北京购买新自行车保持单身会提供实名三入店« oursolo.net







销售人员说,目前的销售淡季。一个国家的元首国有商店,说,从11月25日张小姐,商店的只有6个自行车。前门自行车商店在广渠门大街,自行车架是由有10位代码,营业员说,15码光刻新自行车刚刚下线,还没有到位。 “我们已收到来自商界,告知他们的真实姓名,但尚未收到顾客离开前,在今后一个重要的资格注册一个三,单一的,所以目前只有相关的资料。”


“这是为客户带来好处,我们也不会受到影响。”昌平中国自行车之旅,他说,推销员。市民尹女士认为,销售不会受到影响,但可能会增加。 “在过去,消费者希望购买害怕失去,现在有安全保障,以及谁买会更自然。”





Beijing to buy a new bike to remain single will be providing real-name triple入店

December 1, the first has a “birth certificate” of the Beijing production bike went down the production line, a coding system for the implementation of a bike. In future, consumers buy a bike real identity information must be retained in the three
Alliance list their names and identity card number. Triple will be with a single lithography for 15-bit code, the new factory with the bike into the store.


most do not know the real name registration system

“to register the ID card to buy a bike?” yesterday afternoon, Qianmen Avenue广渠门several bike shop customers hear the real-name registration system have expressed their knowledge. Salesperson, Mr. Zhang said that after only a few specially-site real-name registration advice, the majority of customers still do not know the system has been implemented.

“This is good since the car more secure.” Mr. Liu told the public the system, think it’s good for the purchaser is a good measure of protection. Mr. Chen also expressed a similar view, but consider him the name, identity card, etc. Contacts are privacy, hope that the relevant enterprises and departments to proper custody, not to data loss or abuse.


real-name registration would not affect the sales of several bicycle shops
sales staff said that the current low season for sales. The head of a state-owned stores, said Miss Zhang, from the November 25 date, the shop sold only six bicycles. Qianmen Avenue in广渠门bike shop, bike racks are made each have 10-bit code, a salesperson said that the lithography of the 15 codes New bike just off the assembly line, has yet to arrive. “We have received from the business sector to inform their real names, but has not yet received a triple, single, so currently only the relevant information before the customer left, the future, an important qualification to register.”

In the reporter visited several shops , there are two that are read to know the real-name registration system, and have not been related to the management of written notice. The rest of the store sales staff said, about not receiving notice of the real-name registration system, as long as customers do not invoice, store the registration data will not be.

“This is beneficial to customers, we would not be affected.” Changping Chinese bike trip he said salespersons. Miss Yin public believes that sales will not be affected, but may increase. “In the past, consumers want to buy are afraid of losing, and now have the protection of security, and those who buy will be more natural.”


without Sanlian single tenants manufacturers will be chasing Select

Beijing governance stolen bike Panel staff said that at present, Beijing Bicycle shop sales of the cars are before December 1 for production, not lithography coding. Sanlian lithography alone would have been encoded with the new factory bike to the various stores, so stores have not a single triple.

the staff member said the vote sent coded bike shop owners, the manufacturers, merchants on the business sector will triple the attention and use of single issues. If there is no triple bike coding single, industry and commerce departments will hold the responsibility of merchants and manufacturers. (07-12-3)

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