热线法导热分析仪TCT 426| 国内供应信息| 国内采购信息- 精彩商务贸易 ...
对于耐火材料,其导热性能是一项十分重要的性质,尤其在耐火材料被用作为工业设备的衬层之时,这一性能显得尤为重要,甚而对设备结构有着决定性的影响。某些场合(如绝热材料)要求热耗低,这时便需要材料的导热系数较低;另一些场合下则恰恰需要高的导热系数(如热交换器)。国际上将导热系数 λ 定义为热流率除以温度梯度,单位 W/(m*K)。
NETZSCH TCT426 包含了上述全部三种方法,通过更换预装有热线的相应的测量框,可在其间自由切换
TCT 426 - 技术参数
•    温度范围:RT ... 1500℃
•    炉体:带 12 个 Super-Kanthal 加热元件
•    升降温速率:0.01 ... 5 K/min
•    气氛:静态空气
•    热线功率:0.1 ... 50 W(在 2 个区域内功率连续可调)
•    使用热电偶测量温升
•    样品尺寸:250mm×125mm×75mm(由两片样品构成一个测试单元)
•    交叉线法、十字线法相应的测量框
•    T(R) 法的测量框(选件)

北京市石景山区高新技术产业孵化基地      邮编:100041  
电话:(+86-10)6888 2912  
Wedding Gown Tips
Bustles. One of the first things we think about as we study the styles and designs of wedding gowns is that it should look beautiful both during the ceremony and during the reception. After the ceremony, the bride usually wants to be able to move more freely, be able to turn easily, and perhaps be able to dance. If a gown has a detachable train, this is easily achieved.  But if you’re drawn to gowns without detachable trains, bustling the gown or the train is the answer. Wedding Gownswedding dresswedding dressescouture wedding dressescheap bridal gownFlower Girl Dressescheap Wedding dresses2010 Wedding Dressescheap bridal gowns2010 Wedding Dressestea length wedding dresscheap bridal gownsglovecheap wedding dressescheap wedding dressWedding Gownsbridal gowncheap Wedding dressescheap bridal gownsbridal gown

Wedding Gown Tips  

Sewing a wedding gown can be one of the most exciting projects you’ll ever undertake, regardless of whether it’s for yourself, for your daughter, or for a friend. Some people sew one, and after it’s finished, can’t wait for the next opportunity to sew another. Other people find themselves involved in a much bigger project than they’d ever anticipated and feel slightly (or totally!) overwhelmed until the last stitch is put in.  

Whether you’re tackling your first wedding gown or have sewn several, the tips below will help you avoid some wedding-dress dilemmas so that your sewing experience is enjoyable. Read on and let your imagination help you create a dream-come-true wedding gown.

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