate with me, and made this much more difficult. Obviously to be born a babe was not going to work, they would have killed most of the human race trying to kill me, remember the story of Herod?
虽然这提供了我再临的方式,但无法确认我的身份,而是以空间司令官的形象Hatonn。在此工作中我们确实必须秘密行动。假如我以CM的身份来临,我会成为一个巨大的威胁,他们会不择手段地伤害与我合作的你们,这会制造更多困难。显然的,降生为一个婴孩不是上策,他们会因试图谋害我而杀掉大部分人类孩子,记得希律王的故事吗?(译者注: 希律:犹太王(公元前40-4年),据《新约》讲,他命令杀死伯利恒所有两岁以下的儿童,想借以杀死尚处于襁褓中的耶稣。)

I did not plan the Phoenix Journals before I came that occurred later. We made the decision to publish many materials as part of the teaching mission. The Conversation with God books are an example, by Buddha, through Neale Donald Walsch. There are many other teaching methods of course also.
我来临后不久,才计划了《凤凰期刊》(Phoenix Journals-http://www.phoenixarchives.com/)。我们决定出版许多材料,作为教导任务的一部分。《与神对话》是一个例子,佛陀(Buddha)通过Neale Donald Walsch传导。当然也有许多其他教导方法。

There was much nonsense going on to confuse the light workers, as you have experienced. The Medical establishment was not doing the right thing either. I chose to write the Journals, with the help of others in this project, to get correct teaching about the Khazars out, correct teaching of the political scene behind your backs, correct teaching relating to medicine, science and a huge variety of other topics.

Had I taught as Christ Michael in these works, the first one would have not ever even gotten printed. The disguise was very important. A space commander is less threatening to them. They figured, with their hiding of the presence of the Star People from the populace that people would simply not read the books. And that happened to a significant degree.

I experienced the writing of many people who wrote to us, that I was myself the antichrist. Some of these were BBB&G's trying to discredit the works, others people in confusion and unknowing. I was eventually run out of the country, I stopped the works, for the protection of you. Times were heating up, in the war against good ole Hatonn. You know that some of the Phoenix Journals were banned.
很多人写信给我们,我自己变成了反基督者。有些是BBB&G(big bad boys&girls大坏蛋们)试图败坏我们,而其他人非常困惑和无知。最终我退出了这个国家,停止了写作,为了保护你们。Times(泰晤士时报?)不断升温,在反对“好老弟”Hatonn的冲突中。你们知道某些凤凰期刊被查禁了。

You have all agreed to come to the planet, any one of you reading this, or you are a more experienced Earth Soul, choosing this time to be part of this extremely unusual journey with me. We are all working together, Two or More in My Name, to mend this planet, and restore through my Correcting Time, where she ought more to be at this point in her history. We are not only correcting the Time, through this joint experience, we all are together, even myself, the Creator Son, greatly adding to our combined experience, learning on a bigger learning curve, making known the unknown.
你们都赞同来到这个星球,任何阅读此文的人,或者你是个经验丰富的地球灵魂,都选择了此时在这个极端特殊的旅程中协助我。我们一起工作,Two or More in My Name,通过我的修正时间(Correcting Time),来改进和修复这个星球,在她的历史中此时她应该拥有更多。我们并不仅仅在修正时间,通过这次共同的体验,即使是我,造物主之子,我们都在一起增进我们的结合体验,在更大的学习曲线中学习,由无知到已知。

At the conclusion of this mighty project, together we will have made greater progress in our knowledge, our experiential learning than had we adjudicated the rebellion of Lucifer with massive arrests, and rapidly putting an end to it. I chose to let it to go through to a natural end. Despite that some might disagree with this, to this end, we together are making known the unknown to the Father, and as I look back at my 300 Billion years in Nebadon, and my theorem I set out to test, I would do it all over again. It is no longer a theorem, it is now known.

Sananda即Immanuel Esu Kumara,Sanat Kumara的独子。直到20年以前,Sanat Kumara是Planetary Logos,后来回到金星,他的办公室和家,成为你们太阳系的Solar Logos。佛陀取代了他的职务,也就是比我早500年来到你们世界的那个佛陀,他是《与神对话》的作者,和Neale Donald Walsch一起完成。

my incarnation was a double incarnation with Sananda, together we were Joshua (or Yeshua to some) ben Joseph. Now it is true as Urantia describes, that when a Creator Son completes his final Bestowal, he goes alone, without the many that usually accompany assorted Descending Son missions to the planets, whether Bestowal or Magisterial.
({dy}次降临时)我的化身是与Sananda的双重化身,我们一起称为约书亚(或Yeshua)·本·约瑟夫。如同The Urantia Book中所描述的,当造物主之子完成了他{zh1}的赠与,他会独自离去,而没有那些通常陪同着各种沉降之子使命来到星球(无论赠与的还是xx的)上的人。

Now with the Second Coming Event, Sananda Immanuel does become the Planetary Prince of Urantia. I have a couple other Ascending Sons in similar positions in my Universe, and an Ascending Son also in a position of System Sovereign. These jobs, in my Universe, do not have to be held by the Descending Sons, and in the worlds of rebellion, I have learned the Ascending Sons, with their vast experiential learning, better understand the worlds that rebel. So be it, with Sananda.
现在的第二次降临,Sananda Immanuel成为了Urantia的行星王子(Planetary Prince)。在我的宇宙中,我有许多其他上升之子在类似的职务上,也有一个在System Sovereign任职。在我的宇宙中,这些工作不必都交给沉降之子,在路西法叛变中我认识到,上升之子通过广阔的体验学习,比那些反叛者更理解世界。关于Sananda,就这样吧。

Lucifer was not all wrong, he thought he had a better way, but EGO was a huge problem with him, his EGO remained so strong, that at the end, at his trial, he chose to be uncreated, rather than come out of his box, and try on a different hat.

In his quest to do his own thing, he created a very limiting box, and this is what is behind the rebellion of Lucifer in the first place. He was not happy with how I run my Universe; he felt his system needed to be more boxy. It needed more rules. He felt with his ideas, he could actually speed up evolution, and he set it back instead. So we now have The Correcting Time.

Sananda Immanuel does not desire to remain the Planetary Prince forever, nor should he be. He will, as he stated in one of the messages with Candace, vacate the position when you are all grown up, and elect your own.
Sananda Immanuel不希望永远保持行星王子的职务,他亦不该。他希望(如同在某信息和坎迪斯讲的),当你们都成熟了,他会离职,由你们自行选举新的行星王子。(译者注:据目前的信息,停滞期后一年左右,Esu会居住在地球上,成为所谓的“世界总统”,管理世界的重建。)

I did indeed leave this double incarnation at the time of the Cross, and Sananda was healed, actually the special body healed, and then Sananda carried the genetics to India where he married and fathered 5 children. He and Mary Magdalene also brought a female child, SaRa into the world, in Europe. Mary Magdalene was the incarnate Lady Nada, Sananda Immanuel’s soul mate.
在十字架上被处死后,我确实离开了这个双重化身,Sananda被xx了(即耶稣复活),当然那个特别的身体痊愈了,然后Sananda将遗传因子带到了印度,他在那儿结婚,育有5子。在欧洲,他也和Mary Magdalene生了一个叫做SaRa的女孩。Mary Magdalene是Sananda Immanuel的灵魂伴侣Lady Nada的化身。

Back to Friendship with God. Many people who sense God speaking often assume this is Jesus, because of the lack of teaching. You know that Angels and guides of a wide variety communicate with you, when you listen. As you continue to grow up, more will commune with me, more will commune with the Magisterial Son. We can communicate with many in a variety of ways at this time. You will communicate with us, when you become aware of us. It is again, just that simple.
回归与上帝的友谊吧。许多人因为缺乏教导,臆断上帝就是耶稣。你应该知道天使和指导灵会经常与你交流,当你(用心)听的时候。随着你继续成长,你会更多地与我交流,更多地与xx之子(Magisterial Son)交流。我们可以跟许多人通过多种方式交流。当你觉察到我们,你会与我们交流。就是这么简单。

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