

2010-05-11 14:31:46 阅读4 评论0 字号:


1. Providing first-class service is one of the tactics the airline adopts to attract passengers.

A. methods   B. attitudes   C. thoughts   D. solutions

2. John’s mindless exterior concealed a warm and kindhearted nature.

A. appearance   B. personality      C. outlook   D. temper

3. Factors leading to the crisis included poor regulation, mismanagement and deception in the industry, and competition from other types of financial firms.

A. cheating   B. pollution    C. abuse   D. depression

4. Ploughs and other agricultural implements were on display at the recent exhibition.

A. equations   B. playthings   C. tools   D. machinery

5. The combination of lenses in a compound microscope makes possible greater amplification than can be achieved with a single lens.

A. management   B. magnificence C. magnetism D. magnification

1. 答案:A。


2. 答案:A。

解析:exterior为名词,意为“外面;外貌。外表”,如She maintained a calm exterior, though really she was furious. “在外表上她保持着平静,但实际上她生气极了。”故A项appearance“外貌,外表”正确。其他选项的意义分别为:personality“人格,个性”,outlook“景色,风光;观点”,temper“脾气”。

3. 答案:A。

解析:deception以为“欺骗,蒙骗”,由动词deceive派生而来,如They deceived her into signing the paper.“他们骗她在文件上签了字。”A项中的cheating为“欺骗;xx”之义,该词由动词cheat派生而来,主要是指游戏当中的不诚实行为,如He always cheats at cards.“他玩纸牌时总是xx。”故A项正确,其他选项的意义分别为:pollution“污染”,abuse“滥用,妄用;辱骂,污蔑”,depression“萧条;沮丧”。

4. 答案:C。


5. 答案:D。


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