
Quotes from Premier Wen's press conference
--"We are still facing many unfair problems in fields such as income distribution and the judicial sector. We should pay more attention to the poor and disadvantaged groups because they account for the majority of society."


--"China needs to strike a balance between maintaining a relatively fast and stable development, economic structural adjustment and management of inflation expectation to avert a possible economic double dip this year."


--"Chinese yuan is not undervalued and China will keep the yuan's exchange rate basically stable at a reasonable and balanced level."


--"China will make institutional arrangements to turn the country into a fair playing ground for foreign investors and grant foreign enterprises national treatment," he said in response to a question on the Chinese investment environment after Google's threat to pull out from the Chinese market.


--"I still cherish the wish to visit Taiwan one day as the Chinese history of 5000 years has a strong appeal and cohesive force. The 5000-year Chinese culture shall not be abandoned because of the politics of the past 50 years."


--"No matter how high a mountain is, one can always ascend to the top. The only way out and hope when facing difficulties lies in our own efforts."


--"I'm a staunch supporter of free trade."


--"We hope US and Europe to recognize China's market economy status and lift ban on hi-tech exports."


--"Inflation, unfair income distribution and corruption affect the social stability, even the State's power."


--"I almost didn't sleep during 60 hours' stay in Copenhagen and meet many state leaders, including discussion with Obama twice."


来源: 互联网

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