
  选择阀门主要零件的材质,首先应考虑到工作介质的物理性能(温度、压力)和化学(腐蚀性)等。同时,还应了解介质的清洁程度(有无固体颗粒)。除此之外,还要参照国;使用部门的有关规定和要求。 许多种材料可以满足阀门在多种不同工况的使用要求。但是,正确、合理地选择阀门材料,可以获得阀门最经济的使用寿命和{zj0}的性能。 阀门的材质,种类繁多,适用于各种不同工况。现把常用的壳体材质、内件材质和密封材质介绍如下。 壳体常用的材质 1.灰铸铁 适用于工作温度在-1 5~200℃之间,公称压力PⅣ≤1.6MPa的低压阀门。用介质为水、煤气等。 2.黑心可锻铸铁 适用于工作温度在-15~300℃之间。公称压力PⅣ≤2.5MPa的中压阀门。适用介质为水、海水、煤气、氨等。 3.球墨铸铁 适用于工作温度在-30~350℃之间。公称压力PⅣ≤4.0MPa的中低压阀门。适用介质为水、海水、蒸汽、空气、煤气、油品等。 4.碳素钢(WCA,WCB,WCC) 适用于工作温度在-29~425℃之间的中高压阀门。中1 6Mn、30Mn工作温度为-40~450℃之间,常用来替代ASTM A105。适用介质为饱和召-2:和过热蒸汽。高温和低温油品、液化气体、压缩空气、水、天然气等。 5.低温碳钢(1CB) 适用于工作温度在-46~345℃之间的低温阀门。 6.合金钢 WC6、WC9适用于工作温度在-29~595℃之间的非腐蚀性介质的高温高压C5、C1 2适用于工作温度在-29~650℃之间的   腐蚀性介质的高温高压阀门。 7.奥氏体不锈钢 适用于工作温度在-196~600℃之间的腐蚀任介质的阀门。 8.蒙乃尔合金 主要适用于含氢氟酸介质的阀门中。 9.哈氏合金 主要适用于稀硫酸等的强腐蚀性介质的阀门中。 10.钛合金 主要适用于各种强腐蚀介质的阀门中。 11.铸造铜合金 主要适用于工作温度在-27~200℃之间氧气管路和海水管路用的阀门中。 12.塑料、陶瓷 这两材料都属于非金属材料。非金属材料阀门的{zd0}特点是耐腐蚀性强甚至有金属材料阀门所不能具备的优点。-般适用于公称压力尸N≤1.6MPa,工作温度不超过60℃的腐蚀性介质中,xx塑料阀也适用于给水工业中。

“ Valve Material Selection ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 等。


Select the main part of the material valve should first take into account the physical properties of working medium (temperature, pressure) and chemical (corrosive) and so on. Should also understand the cleanliness of the medium (with or without solid particles). In addition, the comparator; user departments with the relevant provisions and requirements. Many kinds of materials can meet the valves in a variety of different conditions of use requirements. However, the correct, rational selection of valve materials, access to the life of the valve most economical and best performance. Valve material, a wide range of different conditions apply. Is the common shell material, which pieces of material and sealing material described below. Material commonly used in shell 1. Grey cast iron suitable for working temperature between -1 5 ~ 200 ℃, nominal pressure P Ⅳ ≤ 1.6MPa low pressure valve. With the medium is water, gas. 2. Black heart malleable cast iron suitable for working temperature between -15 ~ 300 ℃ in. Nominal pressure P Ⅳ ≤ 2.5MPa of pressure valves. It is used to water, water, gas, ammonia and so on. 3. Ductile iron suitable for working temperature between -30 ~ 350 ℃. Nominal pressure P Ⅳ ≤ 4.0MPa of the low pressure valve. It is used to water, water, steam, air, gas, oil and so on. 4. Carbon steel (WCA, WCB, WCC) is applicable to the temperature between -29 ~ 425 ℃ in the high-pressure valve. In 1 6Mn, 30Mn operating temperature between -40 ~ 450 ℃, is often used to replace ASTM A105. It is used to call -2 saturated: and superheated steam. High and low temperature oil, liquefied gases, compressed air, water, natural gas. 5. Low carbon steel (1CB) applicable to operating temperature -46 ~ 345 ℃ in temperature between the valves. 6. Steel WC6, WC9 applicable to operating temperature -29 ~ 595 ℃ non-corrosive medium between the high temperature and pressure C5, C1 2 is applicable to temperatures between -29 ~ 650 ℃ high temperature and pressure corrosive media valve. 7. Austenitic stainless steel suitable for working temperature -196 ~ 600 ℃ any corrosion between the media valve. 8. Monel alloy is mainly applied to the valve in the medium containing hydrofluoric acid. 9. Hastelloy mainly used dilute sulfuric acid and other strong corrosive medium of the valve. 10. Titanium alloys are mainly applied to the valve of strong corrosive medium. 11. Cast copper alloy is mainly applied to operating temperature between -27 ~ 200 ℃ in oxygen piping and valves used in water pipes. 12. Plastic, ceramic materials belong to two non-metallic materials. Non-metallic materials, the biggest characteristic of the valve is corrosion-resistant metal valve even can not have advantages. - As applied to nominal pressure corpse N ≤ 1.6MPa, working temperature does not exceed 60 ℃ in the corrosive medium, non-toxic plastic valve also applies to water supply industry.

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