
原文:Unified system to install gas valve scam Unified system to install gas valve scam "We are the gas companies, according to the provisions of your home to replace liquid gas valve safety valve." 51 before the gas company claiming to be a few people in residential areas near the Xiangyang Road market to the household "safety valve . " Yesterday, reporters from the premises owned gas company Dongfeng confirmed that the company had never promoted on the safety valve to the public, please be taken in the user beware. Yesterday afternoon, this reporter consulted the east gas company. Staff that did not appoint any person to sell products door, if there is any joint property reconstruction project will advance publicity, so Zhang aunt, who is certainly not met their gas company staff. The staff of the valve junction wipe clean and will run the bubble washing may be sales personnel intentionally loose gas pipeline, gas stove's flame color is also adjustable, these are the usual tricks of swindlers. They also reminded users have encountered a similar situation should call the gas company Dong Feng to verify the consultation call 8218474 for unidentified "staff" to be vigilant to avoid being taken.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

Unified system to install gas valve scam ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海埃非凯阀门有限公司还生产 及电动调速蝶阀,气动通风蝶阀,美标波纹管闸阀,c,平行式双闸板闸阀,欢迎您的选购。)


“我们是燃气公司的,按规定将你家的液化气阀门更换为安全阀门。”五一前,几个自称是燃气公司的人在襄阳路附近的居民区向住户推销“安全阀门”。昨日,记者从该处所属的东风燃气公司得到证实,该公司从未向市民推销过安全阀门,请广大用户谨防上当。 昨日下午,记者就此咨询了东风燃气公司。工作人员表示没有委托任何人上门推销产品,如果有什么改造项目会联合物业提前进行宣传,因此张阿姨等人遇到的肯定不是他们燃气公司的工作人员。   工作人员介绍,阀门连接处抹洗洁净会冒泡泡,可能是推销人员故意松动了输气管,燃气灶具的火焰颜色也是可以调整的,这些都是惯用的伎俩。他们同时提醒广大用户,遇到类似情况应先拨打东风燃气公司的咨询电话8218474进行核实,对于来历不明的“工作人员”要提高警惕,以免上当受骗。

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