高露洁佳洁士队:军阀的战斗{lx1}牙膏(二) « oursolo.net


高露洁在塑造自己的“口腔护理专家的品牌形象”的愿望品牌的关注。广告经常出现身穿白大褂的牙医,教导人们正确的口腔预防和xx问题。 “我们的目标,没有蛀牙”,是站在了业界高度的口号广为传播,而且也表明高露洁害怕竞争,并有利于整个行业的气度和智慧。



佳洁士更是在针对儿童的公共营销队伍。早在1996年,设立了口腔健康教育组,对数以千万计的校徽小学和中学的学生进行了口腔健康教育。 2003年,佳洁士京沪穗成都等地也开始“佳洁士爱牙车”30多万中小学8000多万学生口腔健康促进活动,和他们的家长从中受益。 2005年,佳洁士在中国推出一个新的品牌战略,“健康自信,笑容传中国”后,立即启动佳洁士“微笑传递爱”的拯救行动,支持由民政部和残疾儿童部发起“明天计划“的行动,支持佳洁士成为{dy}个”明天计划“的国际xxxx。







很长一段时间,在外国品牌的牙膏的有效性在市场一直发挥主导作用的中药概念相对薄弱的地位,是没有价值的企业和消费者。 2005年4月,“高露洁牙膏可能含有致癌成分三氯生”的消息引起了公众的疑虑一个广泛的牙膏功效,人们开始转向健康的xxxxx为外地众所周知的。品牌在当地社区{lx}纷纷推出xxx牙膏,xxx牙膏因此新兴的市场份额。两面针牙膏



田七牙膏直接向中国和一些中文命名的植物西南特深深品牌田七品牌中医文化的印记。战略资源的稀缺抓住和成为伪迅速崛起的基石,人参。 2005年,田七了,“本草纲目”的经典公式,增加了保护牙齿的基础上,在xx市场推出的田七“本草”系列牙膏。随着巨大的中华文化和外国直接对抗,试图摆脱对中低端试图摆脱对外国投资的牙膏。








包含介素口”黑妹牙膏,数年前,世界上{dy}个有机钙牙膏- “黑妹钙牙膏柬埔寨人民党”和“黑妹牙膏清热去救火”,然后在2004年首次发射木糖醇牙膏,以及作为“2006年推出的黑妹牙膏清新的活力。”总是能够得到黑美趋势,以创新的产品概念,不断刺激市场,让美好的旧品牌。





Crest VS Colgate: warlords battle leading toothpaste (b)

Differences in points: Colgate uphold the authority of the image, Crest alternative route for children.

Colgate brand focus on shaping the aspirations of their own “oral care experts” of the brand image. Ads often appear wearing a白大褂dentists to teach people the correct oral prevention and treatment issues. “Our goal, no tooth decay,” which stood a high degree of industry-wide dissemination of the slogan, but also demonstrated Colgate fear competition, and benefit the entire industry magnanimity and wisdom.

the same demands are “no tooth decay”, to avoid a positive match with Colgate, Crest explore different avenues leading to the spread of selected children. Advertisement, a grin children, innocent nature. 3B in accordance with the principles of creativity, children of your audience is much larger than adult attractive. In fact, many adults (parents) the child is under the influence of the choice of Crest. At the same time, if a person from an early age to develop the habit of using the Crest, as batch after batch of “Crest of children,” the growth potential of its market will be doubled. Crest be able to catch up, it is the dissemination strategy厚积薄发results.

In China, our own extension of Colgate Oral Health Education century advocate of the marketing idea, not only in the global promotion of the “sweet smile, a bright future,” oral health education programs into China. Also for the status quo of China’s western region, as early as in 2001, with many national professional organizations in cooperation, “oral health smile works the western line” activities, are most in need of oral care in the areas of knowledge, transmission Colgate “Let’s all over the world there is no tooth decay” brand philosophy.

Crest is even more adept at public marketing aimed at children. As early as 1996, established the School Crest on the oral health education group to the tens of millions of primary and secondary school students conducted oral health education. In 2003, Crest京沪穗Chengdu and other places also started “Crest teeth love cars” oral health promotion activities, more than 300,000 primary and secondary schools more than 8000 million students and their parents benefit from it. In 2005, Crest in China launched a new brand strategy “Healthy self-confidence, smile Chuan China” immediately after the start the Crest “Smile love pass” action in support of the rescue was launched by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and disabled children “Tomorrow Plan” action to support Crest became the first “Tomorrow Plan” international well-known brands.

Second, local forces: the local Five Tigers, defensive counter-attack!

Crest, Colgate and other international brand-led market, domestic brands have to take a back seat. In this process, from Zanthoxylum nitidum, cold acid-ling, black girls, pseudo-ginseng, blue sky six Hartridge brands, such as the local leader of the “local forces”, currently occupy about 25% market share. In the second camp in a leadership position.

local coalition of the “Five Tigers will be” traditional toothpaste companies. The face of strong foreign capital squeeze giant, ingenious use of the Five Tigers home to its own advantages and location, and factors, hold high the banner of nationalism, is fully committed to maintaining the remaining market share is not being eaten up, and timely defensive counterattack on foreign capital.

1, the use of Guocui culture, the development of Chinese herbal toothpaste.

on behalf of the brand: Zanthoxylum nitidum, Zanthoxylum nitidum Tianqi

: picking up of the national banner of Chinese herbal toothpaste.

a long time, the effectiveness of foreign brands of toothpaste have been in the market play a leading role, at a relatively weak position of the concept of Chinese herbal medicine is not valued by businesses and consumers. April 2005, “Colgate toothpaste may contain carcinogenic ingredients triclosan” news aroused public doubts the efficacy of a wide range of toothpaste, people have begun turning to health natural herbal medicine known for the field. Brand leader in the local community have been offering Chinese herbal toothpaste, herbal toothpaste so that the rising market share. nitidine

local toothpaste are the first brand to try Chinese herbal formula, herbal toothpaste, as China’s leader in the field, nitidine herbal toothpaste in the market have been sold for many years, with a high audience recognition . Fluorosis after the incident nitidine herbal toothpaste sales soared. A few days ago, in response to foreign brands of Chinese herbal toothpaste market impact, standardized herbal toothpaste industry nitidine also led the drafting of national standards for herbal toothpaste, which has won extensive peer and public acclaim.

Tianqi: to seize the commanding heights of culture Guocui medicine.

Tianqi toothpaste directly to China and some Chinese plants西南特named Tianqi so deeply branded brand Chinese medicine imprint culture. The scarcity of strategic resources to seize and become the cornerstone of the rapid rise of pseudo-ginseng. In 2005, Tianqi again, “Compendium of Materia Medica,” the classic formula is added for dental protection, based on the introduction of high-end market for Tianqi “Materia Medica” series toothpaste. With giant Chinese culture and foreign direct confrontation, trying to get rid of the foreign investment of Chinese low-end attempts to toothpaste.

inventory: a piece of pure land also herbal toothpaste!

in recent years, Chinese herbal toothpaste toothpaste marketing has become the largest type, its market share by nearly 50%, the market is generally optimistic about the prospects. However, many domestic enterprises have an influx of Chinese herbal toothpaste toothpaste field, waving the banner of the toothpaste of Chinese herbal medicine products and styles, cohabitation, consumers difficile authenticity, these phenomena seriously affected the healthy development of Chinese herbal toothpaste.

particular attention is required, P & G, Colgate, Unilever and other foreign giants have also been involved in the field of herbal toothpaste, giving local businesses a very great impact. How to effectively preserve and make full use of Chinese herbal medicine to resist the concept of local enterprises to become the “foreign invasion” the most urgent task.

2, product innovation and market differentiation Cutting Products.

on behalf of the brand: the cold acid-ling, black-mei

cold acid Ling: In order to put the functional outerwear brands.

cold acid-ling as a local tradition of well-known toothpaste brands, such as day two decades, always adhere to anti-allergic function of toothpaste. From the beginning of nineties of the last century, “hot and cold sweet and sour, eat eat, cold acid Ling toothpaste” printed on the deeply engraved in the mental resources of hundreds of millions of audience. Cold acid-ling is also a matter of course to become the field of dental anti-allergy brand.

Star Products to avoid a single lead to the risk of an aging brand, cold acid on the teeth of Hope also continues to introduce new anti-allergic component, the introduction of its new cold-acid-ling mineral salts herbal toothpaste double anti-allergic, by tapping into the traditional Chinese herbal medicine The anti-allergic effects, opening up a Chinese herbal anti-allergic dental toothpaste of this new field.

and mei: New occur repeatedly, deduction brand “fresh and vibrant.”

from the first “international flavor contains Jie Su-mouth” black-mei toothpaste, a few years ago the world’s first organic calcium toothpaste - the “black-mei CPP calcium toothpaste” and “black-mei Qingre go toothpaste fire “and then in 2004, the first launch of xylitol toothpaste, as well as the 2006 launch of the” black-mei toothpaste refreshing vitality. ” Always be able to get black-mei trend, with an innovative product concept, and constantly stimulate the market, so that the good old brand.

toothpaste has little fear of domestic enterprises, such as black-mei as be able to have so many “first” products. Seize the hot trend of the times to meet the needs of consumers personalized, diversified needs, and younger sister are the prominent characteristics of product development. Support of this strategy are high-tech black girl Product R & D strength.

inventory: Beware of becoming a small niche market of lonely dancer!

name because of the cold acid-ling directly convey the functions of the product characteristics, cold acid Ling brand will inevitably limit the anti-hypersensitivity toothpaste in the area of this subdivision, and this cold acid Ling extended to other areas of toothpaste set up steeplechase. Cold acid-Ling had a separate “登康” brand to the oral care market. However, the operation of a dual-brand will be distributed enterprises is bound to the limited marketing resources. Although black-mei

be able to continuously launch new concept products, but most products are only part to meet the personalized demands of consumers, can not occupy the mainstream market, it is difficult to form an effective size of sales. Once the star product sales decline, it will drag the overall sustainable development. (07-12-3)

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