关于我们的面具- Windows Live



I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I ve learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it s not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because you know that s weakness in your eyes
I m forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can t possibly break
When it wasn t even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don t know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I m ashamed of my life because it s empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

Comments (3)

一直觉得你很聪明,生活得很在意很用心。脑子里面总是想着人生的各种问题。看你的空间就好像是在浏览你成长的心路历程,很有意思,不过要注意不要太在意于要求自己长大啊,偶尔幼稚单纯一下也没什么不可以的。成长总是要求人们去适应它,做出各种各样的改变,有时候生活会一下子把成长的重担摔在你面前,让你觉得突如其来,也有时候会像背着千斤重负一样,缓缓的压着让你觉得窒息。(Speaking out of experiences) 在这个过程中会有很多惆怅,人不得不学会去面对孤独,去承受所看到的、所失去的和所经历的,而这个过程中不一定会有人理解你,很多事情只有独自面对,所以是孤独的。然后当你的认识提高了或者变广阔了,又要去承受新的认识带来的冲击,这种冲击改变着人的人生观和价值观,当你在你的经历的基础上有了新的认识时,让原有的简单、天真的自我变得更加复杂了,你就蜕变了、升华了。但是在心底隐隐的、永远都不能磨灭的,是这个过程中你所体会到的惆怅、失落和孤独。They are the reminders of what we have lost and who we have become.
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