
1、金属表面处理法 金属表面处理工艺比安眠镀层、表面渗透、表面氧化钝化等。其目的提高金属耐蚀能力,改善金属的机械能能。表面处理的阀门上应用广泛。 阀门连接螺铨常用镀锌、镀铬、氧化(发蓝)处理提高耐大气、耐介质腐蚀的能力。其他紧固件除采用上述方法处理外,还根据情况采用磷化等表面处理。 密封面以及口径不大的关闭件,常采用渗氮、渗硼等表面工艺,提高它的耐蚀性和耐磨性。38CrMoAlA制作的阀瓣,渗氮层≥0.4mm。 阀杆防腐问题是被人们所重视的问题,积累了丰富的生产经验,常采用渗氮、渗硼、镀铬、镀镍等表面处理工艺,提高它的耐蚀性, 耐蚀性和耐磨擦伤性能。不同额表面处理应适于不同的阀杆材质和工作环境,在大气、水蒸气介质与石棉填料接触的阀杆,可采用镀硬铬、气体氮化工艺(不锈钢不宜采用离子氮化工艺);在硫化氢大气环境中的阀采用电镀高磷镍镀层有较好的防护性能;38CrMoAlA采用离子和气体氮化也可耐蚀,但不宜采用硬铬镀层;2Cr13经过调质后能耐氨气腐蚀,采用气体氮化的碳钢也能耐氨的腐蚀,而所有磷镍镀层不耐氨腐蚀;经过气体氮化38CrMoAlA材料具有优良的耐蚀性能和综合性能,用它制作阀杆为多。 小口径的阀体和手轮也常镀铬处理,提高其耐蚀性能,装饰阀门。 2、采用非金属材料法 非金属耐腐蚀性优良,只要阀门使用温度和压力符合非金属材料的要求,不但能解决腐蚀问题,而且可节省贵重金属。阀门的阀体、阀盖、衬里、密封面等常用非金属材料制作,至于垫片,填料主要死非金属材料制作的。用聚四氟乙稀、氯化聚 醚等塑料、以及用xx橡胶、氯丁橡胶、丁晴橡胶等橡胶做阀门衬里,而阀体、阀盖主体是一般铸铁、碳钢制成。即保证了阀门强度,又保证了阀门不受腐蚀。夹管阀也是根据橡胶的优良耐腐蚀性能和优异变性能而设计出来的。现在越来越对的用尼龙、聚四氟乙稀等塑料,用xx橡胶和合成橡胶做各种各样的密封面,密封圈,用于各类阀门上,这些用作密封面的非金属材料,不但耐腐蚀性好,而且密封性能好,特别适于带颗粒介质中使用。当然,它们的强度和耐热性都较低,应用的范围受到限制。柔性石墨的出现,使非金属进入了高温领域,解决了长期难以解决的填料和垫片泄露问题,而且是很好的高温润滑剂。 3、喷刷涂料法 涂料是应用最广泛的一种防腐手段,在阀门产品上更是一种不可缺少的防腐材料和识别标志。涂料也属于非金属材料,它通常由合成树脂、橡胶浆液、植物油、溶剂等配制成,覆盖在金属表面,隔绝介质和大气,达到防腐目的。涂料主要用于水、盐水、海水、大气等腐蚀不太强的环境中。阀门内腔常用防腐漆涂刷,防止水、空气等介质对阀门腐蚀。油漆内掺有不同颜色,来表示法恩使用的材料。阀门喷刷涂料,一般在半年至一年一次。 4、添加缓蚀剂法 在腐蚀介质和腐蚀物中加入少量其他特殊物质,能够大大地减缓金属腐蚀的速度,这种特殊物质称为缓蚀剂。缓蚀剂控制腐蚀的机理,是它促进了电池的极化。缓蚀剂主要用于介质和填料处。介质中添加缓蚀剂,可使设备和阀门的腐蚀减缓,如铬镍不锈钢在不含氧的硫酸中,很大的溶度范围内成火化态,腐蚀较严重,但加入少量硫酸铜或硝酸等氧化剂,可使不锈钢转变钝态,表面生成一层保护膜,阻止介质的的浸蚀,在盐酸中,如果加入少量氧化剂,可降低对钛的腐蚀。阀门试压常用水作试压的介质,容易引起阀门的腐蚀,在水中添加少量亚硝酸钠可以防止水对阀门的腐蚀。石棉填料中含有氯化物,对阀杆腐蚀很大,如果采用蒸镏水洗涤方法可降低氯化物的含量,但这种方法在实施中困难很多,不可普通推广,酯适于特殊的需要。为了保护阀杆,防止石棉填料的腐蚀,在石棉填料中,在阀杆上涂充缓蚀剂和牺牲金属。缓蚀剂由亚硝酸钠、铬酸钠能使阀杆表面生成一层钝化膜,提高阀杆的耐蚀能力;溶剂能使缓蚀剂慢慢地溶解,而且能起润滑作用;在石棉中添加锌粉作牺牲金属,实际上,锌也是一种缓蚀剂,它能首先与石棉中的氯化物结合,使氯化物与阀杆金属接触机会大为减少,从而达到防腐目的。涂料中如果加入了红丹、铅酸钙等缓蚀剂,喷刷在阀门表面能防止大气的腐蚀。

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1, metal surface treatment method Metal surface treatment coating than sleep, surface infiltration, surface oxidation passivation. Aim to improve metal corrosion resistance, mechanical energy can improve the metal. The valve surface treatment widely used. Bolts used to connect the valve zinc, chromium, oxidation (fat blue) to increase air resistance, resistance to media corrosion. Other than adopting the above approach to fasteners, also depending on the circumstances such as surface treatment with phosphate. Sealing surface and the closure of small diameter parts, often with nitriding, boron surface infiltration process, improve its corrosion resistance and wear resistance. 38CrMoAlA produced disc, nitriding ≥ 0.4mm. Stem corrosion problem is to be paid more attention to the problem of accumulated rich production experience, often by nitriding, boride, chromium, nickel and other surface treatment to improve its corrosion resistance, corrosion resistance and wear abrasion performance. Different amount of surface material should be suitable for different stem and working environment in the atmosphere, water vapor medium in contact with asbestos filler stem, can be used with hard chrome plating, gas nitriding process (ion nitriding process of stainless steel should not be used); In the hydrogen atmosphere in the valve with high phosphorus nickel plating has a good protective properties; 38CrMoAlA ion and gas nitriding may also be corrosion, but not with hard chrome plating; 2Cr13 capability after ammonia corrosion after quenching, by gas nitriding of carbon steel corrosion and ability to ammonia, and ammonia all the impatience of phosphorus nickel coating corrosion; after gas nitriding 38CrMoAlA material has excellent corrosion resistance and overall performance, use it to create stem as much. Small-diameter valve and hand wheel often chrome treatment to improve its corrosion resistance, decorative valve. 2, using non-metallic materials method Non-metallic corrosion resistance fine, as long as the temperature and pressure valves meet the requirements of non-metallic materials can not only solve the corrosion problem, and can save precious metals. Valve body, valve cover, lining, sealing surface such as metallic materials used, as gaskets, packing materials, mainly death metal produced. With PTFE, chlorinated polyether, such as plastic, and the use of natural rubber, neoprene rubber, NBR rubber and so do valves lining, and valve body, valve cover subject is generally of cast iron, carbon steel. Valve that ensures strength and ensures the valves from corrosion. Folder control valve is based on the excellent corrosion resistance of rubber and designed for excellent performance out of change. Now, more on the use of nylon, PTFE and other plastics, synthetic rubber with natural rubber and do all kinds of sealing surface, seals, for various types of valves, such as the non-sealing surface materials, not only good corrosion resistance and good sealing performance, especially suitable for use with granular media. Of course, their strength and heat resistance are low, restricted range of applications. The emergence of flexible graphite, so that the field of non-metal into the high temperature to address the long-term difficult to solve the problem packing and gasket leakage, and a good high-temperature lubricant. 3, chevrons painted coating method Paint is the most widely used means of a preservative, in the valve products is an indispensable anticorrosive materials and decals. Non-metallic coating materials are also, it usually synthetic resin, rubber slurry, vegetable oil, solvents and other preparation of covering the metal surface, isolation media and the atmosphere, reaching a preservative. Coating is mainly used for water, salt water, sea, air and other less-corrosive environment. Valve cavity commonly used anti-corrosion paint to paint, to prevent water, air and other corrosive medium on the valve. Mixed with paint in different colors to indicate Fine materials used. Valve stencilled paint, usually once in six months to one year. 4, add the inhibitor method Corrosion in the corrosive medium and adding a small amount of other special materials, can greatly slow down the rate of metal corrosion, this special material known as corrosion inhibitors. Corrosion inhibitor control mechanism is that it promotes cell polarization. Inhibitor mainly used for medium and padding. Medium added inhibitor, could slow down the corrosion of equipment and valves, such as chrome-nickel stainless steel in sulfuric acid containing no oxygen, the great state of cremation within the range of solubility, corrosion more serious, but a small amount of copper sulfate or nitric acid and other oxidants, can change the passive stainless steel surface generates a layer of protective film to prevent the medium of etching, in hydrochloric acid, if a small amount of oxidant, which reduces the corrosion of titanium. Valve pressure test used to test the water pressure in the medium, prone to corrosion of the valve, add small amount of sodium nitrite in water to prevent corrosion of water on the valve. Chloride containing asbestos filler, much corrosion on the valve stem, if the use of distilled water washing method can reduce the chloride content, but this approach are many difficulties in implementation, not general promotion, esters suitable for special needs. To protect the valve stem to prevent the corrosion of asbestos packing, asbestos packing in the valve stem fully coated metal corrosion inhibitor and sacrifice. Inhibitor from the sodium nitrite, sodium chromate can generate a passive film stem surface to improve corrosion resistance of the valve stem; solvent inhibitor can slowly dissolve, but also a lubricant; in asbestos Adding to the expense of zinc metal, in fact, zinc is also a corrosion inhibitor, it can first of all asbestos in the chloride binding to chloride and metal contacts greatly reduced stem, in order to achieve a preservative. If you added the red paint in the Dan, lead-acid and calcium inhibitor, called chevrons painted on the surface of the valve to prevent atmospheric corrosion.

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