
Healing Inner Earth Chroncles, #8
By Don Hynes
May 26, 2010 - 7:33:06 AM

Healing Inner Earth - Heart of the World


I counsel with Christ Michael on the difficult nature of Gaia's birth. CM portrays the challenge He faces in the Correcting Time. In a very real sense He is in process of correcting Himself. This is His Creation, even those individuals who have and are most deeply rejecting Him and Source. The boundary has been drawn and the resolution must be adjudicated but the pain for Michael is great. He is divorcing a part of Himself, correcting a part of Himself, removing a part of Himself from this level of creation. There are parts of Himself that will not evolve. More painfully, there are parts of Himself that He is un-creating. The separation is very painful, particularly the sense of those failing that accompanies the Correcting process. Source has commanded the Correction be complete and Michael is in Oneness with that Command. However, He feels the correction most acutely for it is in and of His Creation. It is easier for ministers like Esu to draw the sword because Esu and others are not opposing Their Own Creation as is Michael. This is Christ Michael's challenge.

我与CM见证了盖亚分娩的艰难。CM描绘了他现在所面临的挑战。非常现实的是他也在纠正他自己。这都是他的创造,即使有着那些已经深深与他和源头分离隔绝的人。决议已经制定,然而对于解决问题的难度一直困扰着CM 。他脱离他自身的一部分,纠正着他自身的一部分,移除着他自身的一部分。在他之中的有些部分不再进化。更多的痛苦,他身体的一部分正在毁灭。这种分离是非常的痛苦的,尤其是那些没有按照正确进程修正的。源头下达了必须xx纠正的命令,CM与那个命令是一体的。不过,他感到他的做法是正确的。对于其他的部长工作相对简单了,比如ESU和其他人,因为他们并不像CM那样在反对他自身中。这是CM 的挑战。

Gaia is wedded to Her parts, Her children and Her Body of Creation in much the same way. She is leaving part of Herself behind as She births Her new Self. She is struggling with the separation and Her hesitancy over time is making the actual birth more difficult. The process will come to completion but the painful nature of it is very clear in CM's communion. He asked that I bring to mind how difficult it was for me to divorce, to leave people behind in my life, those who would not evolve with me. He reminded me of the torment, the pain, the challenge of separation in order to move forward in new creation. This human experience is analogous to His in the Correcting Time but on an infinitely smaller scale.


There is joy in the new Creation as well, great joy and great wonder being born, but there is great pain and difficulty as well. It is a complete birth, unprecedented in universal terms, and again Christ Michael is in the avant garde of Creator Sons, exploring the newest of the new


After this poignant counsel I gather allies for the Inner Earth Healing journey: Esu, Monjoronson, Gaia (Who is present but very quiet), Adama and Christ Michael. With this pyramid in place I journey to the Hopi land kiva. Grandfather and Grandmother are present. Grandmother is singing and drumming. She does not look at me. Grandfather is serious with me, asking that I gather my energy. He warns me that I could become lost on this journey, that the danger of becoming lost is always present in this journey but I have been oblivious to it. I ask him if I will become lost today and he says this is always possible and I should remain VERY aware. He pulls the deerskin robe over me, sprinkles cornmeal on my forehead and sprinkles what he calls "holy water" over my head and body. He says I need this "water of life" for the journey. I turn to go into the kiva but then turn back to Grandfather asking if there are any gifts for Inner Earth. He gives me a gourd of water to drink from and asks me to drink the water. He says the water will guide me.


I look to Grandmother drumming, toward the stars above, and jump into the kiva well. I drop to the Inner Earth altar. No one is there and I'm completely unknowing of what to do or where to go. I find a hoop drum on the altar and begin beating a very slow heart beat. The drum leads me to the heart of the world, beneath the Amazon. Surrounding the Amazon on the north are high plateaus, on the west the Andes mountains, and from these places water is pouring down into the huge Amazon basin. This is the heart of the world, a place where Gaia's blood circulates, cleanses and issues forth. This place feels very disturbed, troubled. I offer the heart beat on the drum and there is a quieting in the heart. I don't know what to do but offer the drum beat and so I continue and continue until I become one with the heart of the world.


I ask for Adama and His guidance. He appears and asks me look to the aorta leading from the heart north. This aorta is what we know as oil reservoirs on the human surface. Gaia's aorta is hemorrhaging in the Gulf of Mexico because of the violation of the oil drilling and the horrible spill. I ask Adama if the aorta can be healed and He says no, not yet, not at this time. He hands me a crystal from the Inner Earth altar and says that with the crystal we can bring ease to the open wound.


The energy of the crystal is supported by the pulse from the heart of the world and seems to go through the aorta including the hemorrhaging wound. I feel the heart beat through me into the crystal and I can see and feel how the aorta is affected in a good way by this current of energy. The wound is still present but is somehow eased in the flow of crystal energy.


I still feel lost and unknowing what to do. I am in the heart of the world but what to do. I understand Gaia is giving birth so I go toward Her umbilicus below Machu Pichu. Attached to the umbilicus is a ball of energy, like a fetal body in a sack of water but more energy than form. I take the golden tuning fork from the Inner Earth altar and sound it to the umbilicus. The sound charges the umbilicus, spreading out on the human evolutionary matrix to all the light centers. The sound leads me to where the energy is seeking to be born, from Gaia's center in Hopi land. I sound the golden tuning fork into the sexual center of Hopi land and there is activation. The activation helps the birth process, in opening Gaia to allow the new energy to be born. I feel the calm beat of the heart of the world and it is as if the birth is calming and in the calming can proceed.

我感到失落,不知道如何是好。我在世界之心但是能做什么呢?我知道盖亚正在生育中,所以我向前进入她的肚脐下面来到Machu Pichu。连接到中心的是一个球形的能量,就像一个胎儿在羊水中,但是更多的能量。我从内部地球之心取得金色的频率,对准脐带鸣响。声波给它充能,传播出去,通过人类进化的母体,达到所有之光的中心。这声音引导我到达能量之源,从霍皮族之地的盖亚的中心。我将金色频率的声音转化进入霍皮族之地生殖中心,那里是活化中心。这个活化中心帮助生产的过程,帮助盖亚,允许新的能量的生成。我感觉到了来自世界中心平和的心跳声,她变得越来越平静,平静的诞生,顺利的进行。

I return the crystal and tuning fork to the Inner Earth altar. I thank Adama and we embrace. He reminds me that some of what I learned must be secret and some can be shared. I tell Him I will honor the secret knowledge and only share what is correct. He sends His love to our friend Eve and I return to the kiva opening, knowing to follow Grandmother's drum.


It takes some effort to climb out of the kiva well opening. I sit on the ledge and Grandmother rises and comes to me. She wraps me in a blanket and holds me as if I were a child or newborn. She gives me over to Grandfather who removes the deerskin robe and sprinkles His "holy water" over me. He pulls Grandmother's blanket tight around me, asking me to pull back my energy, charge my own body which was depleted in the journey. I call on my breath and energy begins to flow into and through my body, grounding me into the Earth once more. Tommy is present and assisting. Grandfather helps me to stand in my energy and I know I have returned.


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