令人担忧的高价玩具,学习用品« Reuse world

昨天,书店,文具柜台前发言挤满了人,漫画的字母,五颜六色刷… …前来购买的{zd1}年级的孩子的父母。罗,一个“成本188元,现价98”礼品袋体育用品商店被装上了柜台上的最显眼处文具。 “你看,这个袋子上星期,有十多个,而现在有45个离开。”销售人员介绍,“买这个包,一文具礼品套装还送。是在文具设备可以买到开幕前夕,有许多成年人礼品购买60至100元的文具礼品盒,发送给朋友或亲戚的孩子。”
小型商业的潜在客户的新面貌,在产品制造商并没有花较少的努力,今年的各种文具,也有衣着很多。街走进一间文具店,我觉得到玩具店,文具盒,旨在形成的书架,一个统治者和粘合剂钥匙圈球普遍使用,二楼笔笔已经成为一个“花束” ,“辣椒”,“茄子”,“香蕉”,对过去的“看起来”丑陋的圆规,圆规仙女现在女孩都设计,而且对机器人男孩圆规设计。导言,如果不是老板,你真的不承认它是做什么。日本和韩国,一文具商店专营,一个标记了像拇指大小,颜色糖果;彩色漫画出现在卡通,两色,与亮片。销售人员告诉记者,他们的新文具,从塑料袋橡胶,从日记的信纸,以及贴纸和香珠等,今年有新的,这些“价值”的新文具也相对较高几十例如,青蛙手工卷笔刀70元,大约相当于普通30长。同样的热销高价文具文具样式不断翻新,价格逐渐增加。红荔路一间文具店,可容纳水瓶,雨伞,与袋带更正销售超过260元;另一水果,直到三,四小橡胶西装,价格18;与温度计,指南针,多功能铅笔盒60元,比普通铅笔盒高出近一倍。店主说,现在文具设计更为复杂,价格自然会越来越高。国王,在北道一间文具店,只要与韩国式赶上边缘文具,家庭物品的价格普遍比高出数倍低。流氓兔系列的笔,用整体绒布包装,价格32,在打印前塑料货币5方笔。普通铅笔也是钱左右,不过,标有“MADEINKOREA”的铅笔卷可以像橡皮筋一样的,像,每销售款式新颖4.5,学生的选择来同一地段。看到炽热的业务,老板是女性:“你的价格,但销售仍然不小的孩子没有金钱的概念,什么好看的买什么,即使父母没有击败他们的争论孩子。“是帮助儿子挑选文具看这个星期为新的儿童购买文具花费500多元。另一位市民还抱怨说,10岁的孩子准备上学,买文具只花了200多元。虽然新产品的高价格的花,但这些包,笔袋,往往是一个学期后,使用不再使用,取代了。专家认为应该坚持简洁的文具和学生文具玩具和昂贵的趋势,十余年的李苑撤嗯资面临的实际的原则选拔指出,小学和中学,一些学生不买新文具使用,但觉得有趣,一所学校的学生经常在课堂上玩文具盒,发挥卷笔刀,新奇文具容易传播儿童在课堂上的注意力;课余文具展览会相互竞争,蓬勃发展,但也容易鼓励孩子挥霍金钱操纵。她建议,家长应该坚持其文具选择简单实用的原则,实现学生学习文具各种损害。
深圳中学教师还指出,“消费者教育”,家长们往往有一种盲目的纵容下,以考虑,只要孩子学习,没有多少钱花钱,这种做法不仅不有利于儿童的学习,而且还使儿童发展到花钱自由的坏习惯的相互比较。在为孩子着想的消费尚未成熟,学校和家长要加强孩子的{lx1}地位。 “无计划,无节制的消费模式是不适当的,特别是身体和精神方面发展的,时机尚不成熟。家长不应该对孩子的’消费’的反应,首先要清楚为什么孩子买,买学习真正有用的东西,同时,让孩子明白血汗钱。因为如果孩子不是必需的,但为了显示比较和消费,家长要产生反效果。“(6月8日- 30)

School supplies of high-priced toys of worrying

Summer Holiday Happiness flash over the next few days will be school children, and a variety of school supplies has become a hot market. Stationery market is this year’s range of stationery products continue to emerge, the price gradually rose. The face of student stationery toys and expensive trends, have teachers think, stationery or should be skills-oriented, too many toys stationery feature will be easily dispersed students attention, while high-priced stationery is easy to encourage students to mutual comparison of the psychological . Business
school started
comprehensive Dongmen Huaxi palace of a stationery shop, the cool dog pencil case, book a Watermelon Taro packets of paper, all kinds of stationery such as Pooh ball-point pen filled with three shelves, there are only ten bags Several styles and price at 80 yuan to the hundred range. Smart stall as early as in early August began备足sourcing, “bags, including the book of paper, monthly folder, Writing case, such as commodities, the largest sales this time around, the students are out before the semester begins replaced, notebooks, ball pens, ruler, pencil sharpener what sales also rose two-cheng. “
yesterday, bookstores stationery floor before counters crowded with people, cartoon drawings alphabet, colorful brush … … come to buy are the most lower-grade children’s parents. Lo, a sports shop with a “cost 188 RMB, current price 98″ gift bags were loaded on the stationery of the most conspicuous place on the counter. “You see, this bag last week, there are more than a dozen, and now has 45 left.” Salesperson Introduction, “to buy this bag a stationery gift set还送. Gifts are opened on the eve of stationery equipment can buy there are many adults buy 60 to 100 yuan stationery gift boxes, sent to friends or relatives of the child. “
stationery also play the new face of a very peculiar
small commercial potential customers, manufacturers in products did not spend less effort, this year a wide range of stationery were also a lot of well-dressed. Street walked into a stationery shop, I feel like into the toy store, Writing case is designed to form the second floor of the bookshelf, a ruler and key ring on the adhesive, commonly used in ball-point pen has become a “bouquet”, “Pepper,” “Eggplant,” ” banana “; past” looks “ugly Kompasu, now both for Kompasu Fairy Girl design, but also for the design of robot boy Kompasu. Introduction, if not the shopkeeper, you really did not recognize it is doing. Japan and South Korea, a stationery store franchise, a marker was made thumb size, color candy-like; crayon cartoon appeared in a cartoon, two-color, with sequins of. Sales staff told reporters that their new stationery, from bags to rubber, from the diaries to the letterhead, as well as stickers and香珠and so on, this year there are dozens of new, these new stationery of “value” is also relatively high , for example, a frog manual pencil sharpener 70 yuan, about as long as the ordinary 30. The same hot-selling high-priced stationery stationery style constant renovation, the price gradually increased. Hung Lai Road, in a stationery shop, can hold a water bottle, umbrella, with correction of the bag strap to sell more than 260 yuan; another fruit until three or four small rubber suits, price 18; with thermometer, compass, multi-function pencil case 60 respectively, higher than ordinary pencil cases nearly doubled. Shop owner, said the stationery design is now more complex, the price will naturally rise higher and higher. King, a stationery shop in North Road, as long as with the Korean-style to catch the edge of stationery, home goods prices generally lower than several times higher. Series流氓兔a pen, using the whole flannel packaging, price 32, the side of the pen before printing plastic money 5. Ordinary pencil is also a money around, however, a marked “MADEINKOREA” the pencil can be rolled up like a rubber band, like, selling 4.5 per its novel style, the selection of students to come to a lot of the same. Seeing red-hot business, the shopkeeper was feminine: “You are the prices, but sales still are not small children do not have any concept of money, what good-looking arguing with what to buy, even if the parents fail to beat their children.” Is to help the selection of stationery son watch this week the purchase of new stationery for the children spent 500 odd dollars. Another member of the public also complained that for 10-year-old child to prepare for school, only to buy stationery and spent more than 200 yuan. Although the flower of the high prices for new products, but these bags, pencil case, are often used after a semester is no longer used, replaced again. Expert opinion should insist on the selection of stationery concise and practical principles of the face of student stationery toys and expensive trends, more than ten years seniority of the Li Yuan Chen pointed out that primary and secondary schools, some students not to buy new stationery for use, but feel that the fun , one school has students often play in the classroom Writing case, playing a pencil sharpener, novelty stationery easy to spread the children’s attention in class; after-school stationery show mutual competition, flourish, but also easy to encourage kids to spend money freely manipulated. She suggested that parents should stick to its selection of stationery is simple and practical principles, a variety of stationery detriment of students studying.
Shenzhen teachers in secondary schools has also pointed out that parents of “consumer education” often there is a blind connivance, in order to consider as long as children are learning, no amount of money to spend money, such an approach was not only not conducive to children’s study, but also to enable children to develop to spend money freely, mutual comparison of the bad habits. In view of the children are not yet ripe for consumption, the schools and parents need to strengthen the child’s lead. “Unplanned, uncontrolled consumption patterns are inappropriate, especially for physical and mental development of children is not yet ripe. Parents should not be on the child’s’ study of consumption ‘responsive, first of all to make it clear why the children to buy, buy something really useful, At the same time let the children understand that the hard-earned money. for if the child is not required, but in order to show comparisons and consumption, parents trying to be counter-productive. “(06-8-30)

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