甘肃省进一步加强猪肉屠宰和检疫管理« oursolo.net




Gansu Province to further strengthen pork slaughtering and quarantine management

Of food safety for the implementation of a comprehensive inspection, all the way for higher pork pork products to prevent diseases, water, dead pork to bad and good fraud charge, to the masses brought about by economic and health hazards.

11 zone on day 19 animal quarantine station sent five staff members, of Lanzhou City肉联厂slaughter households were carried out supervision of inspection. Failure to quarantine a bid up the price of pork and,以假充真,以次充好offenses such as fraud, according to the relevant provisions of the country have been dealt with, but also carried out to convince the education and proper guidance. Anti-violence law, not according to the law, public security departments, we had a solemn treatment. Also publicized the various operating households disease hazards and laws and regulations, and loaded with the relevant pictorial publicity.

through this inspection, and made remarkable achievements, so that households slaughtering from ideologically aware of the importance of meat safety. Thus act in accordance with state laws and regulations, at the same time protects the health of the masses and their own interests. (07-12-4)

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