红烧孩子如何做« City life wiki 城市百科



Braised child how to do

I was asking snacks simmered child. The beginning of the practice of how to use starch made of grass jelly, and add alum to do? Increase the number? The best position to elaborate.

Braised child is made of starch, add water evaporation, the general need to add a little alum in order to increase the hardness and transparency, which usually dry starch terms, the amount of alum to join the hands of 1-2 per thousand can be. Braised son
to do with choice of potato starch, potato starch as well, solidified agile, easy to knot when Jianzhi ga.
brewed: starch 500 g, diluted with water to place a moment, starch deposition, the Daoqu float above the impurities with water. According to hardness of the finished product is expected to 2.5-3 kg of water, add 1-2 thousandths of alum, stirring evenly, to fire into the cold-brewed pot, pay attention to mixing to keep the fire, brewed to the starch from white into a transparent-like When the cease-fire pan, Sheng into a clean pot, cool place to place, solidified after curing for practical and eat that can be temporarily stored in cold water home.
Jianzhi: cut into pieces hob, drain water and fuel in the fire Jianzhi, pending Braised son was transparent like (junction Ga better) when the pan.
spices: garlic, shrimp sauce, mahjong, chili oil, stir Jian Hao staple food of simmered child in
: cake, rice porridge plus a number of side dishes February 2
Please enjoy delicious bar!05-12-27

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