good news-wedding about the dormate sis_望海天_新浪博客

 last october , they met each other !

the story was complecated. the key is to persuade the realities of sis for my act!

the same content was repeated again and again, at least ten times!

each time about 1 hour, collect them, as for me, one hundred rmb an hour for my h salary

add the sis phychology help, in total

so much


good <wbr>news-wedding <wbr>about <wbr>the <wbr>dormate <wbr>sis

in fact, i worried about them. hope them love each other deeply. hope they marry!


praise them to them !

encourage sis

let the old and the elder put their heart to the stomach

it's meaning!

at least , sb aroud me is so happy!

remember the scene, it 's jogging

 i said these to one ,then repeat the same to another unkle, and then, told the sis

all the thing is so complexed ,and so easy, so fun!


 pray for them!

meanwhile,it should be considered for me what i should do!!!

dear dr 's back!

but no other news!

maybe, it's dr's rejection!

i don't know where the tears should go!

i don't know what i should do further!


a great guy never eat his words!

however, the fact is here!


the half year, the cheat?

i seemed i should quesstion myself!

why believe the web since you haven't believe?

even so u you do!!!


on the other hand, i tell myself dr is busy with sth!

when free, dr will contact u!


how simple!


the road to the future is so  so ....

i don't know how to walk!!!!!


no dr, the world is so dark!!!

so dark!!!

the fact is

 the fact is



the wind continue to wind lonely and alone


if dr feel happy ,if dr think this is happy for dr

don't complain



after all, who u have been waiting for is happy

don't cry, dear!

don't cry!

at least, dr is happy!!!



have a smile




evry body has his or her reason to do this or that





do it well

do everything well as you can


hope dr smile everyday

hope dr happy every moment

hope  ........



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