中海与首钢签署铁矿石租船« oursolo.net



Zhonghai signed with the Shougang iron ore affreightment

Yesterday, China Shipping (Group) Corporation and Shougang Corporation in Beijing to sign a long-term transport of iron ore imports, “affreightment.” This is the second in October 2006 signed a 230,000 tons of large cargo ship “affreightment” since once again work together. After the signing of the contract, in the sea will provide two 300,000-ton and a 230,000-ton large-scale carriers, long-term imports of iron ore for Shougang carrier. At this point, the two sides signed a total tonnage of cargo transport has reached 1,060,000 tons.
president of China Shipping Corporation李绍德said that steel companies do a good job in China Shipping Development Services are an important way, in the sea with Shougang’s twice as the history of the development co-operation opportunities with Shougang signed a long-term transport “affreightment “Enterprises are long-term development of strategic initiatives.

Shougang Group Chairman朱继said, “Eleventh Five-Year” period, Shougang’s production base will be relocated to Caofeidian, to the “Eleventh Five-Year” period, Shougang steel output will reach 20 million tons imports of iron ore will be more than 30 million tons. And China Shipping entered into a long-term contract of carriage, you can lock Shougang iron ore imports of transportation costs, but also beneficial to both sides a win-win situation. (07-12-3)

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