男人吃什么是精子啊? « Live in China 混在中国



发布日期:2004 - 05 - 13十六时48分05秒












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Men eat what is Spermatogenesis ah?

men to eat what is Spermatogenesis ah?

male impotence nourishing food Grand

Release Date :2004-05-13 16:48:05

shrimp - shrimp, delicious taste, tonic and medicinal roles is relatively high. Chinese medicine believes that its sweet, salty, warm in nature, there is impotence kidney, complement sperm Tongru achievements. Where Jiubingtixu, shortness of breath, fatigue, do not think diet, can be as nourishing food. People eat it regularly shrimp, there are physical effects Zhuang body.

mussel - mussel dishes, also known as beads, shell dishes. Rich in protein, iodine, B vitamins, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus and so on. Its taste salty, warm in nature, there are Wenshen Gujing, Qi tonic effect. Applies to male sexual dysfunction, nocturnal emission, impotence, housing workers, Diabetes embolism. Men eat it regularly can be in shape to enhance sexual function.

Loach - loach with high-quality protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B1, niacin, iron, phosphorus, calcium. Its sweet nature, there is Bu Zhong Yi Qi, Yang Shen spermatogenic efficacy. In regulating sexual function have better effect. Loach contains a special protein, can promote the formation of the role of sperm. Men eat it regularly loach can be nourishing for Health.

Donkey - As the saying goes: The goose heaven, earth Donkey. Donkey delicious, is a high-protein, low fat, low cholesterol meat. Chinese medicine believes that donkey sex sweet cool, there are qi nourishing, Ziyin impotence, soothe the nerves to the annoying effect. Donkey kidney, sweet and warm in nature, there is kidney impotence, gluten Zhuanggu effect. Treat impotence do not move, Yaoxisuanruan embolism.

oysters - also known as oyster oyster clams, oysters child. Rich in zinc and iron, phosphorus, calcium, high-quality protein, carbohydrates and other vitamins. Its taste salty, slightly cold, it Qian Zi-yin-yang, kidney essence astringent effect. Vegetables in Oyster men can improve sexual function and sperm quality. Pairs of men s wet dream, virtual Laofa loss, kidney and other erectile dysfunction have better results.

Quail - Quail saying goes, you want to eat birds, but also the number of quail. Quail meat tenderness wei shiang, fragrant but not too sweet, wild birds has been classified as top grade. Quail meat is not only taste delicious, nutrient-rich, but also contains a variety of inorganic salts, lecithin, hormones and a variety of essential amino acids. Quail meat and eggs is a good tonic, there are strong tonic effect. Chinese medicine believes that quail meat can make up the five internal organs, essence and blood, Wenshen help Yang man was a frequent consumption of quails can enhance sexual function and increase strength, strong and bones.

eggs - eggs, the body s sexual function nutrition carrier is recovering after the sex life the best reducing agent. Arabs, a few days before the wedding to Congshao eggs mainly in order to ensure a happy wedding night sex. The Indian doctors suggested the husband and wife sex life, you should drink from the eggs, milk and honey boiled a big porridge. Chinese people have also spread the custom of the wedding dinner fried eggs. Newly married couples sex life with frequent physical exertion large, fill fresh eggs contribute to the rapid resumption of strength.

snake - In recent years, food has become a fashionable snake. When the two snakes mating, it will continue for a long period of time (viper up to 6 ~ 24 hours), eating snake meat can be effective in sexual life longer.

pigeon - pigeons of fertility strong, strong sexuality, male and female mating frequently and this is because the pigeons especially strong due to the sex hormone secretion, so people helping yang pigeons as a wonderful physical goods, that the It has replenishing kidney-qi, strong role in sexual function. The effectiveness of pigeon eggs, pigeons, more than meat, eggs, pigeons and doves, according to measurement, like meat, rich in protein, vitamins and iron and other elements of its high nutritional value. The following therapeutic side strong kidney essence better results.

(1) to take half a pigeon meat, Morinda 10 grams, 10 grams of drugs yam, wolfberry fruit 10 grams, stewed clothes, soup meat. Or previous drug use with a pigeon, if the service after the dry side, can also be used tremella amount of stewed pigeon, then fill and not dry.

(2) or pigeon eggs take two, medlar 10 grams, 5 grams of longan meat, eggs, pigeons taking pot, food will be added to a little rock sugar, do not like to eat sweet, could put a little thin salt seasoning, drugs into the kidney can also be cited.

dog - dog meat, sweet, salty, warm in nature, with Yipi and stomach, nourishing aphrodisiac effect. Compendium of Materia Medica contains, dog meat as an five internal organs, Qingshenjianfei Qi, kidney fill the stomach. Warm waist and knee, Zhuang air force, make up five workers and injured seven, make up blood and other effects. Burning dog with black beans, meat Yin Tang, cure impotence premature ejaculation. Will be attached to simmer ginger cooked dog meat can be burned Wenshen impotence, Quhan pain. Dog sex hot, multiple food to get angry. Where heat ulcer and Yang Sheng Huo-wang persons, unfit for human consumption.

leek - Leek also cried out Yang grass, lazy vegetables, longevity chives, flat dishes. Many famous poets in ancient China are mentioned in verse, leek, such as the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu s night rain cut the spring grasses and the new cooking between the utopian ; the Song Dynasty poet Su Shi s Jianjue Dongfeng Liaoqiao cold, Artemisia annua Huang Chun Allium test drive. Since ancient times, Chinese chives can be seen by our people love and attention. Not only the quality of Chinese chives tender and delicious, very rich in nutrients. According to the analysis, each containing 500 grams of leek for more than 10 grams of protein, fat, 3.0 grams, 19 grams carbohydrates, 280 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 225 mg, iron 6.5 mg, vitamin C95 mg to 17.5 mg carotenoids (in leafy vegetables , in addition to gold cauliflower, the content of the highest).

modern medical studies have shown that Chinese chives contain not more cellulose, can increase gastric motility, for habitual constipation useful and important for the prevention of colorectal cancer, it also contains a volatile oil and sulfur-containing compounds, with the promotion of appetite, sterilization and reduce the role of blood lipids. Therefore, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease patients who benefit. Leek is still bent on the traditional Chinese medicine, is widely used since ancient times. Herbal Supplements wrote: Leek and lower temperature gas, tonic, to reconcile internal organs, it is able to eat, Yiyang. Compendium of Materia Medica, said, leeks Bugan and Mingmen, cure urinary frequency, enuresis, etc. . Chives because Warming liver and kidney, to help highlight the role of Yang Gujing, so in medicine, is a play-yang grass in the name. Leek seed for the shock of agents, there is solid essence, to help yang, kidney, cure zone, warm waist and knee and other role, for impotence, nocturnal emission, polyuria and other diseases. Research with leek seed powder, sooner or later each day, serving 15 grams, water delivery service, for the effective treatment of impotence. With leek roots, Jian Zhi oral administration for treating night sweats, spontaneous perspiration.

Lychee - Lychee with pectin, malic acid, citric acid, free amino acids, fructose, glucose, iron, calcium, phosphorus, carotene and vitamin B1, vitamin C and crude fiber and other ingredients. Chinese thought, litchi Sweet, warm, with replenishing qi and blood, Tim refined marrow, Sheng Jin, and stomach, skin and so the effectiveness of Feng Ze muscle. Yen is the health fruit fitness benefits, but also after the body fluid for the treatment of disease and renal deficiency, lack of nocturnal emissions, spleen deficiency diarrhea, insomnia, forgetfulness Zhu Zheng. Modern medical study found that lychee to improve people s digestive function, improve blood circulation, so it is muscle-run beauty role; can improve people s sexual function, for the treatment of nocturnal emission, impotence, premature ejaculation, cold Zhu Zheng, and improve the body anemia status, and deficiency Erzhi waist and knee pain, insomnia, forgetfulness embolism. Body thin skin black, and impotence premature ejaculation, take litchi stem 10, Schisandra 10 grams, 15 grams of Rosa laevigata, Shuijianbi day one, Jiufu can be physical fitness, treatment of disease. However, litchi and warm, no more food. Chili Zhi Huo-wang are advised not to heat and liver.

Sparrow - Sparrow Meat contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, inorganic salts and vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and so on. According to be added to food recipe, records, bird meat can make up the five internal organs, benefits essence, warm waist and knee, from Yang Road, narrowing it, but also governance woman metrorrhagia vaginal discharge. Motherland medicine, bird meat can boost yin essence, is the Zhuang Yang Yi Jing s Jiapin, applicable in the treatment of deficiency caused by impotence, low back pain, urinary frequency and back five internal organs of the gas shortage. Jiujin bird meat, cooked food or drink burning, there are Onyang effect. For yang deficiency, impotence, premature ejaculation , vaginal discharge psychosis has a good effect. bird eggs and birds is also a good tonic role of the brain. bird brain kidney Lee ears, cooked food, can cure male impotence, nocturnal emission embolism; bird eggs can help kidney-yang, complement sex fluid effect. For treatment of impotence, low back pain, semen crisp disease effectively. bird meat big hot spring and summer, and suffering from all kinds of fever, inflammation, were unfit for human consumption.

Yang Shen - also known as Yang Yao Yang Shen child. rich of protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, iron, phosphorus and so on. the sweet, warm in nature. Yousheng Lean blood, impotence kidney effects. Japan-China Materia Medica, said Yang Shen can be Fill wasting, overcast weak, impotence kidney. kidney deficiency impotence applies to those who eat.

Wolfberry - Wolfberry, also known as Chinese wolfberry. contains carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin C, Vitamin E, a variety of free amino acids, linoleic acid, sweet taro alkali, iron, potassium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and other elements. TCM that: wolfberry fruit Sweet, ping, portal triad, kidney, lung, nourishing the liver there kidney, benefit shrewd eyes, and blood Runzao, Ze skin Yuet Yan, Pei-Yuan UFA and other effects, is to improve sexual function for men and women s health medicine. can be used to treat liver and kidney, dizziness, depending on the material dim, nocturnal emission impotence , looking An Huang, beard and hair brown, Yaoxisuanruan, Yin Lo cough, elderly Diabetes embolism. Modern Medicine study found that wolfberry fruit with enhanced immune function, strengthen the body resistance, promote cell new, lower blood cholesterol content, anti-atherosclerosis, improve skin elasticity, anti-organ and skin aging and so on. Supplements of wolfberry fruit, can delay aging, skin beauty benefits Yan and improve sexual function. Wolfberry has the role of excitatory nerve, eroticism are advised not to taking.

pine nuts - pine nuts are important aphrodisiac food. Chinese view, pine nut kernels Sweet, tepid, there is strong yang fill bone, and blood and skin, lungs and cough, Hua Chang laxative effects, etc.. Modern Medicine study found that, pine nut kernels contain more unsaturated fatty acids, high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption of a physical fitness and improve immune function, anti-aging, eliminate wrinkles, skin beauty, increase of function and so on. is a nourishing health food in the elderly. For loss of appetite, fatigue, feeling strong, nocturnal emission, night sweats, multi-dreams, physically weak intensity of the lack of erection who had better curative effect. pine nuts contain oils can nourish the skin, delicate skin Gentle.

sparrow eggs - Sparrow eggs are rich in quality protein, lecithin, brain lecithin, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. medicine that: sparrow eggs, sweet, salty, warm in , with nourishing essence and blood, impotence Gushen effect. for lack of precision of blood, limbs not warm, chilly embolism. a deficiency caused by impotence, lack of precision of blood due to amenorrhea, dizziness, looked sick who eat sparrow eggs, with fitness, beauty, enhance sexual function and so on. there is Yin Huo-wang, Yang Sheng sparrow eggs were inedible.

frozen tofu

oysters, celery, leek

grain cereals


leek, loach, sparrows

too complicated!
you can eat seafood, chocolate can increase sexual desire.04-12-29

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