美国100吨奶粉,却被中国乳品业是否仍然愿意选择进口奶粉« Reuse world

可以肯定的是,中国将继续对进口奶粉相当数量。严格检验检疫的进口不能一刻放松。 06.8.28

United States 100 tons milk powder turned back by the Chinese dairy industry is still willing to choose to import milk powder

100 tons of milk powder by the Chinese the United States the issue of entry-exit inspection and quarantine departments ordered to send back, the value of 200,000 U.S. dollars of imports of milk powder have been blocked in China outside of the country, the reasons for which are contained nitrite more than China’s import standards. In light of this, China’s State General Administration of Quality Supervision has issued a warning bulletin to remind all over the Inspection and Quarantine Strict inspection of imported milk powder in the nitrite content.
The announcement was issued by Beijing Exit Inspection and Quarantine. From July 10 to August 10, a Chinese company has 3 times milk powder imported from the United States, for a total of 100 tons. The health of the people of various closely related to imported goods, especially food, China’s legal requirements and inspection and quarantine law enforcement are very strict, for each batch sampling will be conducted. The problem is found in the sampling.
in accordance with China’s national standards for milk in the nitrite content per kg over 2 mg should not, but it granted the United States 3 nitrite content of milk were 2.8 mg per kg, 4.4 mg and 2.7 mg, all over. Food health experts told reporters that excessive intake would nitrite poisoning, manifested in human tissues or hypoxic vasodilation, blood pressure lowering, if a person accumulated intake of more than 3 grams, or even death.
Exit Inspection and Quarantine in Beijing stressed that this problem has 100 tons of powdered milk in the United States under the stringent control over and do not enter the Beijing market, but the council did not open China and the United States purchase of the business name suppliers. This reporter learned that the situation is that it granted the United States 3 milk chocolate are the raw materials for manufacturing imports.
At present, this issue of the United States 100 tons of milk powder under the relevant provisions have all been returned, the former two groups returned to the basic handling procedures have been completed, the third installment of the course is being arranged. Journalist
dairy industry associations from China that the Chinese people are gradually changing the low consumption of dairy products eating habits, although China’s current annual per capita consumption of milk near the standard of 20 kilograms per capita and the world more than one hundred kilograms of the level Have a big gap, but compared with the past has increased significantly. Moreover, the upward trend continues, 20 years later, the Chinese people at an average annual milk consumption will likely reach about 60 kilograms. Last year, China’s dairy production reached 13,104,000 tons, the dairy industry has been more than 60 billion yuan output value. China Dairy Industry Association predicted that China’s domestic dairy market in the next 3-5 years will be 25% of the speed to maintain high economic growth.
such high-speed development, the domestic shortage of milk collection or there remains a need for imports. First half of this year, dairy imports more than 190,000 tons. At present, China mainly from New Zealand, the United States, France, Australia imports of dairy products. Generally speaking, these countries the management of dairy products are very strict, such as the United States FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Authority)are very famous Strict. Dairy Association of China vice chairman Xu Dinghua people think that the problem of the milk powder may have are in the manufacture of powdered milk on the milk collection. According to Xu Dinghua person, are prohibited by the United States to restore the formula milk to produce milk or milk (milk disinfection bus), the requirement to use local fresh milk. Now China has also advocated using local fresh milk to produce milk or milk, which means that China does not encourage the import of milk powder to produce reconstituted milk. Xu Dinghua
said: From the nutrition perspective, with milk production, after all, are secondary to restore the milk processing, compared to fresh milk, nutrition, or have loss; from an economic perspective, reducing the import milk powder, to promote the use of local fresh milk of the country’s dairy farmers are a support. According to him, China’s milk powder imports has indeed decreased.
However, many dairy enterprises willing to choose or import a considerable quantity of milk. On the one hand, it’s cheaper than buying fresh milk in the local cost-effective, but also can reduce the acquisition of fresh milk in China and support base for the trouble of milk collection. On the other hand, a lot of milk powder imported from the quality that is more conducive to production. For example, some imported content of antibiotics in milk is relatively low, use it made of reconstituted milk to the yogurt fermentation, quality and taste are quite good.
To be sure, China will continue to have a considerable number of milk powder imports. Strict inspection and quarantine of imports can not be a moment to relax. (06-8-28)

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