

M CH D11 12月了真快~感受啥子都没做又一年畴昔了淡季啊淡季我要淡死了驴友去么好了要不这种日子过的真是~良久没跟新了由于比来没啥子汉子玩所以也没啥子工具好写的看了几本片子啥子的稍微总结下〈scent of awoman〉闻喷喷鼻识女人最经典固然是Al Pacino的这本了5星for Al难怪能拿小金人演技果真了得经典台词对白良多最经的是飞机上说的一段关于女人的话讲这话时的语气神志OH MY~Women!What can you say?Who made’em?God must have been afuckin’genius.The hair–They say the hair is everyt你好ng,you know.Have you ever buried your nose in amountain of curls.and just wanted to go to sleep forever?Or lips–and when they touched,yours were like.that first swallow of wine.after you just crossed the desert.Tits!Whoo-ah!Big ones,little ones,nipples staring right out at ya.Like secret searchlights.Mmm.And legs–I don’t care if they’re Greek columns.or secondhand Steinways.What’s between’em,passport to heaven.I need adrink.Yes,Mr.Simms,there’s only two syllables in t你好s whole wide world worth hearing:pussy.Hah!Are you listening to me,son?I’m givin’you pearls here.I guess you really like women.Oh,above all t你好ngs!A very,very distant second.is aFerrari.Charlie?Give me your hand.T你好s is just the start of your education,son.再就是蜗居的确很黄很现实其实每一个女人都有做2奶的潜质每一个汉子都有包2奶的感动。再强硬的莱菔SO SO~再Saw 6不亏为经典没有让我掉踪望前5分钟最窒息90分钟连成一气感受6拍的比5好等待来岁万圣节的7~

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